SIMPSONSAMPSONs soon-to-be-but-not-quite-there-but-will-be-soon 4000w journal

ok.. assuming i max out my grow, which i figure will be around 14lbs total, with 4000ws.. and you can pull over half of that with 2000ws and a sog.. i will switch my entire grow op over to a sog grow.. without question.. i am all about getting yield.. so whatever maximizes what i get per harvest.. i am just assuming that my idea is going to give me the best yield.. but i really have no idea...

and.. even if i dont hit this 14lb mark i am sorta setting for myself.. but you still harvest half or more of what i harvest.. i will switch..

i gotta say ... anyone that gets 2 lbs. from 1000w HPS bulb needs to be brick-shiting happy. experienced growers hit a wall when trying to get any more than this (even with supplemental co2) in a fast turnover garden. Trying to get more than 2 lbs. per 1k lamp usually leads to inefficiency, ie; scrogging etc. over long periods of time when multiple crops would have been more productive. I would never expect to reliably get more than 8 lbs. per 4000w ... and that will take some serious dialing-in -- or luck.
hey bigmike i wanted to touch basis with u on the portable a/c issues..yours did not cool 2k hps right? but it was only 7,000btu..? did u ever upgrade? just curious picked up a new 11,000btu of the line from lowes.. curious 2 c how this bitch does.. wont have it up till endo of week tho..hit me up let me know if u have any advice concerning those units...

i was only running one of my 2 1000 hps. and when it was 85 outside it was 80 in the grow room and it took humidity down to 55-60%. it was 7000. i took that back and am waiting for delivery of a new 12000 dual hose set up. i am really interested in seeing if i can modify this new ac so that it can sit in my containing room and blow the cold air into the g room. then i wont have to worry about exhaust so much.

simpson>>> i touched my reflector today without my ac and it was a little warm. kind of unpleasant but not scorching. so it definetlly matters what temp the air is that you are cooling with
i gotta say ... anyone that gets 2 lbs. from 1000w HPS bulb needs to be brick-shiting happy. experienced growers hit a wall when trying to get any more than this (even with supplemental co2) in a fast turnover garden. Trying to get more than 2 lbs. per 1k lamp usually leads to inefficiency, ie; scrogging etc. over long periods of time when multiple crops would have been more productive. I would never expect to reliably get more than 8 lbs. per 4000w ... and that will take some serious dialing-in -- or luck.

really? only 2 lbs. that sucks. seemorebuds was claiming close to six lbs with 4 600 watts and no co2. supposing this is true.
hey ss420, did you see my seedling problem pics?

not yet.. i was busy as fuck yesterday.. ill explain more below...

i gotta say ... anyone that gets 2 lbs. from 1000w HPS bulb needs to be brick-shiting happy. experienced growers hit a wall when trying to get any more than this (even with supplemental co2) in a fast turnover garden. Trying to get more than 2 lbs. per 1k lamp usually leads to inefficiency, ie; scrogging etc. over long periods of time when multiple crops would have been more productive. I would never expect to reliably get more than 8 lbs. per 4000w ... and that will take some serious dialing-in -- or luck.

i wont expect to get more than 8.. by no means am i that greedy... but i do think i can get more.. with realitive ease.. at a gram a watt 4000 watts would equal about 9 lbs... so even if i can improve and get over that i will gravy.. but again most everything i think as far as future harvests go is pure speculation based on what ive read on other grows, what i am doing now as far as yields, and what i know is within my ability... but again.. we'll see... i can only hope and pray.. but if i dont at least hit 8 to 9 lbs a harvest with my new setup then ill be droppin the lights down to either fewer or less wattage.. but i mean... basically i will have 3 grows at once.. a autoflower sog in my veg room.. a clone to 12/12 sog in the flower room.. plus the 12 regular plants i will have going.. call it wishful thinking.. also i know it will take about a year of fine tuning and shit before i can.. but im all about it...

so ive been bust trimming.. yea.. i just sorta said fuck it and started cutting down and trimming... more or less because the 24 hours between yesterday and today wouldnt make a big difference.. and those that are premmy a little will still be a little premmie.. but what really made me decide to is i lost another BB sprout.. so i REALLY need to get the new girls on the hydro system.. which i plan on getting done today if i get/after i get the trimming of the rest of the girls done...

what i did was to take a pic of the pot the girls are in prior to chopping... then i cut and trimmed a girl and took a picture of the trimmed branches and the the meri stem they came from.. since it was to hard to take a pic of each girl before i trimmed..

the rubbermade container top i am using to trim on is about 2ft x 3ft.. i threw a messuring tape in there to show the lengths... i forgot to do that on a couple tho... anyways i did 10 out of 22 i believe.. let me know what you guys think so far...

sorry i couldnt wait one day TM.. ill still be grinding it out with you today tho..

ill post more pics when i get time...


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oh.. and as of now i have NO clue what wet weight is.. i didnt want to know... well i did.. but i sorta want it to be a surprise in the end...

BUT.. i did weigh the biggest cola so far... it weighted 2.7 ounces wet including stem.. which i believe is the second pic with the 10" cola...
oh.. and as of now i have NO clue what wet weight is.. i didnt want to know... well i did.. but i sorta want it to be a surprise in the end...

BUT.. i did weigh the biggest cola so far... it weighted 2.7 ounces wet including stem.. which i believe is the second pic with the 10" cola...

Nice harvest. Now i am just waiting for u 2 start ur hydro grow so i can learn, Anyway i still waiting for my girl 2 show sex.

