He cheated on me and had a kid....with his ex


Well-Known Member
If you read this, please post.

We were together for 2 years.

And this happened.

I'm very hurt, confused, and angry.:cry:

I don't know what to do guys. I just need someone to talk
to I guess.

He was my only friend.
I stopped talking to my girls when we started to get serious.

and now that we're over, I feel very very alone.

I can truly say that I'm so angry inside, if I had the chance
to murder his ex and get away with it, I would surely do it.

I've actually been thinking about how to get away with killing
her, and I know that's not a good thing to be thinking about.

I told him staying with him is not what I want because I'm not
going to be sharing the responsibility of a kid I did not birth.

Sunday, she offered to take him out for fathers day. I told him I didn't
want him going out with her and he said he was gonna go anyway.:evil:

He told me he was going to his mom's house after going out to eat.
So I waited at her house (no one was home)

and when I see them pull up, he is driving HER car and hugging her!!!!!:evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:
(wtf was he doing driving her car!!!!!!!!!!!)
This really made me go crazy. I went outside, punched him in the head
and told his ex to get out the car so I could beat her ass.

She was like "its my son's birthday..." (it actually was, but I don't
give a shit)

and I was like "Bitch, I don't give a fuck. get out of the fuckin car so I can beat your ass"

She just sat there in the car looking scared and this really pissed me off.

(This bitch has been talking shit to me about "beating my ass" for months.
And has been calling me all types of wenches, whores, and bitches.
So I told her when I get the chance, I'm gonna put her ass in the hospital.)

I tried to get close enough to punch her thru
the window but my boyfriend (now ex) was holding me back. He told her
to leave and then we went in the house. I was so pissed, I attacked him.

He told me to get away from him because I'm "crazy" and he ran in the bathroom. Well, I guess I was so pissed and there was so much
adrenaline in me, I kicked the door down
(great, now I just kicked down his mom's door and he doesn't even live
there anymore)

Then I find out, that his ex fucking snitched on me to his gramma
and mom. (now I really want to kill the bitch)

Then his gramma starts sending me texts being rude. I almost cussed
her old ass out. I know you're supposed to respect your elders, but

I'm not the type of person to let someone sit there and talk shit to me.
(thats why I want to kill his ex).

I absolutely HATE when people test me. And that bitch (ex) has been
testing me for months calling me names THINKING I wouldn't do anything.

Now that she knows I'm serious about beating her to a pulp, she hasn't
said anything to me. And I even saw her at school and she didn't even
LOOK at me.

The sad thing is, I absolutely KNEW if I stayed with him, I would
end up seriously hurting, or possibly killing someone and I'd be the
next person on Oxygen's "Snapped".

I don't know how to deal with all of these emotions and I think I'm going
to hurt someone. I just really need some advice on keeping
my self calm so I don't do something I will regret.

relax.... burn one if you got it... have a beer... distance yourself from that asshole and start over (relationship-wise)..... im sorry to hear about your misfortune
Kitty, you got a temper like me....Trust me, I have been where you are...First thing, don't do anything stupid!! All that will do is cost you money in attorney fees and then you will have to have a record expunged, blah! Believe me when I say, in 1 year you will look back at this and be so thankful he is gone. For now, it hurts, it will take time. But, I say this from experience, the BEST revenge in life is living life well. Be done with him and enjoy knowing that he will be spending the next 18 years paying child support.
Smoke some weed and relax, it's all going to be okay :joint:

First, realize that beating someone up or killing them isn't going to solve anything.

Your boyfriend is a douchebag, sorry to say, and it's not likely that he's going to change any time soon. He has a child with another woman and that also isn't going to change. If he's treating her with more respect than he gives you, something is definitely wrong.

You're not crazy, he's an asshole who makes you want to do crazy things. It isn't your fault, it's his.

The only way to solve this is to remove yourself from the situation.

I know you care about him and feel like he's your only friend, but friends don't disrespect each other like this man has done to you. He isn't your friend, and the sooner you realize that the better off you'll be.

Trust me, I have been down this road before, and it doesn't lead anywhere worth visiting and that's for sure.
that is easier said than done.... emotional wounds heal hard and slow....

I guess your right... with the way most relationships end these days i just dont let myself get in too deep.. i got a wifey already and her name is mary jane
Why would you ever let someone have that type of power over you? You justified everything he probably told her with that one performance. When you saw them...you should have held everything inside until it was just you and him. You make yourself look like a moron in front of this guys family, and for what? Someone who would sully his own relationship? For someone who has no respect for anyone but himself? From this point forward eliminate all contact with this person. No phone, email, twitter, facebook, RIU, nothing. It's done...If you continue with this...nothing good is going to come of it, and everyone will be free to assume you're a glutton for punishment. Let it go.
Yeah it's easier said than done, but when someone cheats...it's no reason to continue any type of relationship with this person. You don't need closure, or justification. Just get as far away from this person as possible.
First id like to sayim sorry to hear that ... having felt feelings similar to those you have i know how awful the situation can be. But Impowerment is the best solution . After losing someone who has litteraly become everything is hard no doubt. But it just means you gotta start from the begining and re-establish some of thoese lost friendships.

however this is suppose to be about anger more then anything... first id like to.. say although some of your anger should be focused towards her . most of it should be focoused towards him... cause truthfully it takes two to tango and he is playing along...altho he has his own responsibility as a Father.

