Obama does it again Big brother fines


Mr I Can Do That For Half
ummm guess you didnt pay any attention to this whole debate then. The republic rules the federal. the federal is controlled by the republic. OPur president was to be our button pusher not the decider of which button to press. Come on now you have to have the very basic knowledge of our countries foundation...The people were to decide yes lets go to war with england Mr obama inform england we shall be at war..Now the president has gotten to where he decides we go where which is the problem at hand and what needs to be fixed as it is unconstitutional and wrong and Obama has taken full advantage and is trying to rewrite our constitution without amednment procedings forceing us into a Socialism country


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Ok doob simple direct question where in the constitution does it state we are a democratic anything nation. Dont debate just give me article and sectionn listings please this will make it simple. Please give me those to show your claim


Well-Known Member
ummm guess you didnt pay any attention to this whole debate then. The republic rules the federal. the federal is controlled by the republic. OPur president was to be our button pusher not the decider of which button to press. Come on now you have to have the very basic knowledge of our countries foundation...The people were to decide yes lets go to war with england Mr obama inform england we shall be at war..Now the president has gotten to where he decides we go where which is the problem at hand and what needs to be fixed as it is unconstitutional and wrong and Obama has taken full advantage and is trying to rewrite our constitution without amednment procedings forceing us into a Socialism country

That didn't make a bit of sense.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
a republic, which we are, is made up of all our people. Ok now the people were intended to make the decisions that our country did as a whole. follow me..Our president was basically a messneger to relay our message.That message was the decision of the republic. thats a reepublic...now what has happened which has not be written nto our constitution is the president is making decisions without the republic tell him what his decision is supposed to be... Now up to Obamas times here he has taken this flawwed setup that is illegally in place and using it for personal agendas and his personal belief we should be a socialistic body.The republic never made that vote and authorized him to make us a socialistic nation..that should make it much clearer


Well-Known Member
Ok doob simple direct question where in the constitution does it state we are a democratic anything nation. Dont debate just give me article and sectionn listings please this will make it simple. Please give me those to show your claim
Are you really that dense? A representative democracy is a type of republic. The US is a representative democracy.

The constitution has NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. I'm not arguing that the us isn't a republic, I'm trying to inform you all that a republic CAN ALSO be a democracy.

The us started out as a true republic, with a select class of citizens as the voters and decision makers (this is what a pure republic is). Orignally (according to the constitution you apparently love so much) a person had to own land in order to be part of the voting pool. A person also had to be white, and male. Representatives were appointed by elected officials, and not elected by the public.

Now, any citizen can vote regardless of race or land ownership, and blacks and women can vote. Representatives are elected and not appointed. This is where we stopped being a true republic and became a representative democracy (STILL a republic, just a different type of republic).

Is that clear enough for you?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
yes dense boy and you know why they can vote..? keep up its called a constitutional amendment. which was made by the republic via a democratic vote by the republic. soooooo we are a republic only that uses a democratic vote not a deomcratic republic as that is different..Is that simple enough for you? I see you hate america and the constitution thats clear but please read it at least once so you can know what it says..not one word is mention as to the position of what this country is that pertains to democratic anything. the word republic is specifically used. Soooo we are 100% a republic and thats what this entire debate was about not what we act like but what we are and have been officially


New Member
yes dense boy and you know why they can vote..? keep up its called a constitutional amendment. which was made by the republic via a democratic vote by the republic. soooooo we are a republic only that uses a democratic vote not a deomcratic republic as that is different..Is that simple enough for you? I see you hate america and the constitution thats clear but please read it at least once so you can know what it says..not one word is mention as to the position of what this country is that pertains to democratic anything. the word republic is specifically used. Soooo we are 100% a republic and thats what this entire debate was about not what we act like but what we are and have been officially
A representative republic: we elect people to represent us, (like they ever do) and then get to vote on what choices they come up with, yeah, it's that simple.


Well-Known Member
There's no such thing as a representative republic. All republics have representation. A representative democracy is what we are, which is a type of republic.

YES the US is a republic, a representative democracy to be exact.

I'm not sure what's so difficult to grasp about that.


Well-Known Member
yes dense boy and you know why they can vote..? keep up its called a constitutional amendment. which was made by the republic via a democratic vote by the republic. soooooo we are a republic only that uses a democratic vote not a deomcratic republic as that is different..Is that simple enough for you? I see you hate america and the constitution thats clear but please read it at least once so you can know what it says..not one word is mention as to the position of what this country is that pertains to democratic anything. the word republic is specifically used. Soooo we are 100% a republic and thats what this entire debate was about not what we act like but what we are and have been officially
You just contradicted yourself in a major way. If the US isn't a democracy, then how can we have a "democratic vote"?