Puff,puff bye
G'day mate

Love how things are going i've started reading your thread and let me say wow! i cannot belive the heads u got under those flouros. Thats amazing. how much did each one of those flouro setups cost? $$ US or AUS $$ how much are the bulbs ? are they like cool white or gro lux or something special ??? r these ho flourescents? whats the difference between these and regular ones? Sorry i've never seen flouros used like this with the results & sorry for all questions only on page 30. Check out My grow. im in process of upgrading tell me what u think. cheers madazz :weed:

great harvest and cant wait to see what the weight ends up being.

how would you compare those flourescents you have compared to hps lights?

How different do you think your yield would of been if you had hps lights instead?

I only ask cuz i have been following your grow for a while and I have a 2x1000 watt flower room set up while my plants are vegging now. I cant wait to flip them to flower, and my goal for this grow is 2 lbs. I currently have about 16 babies at about 2 weeks from seed and plan to vegg for another 2 or 3 weeks and then flip to flower. Do you think i will be able to reach my goal if i can get my temps under control?(both lights on are at a staggering 95 degrees!) Not good! I only ask cuz ur title of ur thread said 4000 watts and i saw that you are hoping to pull 2 lbs. I was hoping to pull 2lbs off of just 2000 watts. Thats why i asked the whole flourescent question. Thanks for your help!
awsome pics bro, im so fucking jelous of you right now, but god damn....we need to match bowls, lol,....also i feel like a real j.o. looking at those plants then looking at mine that i flowerd way early....makes me see the importance of vegg. time, but anyways congrats on the dankosity bortha:peace:bongsmilie:leaf:
there not a indica ...or sativa..ruderalis i believe..they flower based on age and maturity 6-8weeks..not on light basically ss can flower them in his veg room real small like ..pimp idea i just caught on to it...

SS no sweat i did my thing this morning in beautiful fashin..u know where to check it..31pics 20min upload. 9 girls took me well bout an 1hr per girl..thats with the GF helping.. wuz i too long does it take u per ladie to premanicure..
THANKS. I AM STARTing to feel a little insecure about harvesting. especially with these jacked up plants i got. i have seen a little bit of video here and there. i guess you just have to do it. i saw jorge cervantes doing it and i think be snipped the bud off of the stem after i was dried. i was wondering how much wait you would lose doing that.
nice pics ss, those look just a lil too tasty lol, That nug might hit 10gs dry! thats a nice nug bro, ttyl

so wats ur tech???? cut them, hang them upside down to drie for a lil???? or u cut them and start trimming then let them dry?
not yet.. i was busy as fuck yesterday.. ill explain more below...

i wont expect to get more than 8.. by no means am i that greedy... but i do think i can get more.. with realitive ease.. at a gram a watt 4000 watts would equal about 9 lbs... so even if i can improve and get over that i will gravy.. but again most everything i think as far as future harvests go is pure speculation based on what ive read on other grows, what i am doing now as far as yields, and what i know is within my ability... but again.. we'll see... i can only hope and pray.. but if i dont at least hit 8 to 9 lbs a harvest with my new setup then ill be droppin the lights down to either fewer or less wattage.. but i mean... basically i will have 3 grows at once.. a autoflower sog in my veg room.. a clone to 12/12 sog in the flower room.. plus the 12 regular plants i will have going.. call it wishful thinking.. also i know it will take about a year of fine tuning and shit before i can.. but im all about it...

so ive been bust trimming.. yea.. i just sorta said fuck it and started cutting down and trimming... more or less because the 24 hours between yesterday and today wouldnt make a big difference.. and those that are premmy a little will still be a little premmie.. but what really made me decide to is i lost another BB sprout.. so i REALLY need to get the new girls on the hydro system.. which i plan on getting done today if i get/after i get the trimming of the rest of the girls done...

what i did was to take a pic of the pot the girls are in prior to chopping... then i cut and trimmed a girl and took a picture of the trimmed branches and the the meri stem they came from.. since it was to hard to take a pic of each girl before i trimmed..

the rubbermade container top i am using to trim on is about 2ft x 3ft.. i threw a messuring tape in there to show the lengths... i forgot to do that on a couple tho... anyways i did 10 out of 22 i believe.. let me know what you guys think so far...

sorry i couldnt wait one day TM.. ill still be grinding it out with you today tho..

ill post more pics when i get time...
hell ya what a sight to see when i got back, looks great bro. are you smoking yet. trip went great plants look good when i got home. my friend could not house sit for me while i was away, but when i got home every thing waz the way i left it.... DAM GOOD DOGS... LOL
glad ur back safe..and the ladies were safe MG..wondering where SS is ..probably fucking his old lady in a pile of medicine and $$$$$$$$$$$$$
glad ur back safe..and the ladies were safe MG..wondering where SS is ..probably fucking his old lady in a pile of medicine and $$$$$$$$$$$$$
thats a goodone. ya thigs went great. went and looked at a few medical grow ops while i waz in redding, went fishing and caught a massive sun burn.... oregonians don't tan we burn.....LOL how was the harvest for you and SS. hope you got at least if not more then what you expected:mrgreen:
glad ur back safe..and the ladies were safe MG..wondering where SS is ..probably fucking his old lady in a pile of medicine and $$$$$$$$$$$$$

thats hella funny, but def true, he hasnt been on much today, he prob quick dried some of his meds and now hes:sleep:

thats a goodone. ya thigs went great. went and looked at a few medical grow ops while i waz in redding, went fishing and caught a massive sun burn.... oregonians don't tan we burn.....LOL how was the harvest for you and SS. hope you got at least if not more then what you expected:mrgreen:

theres no fish in our rivers right now, i was fishing all week and didnt catch shit! it was a bummer, hours later and many blunts later and soon before i knew it i had a mean ol burn on my neck and back:cuss: