Obama does it again Big brother fines


Mr I Can Do That For Half
The definition of republic, from the same source:

–noun 1. a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them. 2. any body of persons viewed as a commonwealth. 3. a state in which the head of government is not a monarch or other hereditary head of state. 4. (initial capital letter
) any of the five periods of republican government in France. Compare First Republic, Second Republic, Third Republic, Fourth Republic, Fifth Republic. 5. (initial capital letter, italics
) a philosophical dialogue (4th century b.c.) by Plato dealing with the composition and structure of the ideal state.

Correct this is what we were founded on so thank you for showing we are a republic


Well-Known Member
I went to a Jesuit high school, earned my BA's at Butler, and finished both my MA and Ph.D. at Purdue.

And with your second bolded phrase, what the fuck are you talking about? I don't want a free lunch. I make over $80,000 a year and pay quite a bit of taxes. I don't mind it at all. And I don't think Obama will save the world. I don't even like him, but a majority of people voted for him and a majority still like him.

And finally, our government is officially democratic. Period. End of story.
Man does your head hurt from all the scrubbing? A PHD ? And you didn't know what the definition of a Republic really was? C'Mon brother you understand the difference now, yes?

I wasn't really directing the free lunch comment at you in particular, just Democracy advocates in general, because that is how they usually end. Once everyone realizes that they can have it all for free with no effort then the govt collapses due to no income. All governments that have tried pure Democracy have failed. History.

And Now I hope you also see that our government is a Republic, period. end of story. That may not be the way it is practiced, but that is the way it is SUPPOSED to be. Now with Obama supporting "Extended Detention" which is a euphemism for throwing people in Jail forever with no trial, habeus corpus, or charges, then yes he is operating above the Law, whats new? Our Government doesn't have to abide by the law, it can do whatever it wants , whenever it wants, to whomever it wants with pure abandonment of "Common Law". As long as the staus quo is upheld and the Agenda is allowed to go on this will only get worse for ALL of us.

It is the Governments responsibility to Protect your rights, but now a days people are just happy to not have it trample those rights on a daily basis.


Well-Known Member
Man does your head hurt from all the scrubbing? A PHD ? And you didn't know what the definition of a Republic really was? C'Mon brother you understand the difference now, yes?

I wasn't really directing the free lunch comment at you in particular, just Democracy advocates in general, because that is how they usually end. Once everyone realizes that they can have it all for free with no effort then the govt collapses due to no income. All governments that have tried pure Democracy have failed. History.

And Now I hope you also see that our government is a Republic, period. end of story.

Why do you people not realize that the words "republic" and "democracy" mean essentially the same thing?

The US is BOTH a republic AND a democracy. They mean the same thing.


Well-Known Member
The definition of republic, from the same source:

–noun 1. a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them. 2. any body of persons viewed as a commonwealth. 3. a state in which the head of government is not a monarch or other hereditary head of state. 4. (initial capital letter
) any of the five periods of republican government in France. Compare First Republic, Second Republic, Third Republic, Fourth Republic, Fifth Republic. 5. (initial capital letter, italics
) a philosophical dialogue (4th century b.c.) by Plato dealing with the composition and structure of the ideal state.

Correct this is what we were founded on so thank you for showing we are a republic
Thanks for not reading the whole post, and conveniently skipping over the definition of democracy.

Check your thesaurus, people. Republic and democracy are SYNONYMS for one another.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
doob your way off. Those words are not interchangable. You have to use them in the correct context. When you say a nation is a republic or a democracy only one of those is the meaning for what the basis is. the other is a word used to describe the way that process is then done. The republic uses a democratic vote to make sure the people (aka the republic) decide how the federal representation ( our congress) represents us as the Republic,get this, via a democratic vote..please put words in thier correct usage context is you wish to put them out there. A simple definition that is the same as another is not the same way to use them.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
If we were a democracy as your trying to imply we would not have a president or congress we would all vote for each issue that was involving our country. we would all be equaly people presidents which is not how we are


Well-Known Member

Why do you people not realize that the words "republic" and "democracy" mean essentially the same thing?

The US is BOTH a republic AND a democracy. They mean the same thing.
Wikipedia is not a good source for info, anyone can write a definition and send it in, especially people who were educated by the American system.

