Zero Veg Clone Grow Contest!


Well-Known Member
All mine are rooted and in the flower room... minus 2 c99 that I chose to make moms from...

Everyone is in optimal light and happy as can be...:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Oooh, its getting exciting! Here are mine at about a week from harvest! There looking like little x-mas trees in there :)


Well-Known Member
those were great lookin plants dewey nice and full .....chunky i always like it when they do that ....u know they gonna weigh in good when they look like that ...

did you say you go 9 weeks generally for flower ......i think i might try and figure out somethin like that i really like to let those calyxes fatten up ...and i think that extra week just does the trick so nice

...o i am droppin the 400 watt cup comp ....i dont want to mess with settin up another room right now comin to visit real soon and they need that room

but i am still in the 1000 watt cup ...and from the way my new system is runnin i think i will be able to give a nice try at it

o and i am just still rooting ...i want to get nice root system cause when they go into bloom room they gonna be goin from like basically no nutes to 1400 ppm

i did this with some starts just recently and they were able to handle it


Well-Known Member
so i only have one entry other one that lived is gonna be a mother bucket ....heeh terrible cloning results figures when i am in contest this happens ...

i am confident my new aero/nft sys with my well rooted clone will do well tho

basically what i do is just let em root real nice so they have good root system ....i prlly cuttin myself out of bloom time but i am gonna place it in bloom within 2 days

giving me a 9 week bloom

o here is some pics of the new system and the pics are 19 days difference ....

and pics of my well rooted clone entry for 1000 w



Well-Known Member
LOL GB.. DK said We would be allowed to grow the way we typically grow in our Fuct up set-ups.. A few of mine are lagging and was going to transplant today but got busy re-organizing the veg side.I did have roots on a few of mine within 7-8 days. But to keep things uniform i let them go for the rest to catch up lol.
OK i guess today is update day.
First tho... Is there anyone still in the 400 Cup or what?


Well-Known Member
Yeah... I see... you're right...

I guess I am the dumb one for missing out on a week or more of vegging....:dunce::lol:


Well-Known Member
Sorry bro i didnt mean it like that at all.. If some are leaving clones in veg to allow for great root systems when the clones are actually ready to be transplanted that is cheating in light of the rules set forth.
I personally have only left my non rooted clones with the rooted clones to allow the non rooted clones to catch up and to keep things uniform upon transplant.
I chose to root in a cup of tap water.
Here they are yesterday. Ive got several that arent ready but to keep things fair i will transplant them tommorow cause ive already put in to much work already.
These are at 2 weeks right now.
Im sure if they where in a plug or wool they would be only a select few would be popping roots.
But im lazy and its go time.

LOL Enjoy.


Well-Known Member
Zero Veg is a Zero Veg, once they show roots, pop them into flowering. For those wanting to veg for longer roots, well, it still wont weigh more then a clone that had an extra week or 2 of flowering that will properly finish, not to mention, you might harvest too early. That's why I gave this contest 12 weeks, from start to finish,you would need at least 2 weeks to show roots, and 10 weeks for harvest. anything less, ur shit might not be done. Majority of strains are done in 9-11 weeks. 10+2=12, just in the middle for a good timing harvest.......

I would rather keep it that way, but its already got out of hand with the rules and questions and pushing limitations of this and that. So grow ur 12 weeks into what ever you can, in the end, it's the biggest harvest per plant that wins! :)


Well-Known Member
Oh I'm not worried... I know I am not gonna win...

It was just neat to have everyone do the same thing so we could actually compare...:lol:

But I'm not gonna cry or anything...:lol:


Well-Known Member
Cool then im on the same playing field cause many of my clones roots are less than an inch or barely stubby yet. But i will reveal the clones i am submitting for this contest tommorow. Transplanted and fully functioning.
Hopefully i still have some competition?? Or im going to have to move up in wieght class i guess.
Totally Fuct man.


Well-Known Member
Wait a minute man.. LOLOL.. How long did it take u to get roots poking from the wool? I do not want Veg on my girls its only more work Lollipopping than anything else. But i learned my lesson a long time ago. Keep thing uniform or ur strong clones will beat ur weak clones in the race to the top for lamp.
If it makes everyone more happy. Ill take my best clones and just toss um or make moms from them.
Im still going to win regardless.
DK thanks for clearifying the rules. But im going to remain the underdog by doing what i previously explained in the last paragraph.And still may even enter those clones in the next belt up to keep things fair.SYKE
Its on like president kong.
Just know none of my clones will be recieving fair treatment. And none will get more than 2 weeks veg which is consitent in keeping things uniform.
Much love u crazy baztids.
LOL. Peace.


Well-Known Member
My wool put roots out in a week...

I kept my cubes at 23~25 grams and watered them 2 or 3 times a day...

And I push my clones until they ALMOST poke out the bottom, so I can see the first signs of roots...

I'm not sure how true everything you read on the internet machine is... but here is something I found on the c99...

""Cinderella 99 f2 - The C99 has been hailed as the “Holy Grail” by Bros Grimm and is an extremely productive, potent plant. We have selected two top parents to create this F2. Specifically bred for indoors it is also an excellent outdoor performer. We have had growers get close to a kilo of dried bud off our F2 C99s.The high will please the most seasoned smoker. Easy to clone. Flowering time is 50 days.""

So I could have easily taken:

1~2 weeks to root

2~3 weeks to veg

8 weeks for flowering and allowing for full maturity... 8 weeks = 56 days

Just saying it wouldn't be fair, not in a ZERO VEG contest... :blsmoke:

But I am just saying... I don't really care... just bored..:lol:;-):eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
not to butt in but i thought i'd share some of my zero veg clones

these bitches were thrown straight to flower with out even being rooted yet . a gift from a friend whilst i was still flowering my other plants.i have no veg room obviously so in she went.

summertime buddha

top 44

good luck to all in the contest.i'll be watchin:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Very nice,
Im gona clean my flowering area tonight and throw em in,i have a male lurking in my mom room and might have some doods for all i know,but we will soon know..I used a large s9rinkler instead of the ezcloner manifold in my cloner and this seemed to s9eed u9 the 9rocess a bit,i am 9leased.
I made some aero buckets for them and cant wait to see how they like them@@