The US is a representative democracy, which is a type of REPUBLIC. I don't know how many more times I need to say it before it sinks in for you.

A representative democracy is a type of republic. It is NOT a true democracy, because true democracy is based on mob rule. The US is a representative democracy, thus a republic.

A representative democracy is a type of republic.
A representative democracy is a type of republic.
A representative democracy is a type of republic.
A representative democracy is a type of republic.


Well-Known Member
So you agree now that we are a republic, because you have seen the error of your ways. +rep to you Doob


Well-Known Member
So you agree now that we are a republic, because you have seen the error of your ways. +rep to you Doob
I never said we WEREN'T a republic. I'm simply trying to get you people to realize that the two are not independent of one another.

We are a democracy AND a republic. We are not a true democracy nor a true republic, though, we are both. This is what I've been saying all along.


Well-Known Member
FWIW It was left up to the states to decide who could vote.The very first vote was in 1789. Only in Massachusetts was it a requirement to own land in order to vote. In Maryland the only requirement was 18 years old, in New Jersey women could vote. The Constitution does not state what requirements are to be met so that one is able to vote legally. As opposed to Lawfully, which is more or less practiced now.
Let it be known that the people of the United States do not elect the president, the electors from the states do, its called the electoral college. A majority of the citizens can vote for someone who ultimately could lose due to another state that has more electors voting the other way. We see this every 4 years, so I don't know how people think its actually a citizen who directly votes for the executive branch. If it were a true Democracy the people would decide. They don't.


Well-Known Member
I never said we WEREN'T a republic. I'm simply trying to get you people to realize that the two are not independent of one another.

We are a democracy AND a republic. We are not a true democracy nor a true republic, though, we are both. This is what I've been saying all along.
You are correct, you said we were a democracy in your second post. Ipso facto we are not a Republic. Saying one does not exclude the other. You do understand the difference right? About how you have rights which cannot be infringed upon under a republic and no rights at all under a democracy? In essence that is the difference between the two.

I think it was jrh who said we were not a republic, so you get a pass Doob, I like you anyway, and my +rep can't go through until I find others praise worthy.


Well-Known Member
point awarded to NoDrama. Correct we were founded as republic set up to have the states run the whole but some how it has become twisted and the States no longer run or control the federal government. This republic was set so the people would dictate how its elected officials represented us as a whole.. looks like all those degrees di not help much. On my polls I physically walked the streets and randomly asked people. It wasn't a predetermined group, no qualifier studies, no driven website no poll on the end of a bias article. I walked the street of a stae that is 80% democrate in the City of Chicago that is 85% democrate and asked' Are you currentlt satisfied with President Obamma at this point in time and o you beiliev he is doing what is best for our country?" simple unbiased direct in a heavy democrate zone. I also did it in missouri in get this a mixed zone and guess what same things...so now most the polls you quoted are a smaple size of a few hundred people so are you wrong to quote those since it is a small sample poll??
So you officially decide who is right and you are the barometer of all polls? WOW! I didn't know we had such dignified people on this site. You walked the streets of Chicago? HA - what a fucking joke dude! You are a joke! You're telling me my degrees are useless when you can't even fucking spell. What a fucking joke! You're acting all high and mighty, pretending to be the ultimate authority on this board, but you're a joke! A JOKE! You make me laugh. So please respond - you bring a smile to my day:clap:


Well-Known Member
Damn didnt everyone have a basic political science and history class in school? this is basic stuff all americans should know what the hell happened lol
Listen you arrogant piece of excrement, stop pretending to be an authority on this matter. You may think it's 'basic' stuff but it's much more complicated. You are so intellectually immature.

I teach political philosophy for a living and I have some little kid telling me I don't know definitions. WOW! I hate pulling the education card, but I need to establish my ethos in order to put you little kids in your place.


Well-Known Member
I think it was jrh who said we were not a republic, so you get a pass Doob, I like you anyway, and my +rep can't go through until I find others praise worthy.
Wow. Now NoDrama is telling me what I think and say. Are you going to teach for me now too?

Play your semantics Drama. I have nothing to prove to you because when I try, I get straw-manned. I live in academia because educated folks agree to play by certain rules of logic when debating. We all agree to never resort to logical fallacy, which you and others continually do on this board. I admit - I fall prey to a fallacy now and then, but I always take responsibility when I do. I refuse to have what I say manipulated by you. I state that we're a democracy and you run away with it. You refute me by saying that if we're a democracy then 51% can vote to kill the rest, taking the claim to an absurd level in a feeble attempt to prove a point. Well, I'm done. Listen more than you speak and your life will improve.