In a democracy i can vote to take all your possesions away, even take your children and sell tham as slaves, in a republic you could not do that even with 99.99% of the voters saying you could.

WATCH THIS VIDEO IT MIGHT HELP YOU UNDERSTAND............http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DioQooFIcgE


Well-Known Member
Incorrect. We are a representative democracy, which is a type of republic.

Yes, the founding fathers envisioned the US as a pure republic. That is not what we are today. We are most certainly a representative democracy.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Damn didnt everyone have a basic political science and history class in school? this is basic stuff all americans should know what the hell happened lol


Well-Known Member
I didn't get my definitions from wikipedia. I got them from merriam-webster.

There are different types of democracies. A true democracy is based on mob rule. A representative democracy is a type of republic, where the citizens elect representatives to create laws, etc.

the US is a representative democracy, not a pure democracy. It is not a pure republic, either. It is both.


Well-Known Member
Damn didnt everyone have a basic political science and history class in school? this is basic stuff all americans should know what the hell happened lol
HA! High school classes are utter crap, anyway.

I'm a political science major, with a minor in political philosophy.. so I kinda know what the hell I'm talking about here.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
doob can you show me where the constitution was changed to make us from a republic to a democracy as the constitution is the supreme maker of this country we dont do waht we want on a whim..the country is run incorrectly but we are a republic and have been since day 1


Mr I Can Do That For Half
actually college courses are crap as they tend to be misled by liberal professors who interject thier persoanl opinion as fact to thier students sooo college teaching on politics is wasted money...


Mr I Can Do That For Half
If ever you speak to someone who can say I went to college for political science or world economics just turn away as the shit will pile up fast

Cap K

Well-Known Member
Ya'll can sit here and argue Republic or Democracy all day long, but the bottome line here is we are all being set up for a new system of slavery, in fact most of us will enslave ourselves without even realizing it. Make no mistake, big brother exists and he is already watching us! Fewer and fewer things are obscured from his view. Someone made mention earlier to us being taught the history that they wanted us to know and he's right. We currently reside in an Orwellian world of doublespeak listen closely and you will hear it. I'm sure we all remember Geore W. Busch's No Child Left Behind Program, but would it surprise you to know that it's purpose was to leave every child behind! Would it trouble you to know that much of your television programming is paid for and manipulated by Lobbyists for certain corporations, operating as legitimate government employees? Are you aware that it is no accident that there are hundreds of reality shows about absolutely nothing. I'm sure we all recall our parents referring to TV as the idiot box.

My ex-girlfriends favorite shows used to be Scrubs and The Girls Next Door and she would love to break my balls callin me a nerd and shit cause i like documentaries and political shit! Thje 24 hour new cycle keeps us plugged into the ltest in the Casy Anthony case or right now a new daily, unconfirmed story about Michael Jackson. Are we paying attention? I assure you..distracted is just the way they like us!


Well-Known Member
doob your way off. Those words are not interchangable. You have to use them in the correct context. When you say a nation is a republic or a democracy only one of those is the meaning for what the basis is. the other is a word used to describe the way that process is then done. The republic uses a democratic vote to make sure the people (aka the republic) decide how the federal representation ( our congress) represents us as the Republic,get this, via a democratic vote..please put words in thier correct usage context is you wish to put them out there. A simple definition that is the same as another is not the same way to use them.
Um, by your own logic in a republic there is no democracy - because democracy means no president or congress. That's so far off the mark it isn't funny.

Nothing is cut and dry in politics, especially terms like "democracy". There are many forms of democracy, the US government being a prime example of a representative democracy.

Just because it's a democracy, doesn't mean it isn't a republic.

The US is both. Get over it.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
So again i present as my evidence we are a republic the constitution of the United States and the declaration or independence. please present your evidence showing we were formally converted from the republic we have been


Well-Known Member
doob can you show me where the constitution was changed to make us from a republic to a democracy as the constitution is the supreme maker of this country we dont do waht we want on a whim..the country is run incorrectly but we are a republic and have been since day 1
A representative democracy IS A REPUBLIC. The US is a representative democracy, and also a republic.

Why is that so hard to understand?

I never said we aren't a republic, but we are certainly also a democracy. The two aren't completely independent of one another. We are both.