I let my buds hang dry for about 4-5 days after harvesting, but it depends on the strain and the environment they are in. Generally speaking, a good point to put them in jars after drying is when the stems don't bend anymore but when they start to snap.
After they get to that nice point, I put them all in mason jars with rubber seals and open them every 12 hours or so for about 10 minutes. After I close the jars back up, I give them a bit of a shake as to stir them up a bit. I continue to do this for about a week.
After that week is up, I only open them once a day for a minute or two and give them a nice shake as well. I do this for a week as well and after that they should be nice and ready to smoke. If you keep the cure going for longer they will get better, of course, but two weeks is plenty for some good smoke.
Hope this helps!