Active Member
So i moved to Tyler, Tx for college from Dallas and i have no bud connect here and im having alot of trouble. Most of the people i have met only sell some bs reggie. so i decided i could try and grow my own. Alright so I've never tried to grow anything in my life and I've spent alot of time reading on how to grow on this forum but it seems like everything on here is for growing alot. I want to try growing one plant in my closet. Money is not really an issue. trying to keep it under $100 though. If someone could please tell me wut kinda light i need. and how far away i should put it. i understand the lighting cycles. also wut fert i should use. and i think the only place in tyler to get that kinda stuff is at lowes. so something i dont have to order off the internet would be nice. thanks. sry if this is a newb post.