How did he do this?


Well-Known Member
there is no method!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i did it in 160z cups and all 5 of them grew to 4ft tall, i have pics to prove it!!!!! u just grow as u normaly would , the only thing thats different is the amount of water u give per feed, less water more often!!! easy as m8.
Thats what the other members say.
How less is less? Enough water so the soil is just damp to the touch?
And how often were you watering your cup?
Would drooping leaves indicate over watering or is it natural for this watering schedule?

And what about nutes, if your watering several times a day how often would you add nutes?

Not one member discussed his/her watering & feeding program if somebody anybody could just explain even briefly how its done then that would be more than enough.


Well-Known Member
looks like a soil SOG in 16 oz cups to me. the method is SOG, the only reason he waters often is because the girls drink fast and they are in small containers, single colas because he trims the side branches in early flowering....did i miss anything?

the use of mychorrazae fungi will aid in nutrient uptake and increase the area of nute absorbsion.


Well-Known Member
Not one member discussed his/her watering & feeding program if somebody anybody could just explain even briefly how its done then that would be more than enough.
you water and feed just like any other size soil/soiless container. water when dry. how often you feed is determined by how strong you feed. you can feed every watering if you feed light.


New Member
rite, water until the soil is completely saturated, until the wates drains thru the holes at the bottom, let the soil dry out then water the same again, as for nutes use the same as u would in ur normal grow, mix ur nutes in a large bucket, i would start with quarter the recommended dose and work ur way up slowly, if u see tha plant atarting to burn then flush the soil and cut back a bit on ur nutes!!!!

it realy is easy m8, just take ur time and be patient, remember water until the sol is completely soaking, let the top 2 inches dry out and water again,!!

its hard to say how often u should water because i dont kno how long it will take for ur soil to dry in ur environment, i.e ur temps, humidity and so on, do u get me?????????? hope that helps!! ok m8.


Well-Known Member
If the question is how to grow big plants in small containers you should really look into Hempy, which is passive hydro. I grew a 3 foot tomato plant in a 16oz hempy cup, it's easy as pie...let me know if you need more info :mrgreen:

If the question is how to grow a 20" cola, then that too could be helped by Hempy. Though biggest cola I've ever grown was about 20" in a 1 gallon soil pot, lollypopped.

This one still flowered for another three weeks, so it filled out nicely...



New Member
If the question is how to grow big plants in small containers you should really look into Hempy, which is passive hydro. I grew a 3 foot tomato plant in a 16oz hempy cup, it's easy as pie...let me know if you need more info :mrgreen:

If the question is how to grow a 20" cola, then that too could be helped by Hempy. Though biggest cola I've ever grown was about 20" in a 1 gallon soil pot, lollypopped.

This one still flowered for another three weeks, so it filled out nicely...
thats ok m8 but look down the page a fiew threads and look at mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ur pot looks much bigger than a 16oz cup m8 lol.. anway nice job. taffo:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
this was grown in a 16oz cup, 1 mega big cola, from the soil to the top of cola was around 20 inches long and the width of a coke can, what u think??:blsmoke:
Can you throw up the rest of the pics from this grow. Wow! I would love to see them in the cups. :lol:

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
It's quite simple. A plant will use a given amount of water for a given amount of time, with a given amount of nutes in it. If you got big pots, you give em a big drink every few days. Little pots, small drink maybe 2-3 times a day, you just feed the plant what it uses and, as mentioned above, start on a low dose of nutes and gradually increase it as long as the plant shows no signs of burn.


Well-Known Member
You all have been very helpful. Im ordering the gear soon Ill begin a grow journal too, please keep the info coming.


Active Member
how should the side branches be trimmed, ive got some seedlings right now thinkin about tryin this on a couple, do you cut off all side braches 2 weeks into flowering and then your done??


Well-Known Member
I have been considering a grow like this as well. I was planning on a Coir grow. My reason being: It seems that the soil will run out of nutes in a confined area relatively quickly. I figured go with the coir and get a medium similar to soil that you can get away with one really nice watering (YMMV) and cut out that variable. I'm thinking 4" square pots, SOGed. and lollipopped. These pictures are very encouraging. A 4" has almost exactly the volume of a 16 oz if I can still do math (jury is still out). According to the guy that grew that monster in the first picture it was 30" tall. He lost a few inches to mold and still harvested 17 a fucking Dixie cup experiment. Awesome. With a little TLC and fine tuning I believe that you could get closer to a OZ a plant with the right strain. Any ideas?


New Member
how should the side branches be trimmed, ive got some seedlings right now thinkin about tryin this on a couple, do you cut off all side braches 2 weeks into flowering and then your done??
all strains grow different , but i didnt trim any side branches at all, they all pulled upright and grew into 1 big long cola!!!!!!!!!!! just grow it and see how it goes, avoid trimming if possible!!
try 2 liter bottle hempy buckets..... so far so good.... plants around 3 feet now and still have probably 2 months or more of growing before they'll start flowering... still wondering how big they're gonna get. I kinda want to leave them in the 2 liters the whole time just to see :bigjoint: if they double in flowering, they'll be huge.... right now they only need watering once a day


Well-Known Member
I have been considering a grow like this as well. I was planning on a Coir grow. My reason being: It seems that the soil will run out of nutes in a confined area relatively quickly. I figured go with the coir and get a medium similar to soil that you can get away with one really nice watering (YMMV) and cut out that variable. I'm thinking 4" square pots, SOGed. and lollipopped. These pictures are very encouraging. A 4" has almost exactly the volume of a 16 oz if I can still do math (jury is still out). According to the guy that grew that monster in the first picture it was 30" tall. He lost a few inches to mold and still harvested 17 a fucking Dixie cup experiment. Awesome. With a little TLC and fine tuning I believe that you could get closer to a OZ a plant with the right strain. Any ideas?
Im trying it with Biobizz soil (light mix & all mix), 3.6 litre square pots & organic Biobizz nutes.
Im going to grow Blueberry & Super silver Haze. The Blueberry is not a big yielder but the SSH is, so lets see how it goes.


Well-Known Member
I had a word with RandyRocket (one of the pics belongs to him) & this growers says to wait for the soil to dry then water immediately & repeat this process until lights off, then begin the watering routine when lights switch on. As their is very little soil in those cups youll have to water many times a day so its going to be work especially if your growing 25 plants like Im planning to. Shit I hope I dont fuck up.


Well-Known Member
if i were you i would do some kinda of drip system with the soil 16 oz cup jus study how long it take for the soil to dry so you kno how to set your timer and there you have you watering schedule jus idea so u wont have to be goin bac a forward watering all 25 plant ya kno


Well-Known Member
if i were you i would do some kinda of drip system with the soil 16 oz cup jus study how long it take for the soil to dry so you kno how to set your timer and there you have you watering schedule jus idea so u wont have to be goin bac a forward watering all 25 plant ya kno
I have limited space in my cab for anything let alone a tank for auto watering.
But a member had better luck by spraying water evenly on the soil rather than pouring it in so thats what Im gonna do, I may end up with arthritis with all that spraying :lol:


Well-Known Member
I plan on using the hempy method using 16oz cups in September. I might be doing SOG or (hopefully) SCROG, though. I'm not sure what kind of space I'll have to work with, but i want to have a stealth grow in a closet where its divided into two parts (for veg and flower). Hopefully I'll be able to pull off 1oz/month :) I think it should work using this method, it seems pretty solid. Only problem is deciding what type of lights. CFL may be the only way for now.