Well-Known Member
this should help:The size of medical inside the economy is a lot larger tha .12% of the economy.
The size of Tobacco is larger than that.
The size of all the capital spend on bail outs is a lot larger.
Though the entire charge against Socialism has nothing to do with what is happening now. Perhaps you should go back to school and actually learn how to read, comprehend and carry out a debate.
You're arguments are nothing more than the side-stepping of some one that is ignorant of their ideology, or realizes that it is so devoid of answers that it is indefensible. In which case supporting it makes you look like an imbecile.
As far as the charges of me being a sociopath. You don't know jack shit about me, so you are not capable of making the ascertation. Though, I am tempted to charge you with it, based on the fact that all the actions you have taken in these forums are based on you attempting to ingratiate yourself with everyone like a whipped cur afraid of another beating.
Not to mention the intellectual dishonesty that you are pursuing by your failure to carry on a mature debate not laced with the imbecilic ad hominem attacks that you, and others like you, seem to resort to when you are asked to come up with hard answers to real questions.
i thought i already answered your question. I am not a socialist, so please stop calling it 'my' philosophy. The govt. isnt taking over tobacco, merely regulating it so we know what's being added to it, the same as we regulate vitamins and gasoline and soda-pop.
Evidently you feel like you don't have to pay taxes for things you don't aggree with... well, welcome to society, this is the way it's run. I for one wasn't too keen on spending trillions building nukes we are only going to dismantle.
I was also not keen on going to war in two counties against a stateless enemy.
But i understand how the system works.
And i am fine with it, for the most part.
If you are not, then you realy should not be wasting your obviously precious time ranting and arguing here, but should instead be working at being as big a pain in the ass of your congressmen and senators... you know... people who can get things done. Much as i'd like to change the way YOU are taxed, i simply cannot. I am merely a construction worker. The wheels of government do not turn at my behest.
You, more than likely, are not going to change my mind. But that doesnt matter.
Try going and being a pain in the ass of someone who DOES matter. Thats how things get done in America. Write your fucking government representatives.
Be a pain in the ass. Write them all three letters a day. Or move to Somalia.
Good Luck.