The UK Growers Thread!


Can u tell me the answers to the following please? How much does it cost to burn 250w hps 12/12. Why shouldn't i use a 90w led if it gives you the same lumen output as a 400w hps? can any 1 give me a list of the best branded nutrients for veg and flowering, and possibly a link to buy them. I'm growing big bud in a 2x2x5ft tent, four plants in soil. using 125w blue spec enviro cfl. going to upgrade my lights on payday but i really have no idea as to the price of electricity here in the uk. all help appreciated. thanx


Well-Known Member
because they dont. all these companies claiming that their leds are magic and better the hid lights is bullshit.

back to the hps q, youre gonna have to work it out, but ill do the basics for you. its watt of light x cost of a kilo watt hour x 12 x 7

so all you need to do is get ur cost of a kilo watt hour, and times it by 21.

as for uv lights,no, theyre not necessary.


New Member
I was talking to a friend yesterday he says i need uv lights as well for the plants?
some1 eleborate 4 me pls...
NONONO! You're friend is a poor un-educated soul, he shouldnt be spreading misinformation. UV lights are almost more useless than incandescent.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
NONONO! You're friend is a poor un-educated soul, he shouldnt be spreading misinformation. UV lights are almost more useless than incandescent.
not true man UVB is being used more and more these days to boost thc production used as a supplement to hps usually


Well-Known Member
sup gentlemen (and any ladies) don't want to hijack this thread of brilliance just thought it'd be a good place to advertise the legalisation petition for the UK

use someone else's postcode and even name if you're worried, but the important thing is to get some more names on this...322 just ain't enough



Well-Known Member
Last night i brought a tramp a sandwhich, and he said that he gets the cheese alot and if i ever see him around again and hes smoking to join him and he will give me some :) This guy was the biggest joker, he also told me if i everneed train ticket he will get me one for free. :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
it made me giggle :D, top gear season 13 ep 2, a task is to pack up their "glasto" campsite, midget dude picks upa smoke pipe thing, shsisha or whatnot, and goes "it ust be medicinal, it has to be" or what not, which my funny weed made me giggle at seeing as well, uk, medi weed, HA :D


Well-Known Member
it made me giggle :D, top gear season 13 ep 2, a task is to pack up their "glasto" campsite, midget dude picks upa smoke pipe thing, shsisha or whatnot, and goes "it ust be medicinal, it has to be" or what not, which my funny weed made me giggle at seeing as well, uk, medi weed, HA :D
The exact same thing happened to me ha ha.