Regardless, prevent your self time to sit there and vent up anger .. fill in your time with a new hobbie, new friends . When you feel like you really need to let it out .. some sort of phsyical excersive is imparative.. I dunno how "active" RIU users are but i Hit the gym almost 5 ddays a week .. and when im pissed .. and feel like i need to beat some one.. i hit the bag (boxing bag ) .. some times when i need to clear my mind i go for a Jog .. regardless to sum it up .. find something to fill in time to prevent "roaming thoughts" and phsyical excersize.. and then one day you'll wake up and that stinging feeling is gone ... i hope you feel better !!
First id like to sayim sorry to hear that ... having felt feelings similar to those you have i know how awful the situation can be. But Impowerment is the best solution . After losing someone who has litteraly become everything is hard no doubt. But it just means you gotta start from the begining and re-establish some of thoese lost friendships.

however this is suppose to be about anger more then anything... first id like to.. say although some of your anger should be focused towards her . most of it should be focoused towards him... cause truthfully it takes two to tango and he is playing along...altho he has his own responsibility as a Father.

Regardless, prevent your self time to sit there and vent up anger .. fill in your time with a new hobbie, new friends . When you feel like you really need to let it out .. some sort of phsyical excersive is imparative.. I dunno how "active" RIU users are but i Hit the gym almost 5 ddays a week .. and when im pissed .. and feel like i need to beat some one.. i hit the bag (boxing bag ) .. some times when i need to clear my mind i go for a Jog .. regardless to sum it up .. find something to fill in time to prevent "roaming thoughts" and phsyical excersize.. and then one day you'll wake up and that stinging feeling is gone ... i hope you feel better !!

Well you just ruined anyway of murdering her and getting away with it
I guess your right... with the way most relationships end these days i just dont let myself get in too deep.. i got a wifey already and her name is mary jane

the op is a female also.... they deal with/react to things a bit differently than us men.... more feelings are involved, and betrayal means ALOT more.
Family guy sentence but works for me :

It allways dark before the day ! :)


As you said he has children, a waste of time .. believe me as a son of a father that has 3 diffrent wifes and 3 diffrent kids with 3 woman :)

you would get so fuckd off so many times its just better you have a son with someone that aint got a son.

believe me easier for the children and easier for you, this way you can build up a clean nice family !

yay ;) wana meet me :D ? im single aswell now, just left my girl.. well i told her to leave :) yipiiiiiiii

Thank you all so much for helping me.

I went walking this morning and I felt a little better.

And I think these are definitely true:

"You're not crazy, he's an asshole who makes you want to do crazy things. It isn't your fault, it's his"

"that is easier said than done.... emotional wounds heal hard and slow...."

Its just hard letting go of someone that WAS my entire life.

I still want to be his friend. Because truthfully, I don't think I can
just cut someone off who was my best friend for 2 years, and

my lover for 2 years. (adding up to 4 years)

I just don't understand why he did it. I was there for him
when she broke up with him and he couldn't stop crying for 3 months.

I was the one he was calling everyday to help him get over
her. And then he does this to me?:cry:

(she cheated on him 4 times)
He knew how it felt to be cheated on, so I didn't understand
why he did it to me knowing how much it hurts.

I don't know. But I need to find something to occupy my time
so I can stop thinking about it.

I'm going to quit smoking for a while, because when I'm sad,
smoking just makes it worse for some reason. I always end up
You tried to attack her while she was in her car with her son? Go get on meds for the protection of the general public.
Thank you all so much for helping me.

I went walking this morning and I felt a little better.

And I think these are definitely true:

"You're not crazy, he's an asshole who makes you want to do crazy things. It isn't your fault, it's his"

"that is easier said than done.... emotional wounds heal hard and slow...."

Its just hard letting go of someone that WAS my entire life.

I still want to be his friend. Because truthfully, I don't think I can
just cut someone off who was my best friend for 2 years, and

my lover for 2 years. (adding up to 4 years)

I just don't understand why he did it. I was there for him
when she broke up with him and he couldn't stop crying for 3 months.

I was the one he was calling everyday to help him get over
her. And then he does this to me?:cry:

(she cheated on him 4 times)
He knew how it felt to be cheated on, so I didn't understand
why he did it to me knowing how much it hurts.

