New Member
Hee,hee ... Well, I just wanted to point out the hypocrisy of the Left with the comment I made.]@vi redd, and others who WANT this person to be of a political vein.[/COLOR]
He could be either, both or neither. It really makes no difference, and would not typify either. More importantly suggesting that he committed these actions as a RESULT of one or the either suggests that he, and for that matter we, are incapable of making rational decisions because of the cursoral influence of a political party. You remove the blame from the individual and that is a critical mistake.
We do what we do because of who we are, not because of what others do.
That is important.
During the Clinton administration, Tim McVeigh's bombing of the Murrah building in Oklahoma City was blamed on Right-Wing Hate Radio (Rush Limbaugh) by leftists. Just recently, the killing of Tiller The Baby Killer was blamed on Bill O'Reilly and the Fox News Network by leftists such as Paul Krugman a columnist for the New York Times.
So now, we can clearly see that the left hate machine is responsible for the shooting of the guard at the Holocaust Museum, no?
