The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

well grow

Active Member
I thought that i would have a problem with the hot weather that we have had but my girls have seemed to like it thay have showed a lot more growth. But i cant wait to have that first smoke knowing that it's free :) and i know where its come from so if its crap i can blame me for a change lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
lol yeah I am lol. Im gonna have to go gte some mopre coco cuz ive finished the first bag and defo wont more lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i just potted my girls on into 1.5 litre pots and ive not seen roots like it in soil they seem like dry spindly things even when their good but the ones from the coco just looked so healthy like silver white ribons ala ^^^^ i was amazed!!

hope yall are havin a good weekend! hot toddy n steak has just about fixed the don... breakfast beer in the sun is called for


New Member
hahaha, well thats a differnt matter than haha.

I virtually got busted last night having a cheeky smoke, old bill completely missed the joints that were in a clear classes case on the floor so at least we got away with the weed lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
hahaha, well thats a differnt matter than haha.

I virtually got busted last night having a cheeky smoke, old bill completely missed the joints that were in a clear classes case on the floor so at least we got away with the weed lol.

makes me laught the rozzers wen they are dealing with streeet drug they aint got a clue what anything is lol. Me an me mate got arressted years ago ata rave meet point . I had a joints worth of shitty slate and me mate had 2 trips in his wallet. We also had half an oz of speed cut into gamm wraps hidden behinde the ashtray in my old car. The coppers never found the speed wen they searched my car and they was calling my mates acid anphetamines lol. !2 hrs custerdy and no charges wtf


New Member
makes me laught the rozzers wen they are dealing with streeet drug they aint got a clue what anything is lol. Me an me mate got arressted years ago ata rave meet point . I had a joints worth of shitty slate and me mate had 2 trips in his wallet. We also had half an oz of speed cut into gamm wraps hidden behinde the ashtray in my old car. The coppers never found the speed wen they searched my car and they was calling my mates acid anphetamines lol. !2 hrs custerdy and no charges wtf
They're idiots aint they? When i was younger i got busted daily in my car - and we ALWAYS got away with some, and normally had to give some up - but they never find it ALL!