4 strains, 400w + 600w closet medical grow


Well-Known Member
nice man well i cant say im gunna desert this thread if you decide to keep it goin for your next grow. good job on the plants man


Well-Known Member
So it just occured to me that after 3 oz. out the door, 3+ more drying, and my new babies getting started that I haven't posted bud pics... well here we go...

The first one is the purple kush, namely the top nug of Lady Shiva... the final pick is her skeleton, lol, enjoy (i know I did). everyone knows purple kush, I don't need to describe, other than to say that this shit rocks!!!

The second nug is the Bearded Dragon. This shit is rock solid! Super sharp and beautiful aroma, kinda like trainwreck mixed with kush if both had sex on opium. the high is just ridiculous, super happy with this strain, even if it hermed.

The third nug is the Mendo Purps. It is very pungeant, and has the mild scent of mango after curing. the flavor is not as sweet as GDP or other purples, but its very smooth. kinda fluffy buds, but it was under the 400w.

I'm gonna try and get a better camera so I can show off the deep purple of some of the nugs, but I stand behind these. :peace:



Well-Known Member
Hey Man,

Looks like I caught the tail end of this grow but I will be around for your next one.
Good job. Pics, info and I like your summary of your learning experiences in the end.


Well-Known Member
So here's the four babies, just getting their first real calyxs (awwwwww). The two on the left are coming up real fast, whereas the other two are not shooting up as quickly as I'd hoped. I have been lightly pinching the bigger plant to give the little ones time to catch up, seems to have also given the bottom branches time to form a nice canopy on the big un's. BTW, I have no clue what strains the clones are until they start pumping out resin, they are either p. kush, bearded dragon, mayyyyyybe shiva skunk. I have now started labelling every thing, lol



Well-Known Member
thanks bro. I am astonished at how well the pinching worked, i only pinched the growth tip at the top and it all just evened out on its own...

Update: the four ladies are budding away, I'm seeing very fast growth, no nute defs yet, and very nice prebuds. but fuckin gnats are back now that I've decided against using pest strips, so I'm goin to buy some sand and go Arabia all over their asses.
I also recently got the 12$ microscope from radioshack (I was surprised that it was still 12, I had read about them days ago), so I can be more accurate from now on.
Anywho, peace and love peoples


Well-Known Member
I'll only tell you if you change your avatar immediately... jk

pinching/supercropping basically is like weight training for animal muscles. the grower damages the tissue of the stalk, mildly or greatly rupturing the inner 'tube' (the shit that transports water). the plant has to devote energy to healing that injury, which stunts growth on that branch (the more severe injuries could stunt the whole plants growth). after it heals, though, it leaves behind a fatty knot (bigger hurt=bigger knot) that allows more sugar/nutes to flow through it.

I don't recommend anything more than very gentle pinching, plus I stressed a plant by basically snapping the central stalk, and it hermed really fast. could be unrelated who knows? btw that plant that I split almost in half survived and kept growing pretty quick fyi.

But the coolest thing about pinch stressing the plant is that the non-pinched branches are able to get all the juice the top branch would get (if its the top one that was pinched of course), and they come up and stay at the same height as the top nug. forms a canopy. pretty sweet. If you have any other q's, holla.


Well-Known Member
All right, I have my four ladies identified: two P. Kush and two Bearded Dragon. I am psyched that the Kush was picked (from my retardedly unlabeled clones), that was my favorite smoke from the last batch. I'm gonna have to be super careful for the BB to herm out, but its definetly possible it wont... 3 out of 4 BB's hermed last time, but this clone could be off the one that didn't, or the plants could have hermed based on environment I guess. I like the smoke well enough to take the risk.

So I have said that I disown the thought of using seeds, but I changed my mind in considering my outdoor I'm about to plant. I just found two sweet spots for just a few plants, and I planted 5 seeds. I also have 5 clones that are ready to go in the ground. I still haven't gotten the green crack clones, my buddies moms died so he has to grow out his clones of it :wall:. I still have the purps mom goin and its super healthy, but I noticed that its too flimsy, clone-wise. I have a small fan on them, so we'll see how that improves.

Anywho, here are a couple pics of the budding plants, which are holding up nicely. btw, i can tell the strain because the resin just started coating the leaves, and kush is unmistakable, even this early. both look super healthy and are growin' nicely. I lost track of what week they are in, I'll try and look back to figure it out. as always, :peace:



Well-Known Member
whatup, its been a second... first off, my four babies are looking fine, although the lower leaves keep droopin a bit. I'm gonna be more attentive to not letting them dry as much, we'll see how they like it... I'll post some pics in a while, they don't visually look all that different, just sweeter looking buds.

I also planted my first outdoor crop, and I started a post. check it out HERE if you'd like, come say hello and get some rep... either way, pics to come soon for the indoor, :peace:


Well-Known Member
So here's a vague and overdue update:

I made a basic veg tent in my other closet, I only have the purps mother plant and some clones in there right now but I'm going to work towards an army soon.

My four budding plants are almost done, seeing a few amber trichs popping up! The purple kush looks absolutly crazy dusted with sweet stalks. When the lights go off in an hour, I'll post some pics (try and get a trich pic as well).

I bought Flora Nova bloom the other day, they threw in some Dark Energy and Supernova samples. I am psyched to start experimenting with that stuff, it looks awesome. anyone have good/bad experiences with these additives?


Well-Known Member

the first two pics are the general grow.

the 3rd is some P. Kush, and on the 4th pic I tried (badly) to use flash to somehow show the trichs... guess my camera sucks ass.

the 5th and 6th pics are the bearded dragon, lovin that. anyways, lemme know the answer I posed in the above post, and :peace:



Well-Known Member
Flush time!!!
Harvest time very soon!!!
I have no fucking replacements!!! wait i'm not at all excited about that one...

well I guess its time for me to turn the big light back to veg in a week or two, and wait patiently for my buddy's green crack to clone more... dude lost two sweet g. crack moms recently, so now we wait for spirits to heal, and more moms to live. All I have is purps, and i'm not even sure I want to keep it around. almost tempted to try seeds again, as that is all that I have right now.

what do you think I should do? wait, purps, or seed are my three options.


Well what happened to the shiva skunk? I grow the same strain! I am on the last generation of them though, no moms or beans around. I find it to be stretchy, and doesn't work well with most others I grow, but I do like the yield it brings.. All in all looking great, that mendo purps looked grapealicious. You fit how many plants under the 1000w (total)?
As far as no replacements, get the purps back up until the clones come thru...or get to a dispensary and purchase a strain?!


Well-Known Member
Looking good, I would say go with the Seeds man.

You can always change your mind later but if you cant get any clones and go seeds in a couple weeks you will be behind.

Happy fourth.