Well-Known Member
The very root of all of these problems is the very bad idea of Multiculturalism, which states that no one societies way of living is better than another. Everything becomes a matter of relativity with no anchored principles. This is the modern day liberal thought, and it is WRONG.
Capitalism IS better.
Free and unfettered markets ARE better.
Living free from the nanny state IS better.
If the entire world adopted the Ronald Reagan vision, the world would be BETTER, by far.
So your basically stating that every other culture in the world that is working in their own little bubble is wrongs. That they should change the way that they operate since pure capitalism is the only way that they will succeed in life. Companies such as Enron thrived in ripping people off because there was no government LESS regulation to stop them from scamming the people. And the current crises that we are in is because there was because the regulations that were put int decades ago have been slowly been chipped away. Yeah looks good on paper but does not take into account the human aspect, when greedy people use the system to their own means. Then hurting every one in the process. Very hard for the market to fix itself when corporate CEOs with all of the power stop better companies from starting up by controlling the system. Bill Gates did it, he used predatory tactics to shut down the compitition. Sorry the world is not black and white, that kind of thinking is what leads free thinking being put down because a small group of people believe the world works in absolutes. So I guess a country like Sweden is going to end up failing soon. Since they have a Socialist Democratic system. The difference between the American system and their system is that they do not just throw money at the situation. They use their money in the most effiecient manner. They didn't even bail out their automobile industry since they beleived that the companies were not producing the products that the market wanted, so why should they save them. So are you willing to have police force, fire department, and all other services privatized. Do you actually believe that the comanies that control these services will have your best interest, or the interest of how much money can they get out of you. You also assume that everyone culture is in essence the same, sorry they are not, and assuming that they are is nothing but arrogance.