socialism can be many things. a little democratic socialism can be and has been a good compliment to our representative republic. It is excercised when we pay our park employees to make sure nobody tags up Mt. Rushmore. Or when someone is paid through subsidies to grow inedible corn for ethanol production. Or when someone receives a government grant to go to college. Or when a search and rescue team is sent out to locate some lost person in the woods; be it a kid or an old person or whoever. I am not even gonna try to explain why socialism is not a sociopatic ideal to you... other than to say that it is born mainly of compassion and pride. And sometimes necessity.
Compassion and pride can not be forced down peoples' throats, at that point it is nothing more than the inane tyrannical policies of people that seek power for its own sake.
Besides, you are ignoring the fact that every government service could either be provided by the community itself, or provided by private corporations. This is especially true of services such as fire control, which with the evolution of our 24/7 economy makes it increasingly likely that there will be people that can work whatever shift is required.
Police protection is often late, and to call it police protection ignores the abuses widespread in that system. Not only that but often private security is brought in by the firm, because the cops refuse to act with out a certain threshhold being reached (something that they turn around on when approaching victimless crimes.)
You also ignore the fact that all of your examples are examples of widespread corruption, and not of government providing good service. The government's job is not to dictate how citizens live their lives, but to ensure that they are able to live their lives free of coercion by their neighbors.
You are also ignoring the fact that the money spent by government is taken by force from the tax payers.
I could care less what people due amongst themselves, I can even understand helping others. I can not understand forcing people to help others, and then failing to understand why the object to it because they no longer have enough to take care of themselves.
Socialism is an ideology that destroys the human spirit of free-will, independence and true self-respect. It is more noble and virtuous when a person can say they chose to help other's because they wanted to, then because they were forced to by government, or by people that are not above using force and fraud to make them do it.
Your system is flawed, because it ignores free will, and has no true pride. To truly be a sacrifice, it must be voluntary. If it is not voluntary then it is not a sacrifice.
Charity must be voluntary, otherwise it is theft.
What people do, or do not do for their community's of their own free will should be up to them. Not to the person that is asking for help, because at that point they have ceased to ask and are using force to steal it.
Socialism enshrines theft, and destroys a person's ability to take care of themselves. Explain to me how you can possibly believe that any one will desire to help any one else when they are incapable of helping themselves?
I can not see it. Unless I am free to take care of myself, then I am not in a position to help any one else. Your system destroys independence, and with a negligence that can only be called criminal ignores humanity's right to live their own lives free of coercion.