hey ss420, did you see my seedling problem pics?
not yet.. i was busy as fuck yesterday.. ill explain more below...
i gotta say ... anyone that gets 2 lbs. from 1000w HPS bulb needs to be brick-shiting happy. experienced growers hit a wall when trying to get any more than this (even with supplemental co2) in a fast turnover garden. Trying to get more than 2 lbs. per 1k lamp usually leads to inefficiency, ie; scrogging etc. over long periods of time when multiple crops would have been more productive. I would never expect to reliably get more than 8 lbs. per 4000w ... and that will take some serious dialing-in -- or luck.
i wont expect to get more than 8.. by no means am i that greedy... but i do think i can get more.. with realitive ease.. at a gram a watt 4000 watts would equal about 9 lbs... so even if i can improve and get over that i will gravy.. but again most everything i think as far as future harvests go is pure speculation based on what ive read on other grows, what i am doing now as far as yields, and what i know is within my ability... but again.. we'll see... i can only hope and pray.. but if i dont at least hit 8 to 9 lbs a harvest with my new setup then ill be droppin the lights down to either fewer or less wattage.. but i mean... basically i will have 3 grows at once.. a autoflower sog in my veg room.. a clone to 12/12 sog in the flower room.. plus the 12 regular plants i will have going.. call it wishful thinking.. also i know it will take about a year of fine tuning and shit before i can.. but im all about it...
so ive been bust trimming.. yea.. i just sorta said fuck it and started cutting down and trimming... more or less because the 24 hours between yesterday and today wouldnt make a big difference.. and those that are premmy a little will still be a little premmie.. but what really made me decide to is i lost another BB sprout.. so i REALLY need to get the new girls on the hydro system.. which i plan on getting done today if i get/after i get the trimming of the rest of the girls done...
what i did was to take a pic of the pot the girls are in prior to chopping... then i cut and trimmed a girl and took a picture of the trimmed branches and the the meri stem they came from.. since it was to hard to take a pic of each girl before i trimmed..
the rubbermade container top i am using to trim on is about 2ft x 3ft.. i threw a messuring tape in there to show the lengths... i forgot to do that on a couple tho... anyways i did 10 out of 22 i believe.. let me know what you guys think so far...
sorry i couldnt wait one day TM.. ill still be grinding it out with you today tho..
ill post more pics when i get time...