I need to watch that male so he doesnt pop on me. Im gona move it soon. It was the first up out of 6 plants and was also the tallest.
Went out yesterday and moved 6 plants to a new location in the back that gets more sun. I wasn't sure when I first started this grow where to put the plants since I had 2 trees which shadded most of the yard until the afternoon. Now that I have had the trees trimmed there is plenty of sun on the backyard but the spot I had the plants was shadded in the AM until 10 or 1030 AM.
I couldnt tell where the sun shined earlier since it was overcast a lot. I think if I do an in ground grow, this new area is where I will do it. I get sun from about 8 AM to 6:30 PM. THats about 2.5 hours more sun than the initial spot.
I inspected the plants for gender yesterday and found another male or 2. Today when I went out and looked, out of the 4 remaining HJ I found 2 and possibly 3 males. Damn!! I have one female so that is good. Now I just need a good male for seeds. Im not sure on the last 2 because the HJ is the last to show gender so its a little soon for those 2. I also found a male JS so thats 1 male and 2 females.
The best ratio of females to males was WC/CC. I Think I have 5 out of 8 seeds were females. I found the first male WC/CC was also the first to sprout fropm seed. I thought the first to sprout would be the males but other strains have proven that theory wrong. The JTR is a definate female. What luck; one seed=female

. The JTR is also the bushiest and shortest of all plants. Subcool mentioned the "short pheno" is the one to have so I hope this is the one.
Since I have been removing the males from the 20-gal pots and replacing them with females that were in the 5- gal pots I have noticed the growth rate of the roots from the time of repotting. All of the removed plants have extended their root mass into the first (potting soil) and into the intermediate second layer (mix of lower and upper layers) of modified Supersoil. New Rootlets have extended about 6 inches from when uppotted.
Since the modified Supersoil is intended to just be watered that is what I will do to some while fertilizing others with GH Maxi and Maxsea dry ferts pHed to 6.5. I was hoping for more females but I think I will have at least 11 if not 12 in the end (keeping fingers crossed).
Thats it for now. I will get some pics tomorrow when its light.