I don't know. But I need to find something to occupy my time
so I can stop thinking about it.

I'm going to quit smoking for a while, because when I'm sad,
smoking just makes it worse for some reason. I always end up

End/thread. This girl doesn't want our help...she's a glutton for punishment.
If you read this, please post.

We were together for 2 years.

And this happened.

I'm very hurt, confused, and angry.:cry:

I don't know what to do guys. I just need someone to talk
to I guess.

He was my only friend.
I stopped talking to my girls when we started to get serious.

and now that we're over, I feel very very alone.

I can truly say that I'm so angry inside, if I had the chance
to murder his ex and get away with it, I would surely do it.

I've actually been thinking about how to get away with killing
her, and I know that's not a good thing to be thinking about.

I told him staying with him is not what I want because I'm not
going to be sharing the responsibility of a kid I did not birth.

Sunday, she offered to take him out for fathers day. I told him I didn't
want him going out with her and he said he was gonna go anyway.:evil:

He told me he was going to his mom's house after going out to eat.
So I waited at her house (no one was home)

and when I see them pull up, he is driving HER car and hugging her!!!!!:evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:
(wtf was he doing driving her car!!!!!!!!!!!)
This really made me go crazy. I went outside, punched him in the head
and told his ex to get out the car so I could beat her ass.

She was like "its my son's birthday..." (it actually was, but I don't
give a shit)

and I was like "Bitch, I don't give a fuck. get out of the fuckin car so I can beat your ass"

She just sat there in the car looking scared and this really pissed me off.

(This bitch has been talking shit to me about "beating my ass" for months.
And has been calling me all types of wenches, whores, and bitches.
So I told her when I get the chance, I'm gonna put her ass in the hospital.)

I tried to get close enough to punch her thru
the window but my boyfriend (now ex) was holding me back. He told her
to leave and then we went in the house. I was so pissed, I attacked him.

He told me to get away from him because I'm "crazy" and he ran in the bathroom. Well, I guess I was so pissed and there was so much
adrenaline in me, I kicked the door down
(great, now I just kicked down his mom's door and he doesn't even live
there anymore)

Then I find out, that his ex fucking snitched on me to his gramma
and mom. (now I really want to kill the bitch)

Then his gramma starts sending me texts being rude. I almost cussed
her old ass out. I know you're supposed to respect your elders, but

I'm not the type of person to let someone sit there and talk shit to me.
(thats why I want to kill his ex).

I absolutely HATE when people test me. And that bitch (ex) has been
testing me for months calling me names THINKING I wouldn't do anything.

Now that she knows I'm serious about beating her to a pulp, she hasn't
said anything to me. And I even saw her at school and she didn't even
LOOK at me.

The sad thing is, I absolutely KNEW if I stayed with him, I would
end up seriously hurting, or possibly killing someone and I'd be the
next person on Oxygen's "Snapped".

I don't know how to deal with all of these emotions and I think I'm going
to hurt someone. I just really need some advice on keeping
my self calm so I don't do something I will regret.


feed 'em all fish.

move on. :peace::joint::joint:
hey hey there. hang in, it's tough, and will stay tough for a while, but hand in. i have a very similar story, best friend, only friend really, i'm very close with someone, he comes down for a weekend, takes her away, knocks her up, that kind of thing, next thing i know he's down secrectly during weekends to see her without my knowing. so yeah, i've kinda expereinced some crap, just from the male side of things, but i took it with some female emotions, got VERY depressed, tore myself into ribbons, lashed out at people trying to help me. in the end my only option was to cut both of them outta my life, somnething that also nearly destroyed me, and i still years on have issues putting the meories aside without choking up.

but hey, i'm now one kick ass human being, i went out and got a full time job smoking weed, a full time job working, i keep myself occupied when i get a little low and i stay away from downers like a bottle of beer or two in the bath, and life jsut smiles back on the whole.

really feel for you, hope everything doesn't become too much (that is to say i think i am most people here would agree that killing him, while the positives overweigh the negatives, well, it's still not smart :) you gotta do something that he has to live with ;)))
the op is a female also.... they deal with/react to things a bit differently than us men.... more feelings are involved, and betrayal means ALOT more.

This is so true!, I know what she is kin of going through same thing happened to me, but i'm male. Betrayal weather your feamle or male still hurts like shit and life seems so pointless and i know i didmnt wanna go on but things DKID get better i moved on and now its been for the best. Cause for once in 10 years i'm happy.

Relax like eveyone has said, :joint: it will be hard but things will get better they always do. He'll realise he fucked up. Don't u dare take him back 6 million other fish out there that would do right by you and give u the things u deserve.

Hope all works out for you and remember everything will get easier as time goes by.

:peace: Madazz
