The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
obviously you cannot control the light.
but you can control the light you give to the plant just put it in a dark place for 12 hours a day. i get mine out at 8 in the morning and put it in at 8 at night its working fine for me.:hump:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
cor, talk about effort :D i'm barely remembering to water mine as it is :D keep drifiting off into my own world of deadliest catch and reefer, and realise that i've no good water ready, it's not an ideal time to water them, so they go another day :D that's just the smoking though :D exactly the same story with bin day :P


Active Member
im from essex and growing in my shed its a lil risky bcoz the people next door have a son whos a fed lol!!!! got 6 cali hash under a 600w hps and vegged for 3 weeks now im flowering.

hopefully i get a good yeild....

heres some pics through out there life lol

last pic i topped the far left ones and the bottem right one.



Well-Known Member
im from essex and growing in my shed its a lil risky bcoz the people next door have a son whos a fed lol!!!! got 6 cali hash under a 600w hps and vegged for 3 weeks now im flowering.

hopefully i get a good yeild....

heres some pics through out there life lol

last pic i topped the far left ones and the bottem right one.
looking good you should get a decent yeild! how many oz u wnt from it? gud luck with the cops - i hate the thought of them:evil:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
whay, just had parents and landlords over fopr 2 days with everything running except the fan in the cab, also just had a prospective tennant aorund, and while he did ask what the fan was for in the attic, ventillation seemed to work out pretty well for him :D

time to make my grow twice as exciting, now i gotta stealth feed!

and yes, read that, more exciting, not more dangerous, it's a couple of [lants, what's the worst that oculd happen :P


Well-Known Member
whay, just had parents and landlords over fopr 2 days with everything running except the fan in the cab, also just had a prospective tennant aorund, and while he did ask what the fan was for in the attic, ventillation seemed to work out pretty well for him :D

time to make my grow twice as exciting, now i gotta stealth feed!

and yes, read that, more exciting, not more dangerous, it's a couple of [lants, what's the worst that oculd happen :P
Piss alot of people off, waste alot of time, waste alot of money...........

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha, yup, but i think that i can contain this one :D i've a lock on my door just because i have weed and stuff in my room, and that's an accepted way it in in the flat, and heck, if he finds it, which i can't really see happening, i mean the landlords, parents and myself did a massive deep clean all week in the flat in preperation for viewing it, and nonoe even got a slight huntch :D but please don't take me for stupid, i'm trying to do everything i can to keep this mine, so should it get found out, i have an alternative grow site no more tha 10 minutes away which has room for around 6 1K's :P


Well-Known Member
eh up growers.

man, we are flowering on our first grow and it is boring. I WANT TO SMOKE IT NOW!!!

but, patience is a virtue, and all that.

biggest problem is the size of one of our plants. it just keeps growing. it's over 4 foot now, and we are going to struggle because we can't keep moving the light up. its a problem. any handy advice on how to keep a plant from stretching would be great - could be just the plant, but its a massive pain in the ass. all the grow sites which are starting to bud up are seperated, there is no sign of one big cola, and it just won't stop!

we are coming up to 4 weeks flowering, and had planned on about 8 - but unless she stops growing we won't have the room!

never thought i would want the plants to keep small! but it would help. lots.

anyways, catch up with youse later.


New Member
eh up growers.

man, we are flowering on our first grow and it is boring. I WANT TO SMOKE IT NOW!!!

but, patience is a virtue, and all that.

biggest problem is the size of one of our plants. it just keeps growing. it's over 4 foot now, and we are going to struggle because we can't keep moving the light up. its a problem. any handy advice on how to keep a plant from stretching would be great - could be just the plant, but its a massive pain in the ass. all the grow sites which are starting to bud up are seperated, there is no sign of one big cola, and it just won't stop!

we are coming up to 4 weeks flowering, and had planned on about 8 - but unless she stops growing we won't have the room!

never thought i would want the plants to keep small! but it would help. lots.

anyways, catch up with youse later.

You can gently bend them and tie them to give more space, as long as the stem is soft and not hardened yet, but cos your flowering be careful not to stress the plant. You've probs got a sativa dominant. Plants can tripple in size when flowered.

Is it stretched?

The budsites will usually all join up in the end.

Most crosses of cannabis take around the 8 weeks mark to flower, but sativas can take a LOT longer.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha, i'm so excited about flowering, dont tell me it's boring! and there's only one thing worse than knowing you've got only a fraction of really tedious time to wait before it's all yours, and tha's not being able to pick up anything from the street other than crap. you guys saw my previous ounce buy, well a good friend phoned me up to let people know he was back in pocket, at good prices etc, and at £70 a half, sure, i'll take oun off you. turns to me and asks if i want to buy some pollen, oh nose! so as i guessed, got home, and i've a bag or immature early picked scraggly crap full of seeds, first bagseed ever! but i alreayd have a little mint tin full of em. so i'm gonna throw 2 of those in with my next grow to see just what i am supposoed to be smoking right now, it smells of mint and lawn :D


New Member
haha, i'm so excited about flowering, dont tell me it's boring! and there's only one thing worse than knowing you've got only a fraction of really tedious time to wait before it's all yours, and tha's not being able to pick up anything from the street other than crap. you guys saw my previous ounce buy, well a good friend phoned me up to let people know he was back in pocket, at good prices etc, and at £70 a half, sure, i'll take oun off you. turns to me and asks if i want to buy some pollen, oh nose! so as i guessed, got home, and i've a bag or immature early picked scraggly crap full of seeds, first bagseed ever! but i alreayd have a little mint tin full of em. so i'm gonna throw 2 of those in with my next grow to see just what i am supposoed to be smoking right now, it smells of mint and lawn :D

I feel for you, that's whats going round here at the momement too, but some ounces of AK are comming in the next week. It's a shame i cant keep myself stocked between harvests... but damn, im not a lb per plant grower...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
yeah, i'm not a lb per pot growwer either, so i'm trying to stagger thig and such. once these 4 are a month into flowering, i'm going to get another 4 into veg, so hopefully once the 4 are harvested, it's then just 2 months till the next harvest. which should be plenty of smokables, and time enough to cure it well etc :)

anywas, i missed a watering and all leaves were touching soil etc, not happy at all, but i had no water to go so had to wait a day, anyways, woke up this morning to be greeted by these little girlies, they're looking sooo healthy right now :) or at least i think they are :P could be goodness how many deficciencies and such going on :P



Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
all look pretty green n healthy the two in the middle look a little yellow towards the bottom but cant really see, be careful tip top its the first sign of overwatering, yellowing from the arse end up. otherwise lookin great man!