Just a follow up...In October of 2008...im sitting in my living room in Long Beach, CA and BOOM! Police kick in my door, guns drawn. My 3yr old at the time was sitting on the couch across from me on the couch and he didnt even flintch! I think it was shock. Anyway, I being a large Black man in Los Angeles immediatly get on the ground and tell my son dont worry. Anyway the cops come in and ask me where is the safe? WTF im a medical patient no fucking safes here!. Then they ask were is the drugs at? I say all I have here is my medicine, do you have a warrant for kicking in my door and scaring me and my son shittles, well at least me shittles? They provide a warrant and I say nothing. I hade just cut down my monster 2 days before they come in. They found what they calimn to be 2lbs of jarred up medicine and they haul my as to jail. My wife was there as wellin a back room so my kid was fine, ven though they did threaten her with Child services if she did not tell them were the safe and the other drugs were at. I was not there but she was so histerical when I finally talked to her because of the threats of Child services and taking our child. She even had to ask me, honey look me in the eye, are you selling drugs? I laugh but almost cry because I can see she is scared and as a Husban and Father my job is to make them feel secure and provided for. Anyway! After a real heart to heart she was convinced I was not lying as the police had her believing im like Noriega or something. They confiscated 24 mason jars of medicine, no money, I had like $7, no baggies, no scale. They took all of my registered firearms, Glock 21c, remington 1100 tactical, SKS. They also took my 83yr old fathers firearms, a S&M 12 guage and a S&M .38 special. He has dimesia and is in home care. ALL FIREARMS ARE REGISTERED WITH DOJ TO HIM OR ME. IN CALI IT'S LEGAL TO TRANSFER GUNS TO NEXT OF KIN..I.E FATHER TO SON. It cost me $3,500 in bail money, my car was impounded for 2weeks (evidence hold because they found 1 jar in my vehicle) LOL! Plus the medicine that was taken from me that I have had to go and buy from didpensaries now to keep medicine on hand. Anyway, I have been going to court since november for them to just back it up another month. The prosecutor offerd me 4yrs in state prison!!! WTF...I have no record! NONE! Thats was the 2nd time I went to court and as of now the are offering felony probation LOL! Fuck that! I holding my ground, my PD just asked the prosecutor what he wants to do as the defendant is a medical patient with no convictions and no real evidence. Keep your fingers crossed for dismissal. If not, im goin to have to hit my 401(K) for a lawyer. Yep I was the biggest dummy in the worl growing a 6ft palnt that could be seen from the streets. Thsi shit is liegal but it aint leagl, follow me. Im done growing at my home to say the least. I got to much to loose, wife, kids home freedom! The Gov't does not want us doing this, for what ever reason they are totally against it. What is has done is created and activist. I have already joined ASA and Norml. Before I just sta in the back and let everybody else fight the good fight. Well now it JIHAD muthafucka on anybody trying to stop my God given right to plant a seed and watch it grow. See you Downtown LA today at noon to protest at the Fed Building. Im gonna smoke a phatty in front of the LB court house when this is dismissed and I get my meds back. Positive thinking, Jesus Christ and Karma have never failed me yet!!! Peace enjoy my rant!