New Member
I was Palin's #1 fan. Note the word "was".Thoughts??
She has no chance. Her behavior with Letterman was erratic and non-presidential. She "uses" publicity and the media too much. She seems to be taking advantage of her followers by abusing the media outlets that support her. She does far outweigh Obama and McCain, and if you would have switched teh tiocket to Palin/McCain, they would have won the election. People didn't vote "R" last year because of McCain. He represents all the probelms with gov't. Not to mention, he threw Palin under the bus after the election.
But Palin would have still roses to the top if the news cycle on Letterman if it came from a very quiet lawsuit against CBS filed in a small dark room somewhere. But she chose the path of publicity rather than law. Palin had me until she started the street fight with Letterman. Handled completely wrong, and to think her daughter was caught in the middle makes me sick.
Palin lost me, and just recently too. Her true colors are starting to show.