Good Ass Weed! Post All Your Pics


Well-Known Member
great pictures..whats funny is when you put the pictures togther you can really tell whats home grown and whats be bought somewhere


Well-Known Member
hahahahahahahahahaha where do you live thats tearble i get a 1/4 for 45 and its way better than that!!!!!!!!!
Tremac: 1) That was only 3 nugs out of the 1/4 oz. bag. 2) For your quote to be true, you would necessarily have to have smoked some of my pot, which I'm confident you haven't. 3) I never claimed that I had just scored the best deal in the world on a 1/4 oz of pot. If that's what you thought I was implying, then my apologies. 4) I have absolutely no idea what is or isn't a good deal. But I have been paying this price for several years now. That is my only knowledge I have about buying pot and how much the shit goes for. I don't know anybody else that buys pot. It's not a big deal for me. You could be right if you are suggesting I've been overpaying. 5) I guess some pot is more expensive than others. The stuff I smoke is one-hit stuff. Not just by my account, but by others who have smoked it.

Finally, thanks for being such a class act. You rock. I bet you'd be a riot to hang out with and have a beer.