16 days and nos flowering


Well-Known Member
now im pissed because my timer tuns off 15 mins early now so im going to adjust it and what should i do just put it back on to 18/6 or what ?

Some timers (like yours) have a security in them....so even though you have it set at certain times...it can be off by as much as an hour from off to on....so if it turned on 15 min early...it will prolly turn on 15 min late or early oir even on time....i veg with this timer but i dont flower with it



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
i looked at the pictures and i did not see alternating nodes...if you would like i can snap a picture of what alternating nodes look like? they look not mature...so this could be the issue so time is on your hands...


ok give me a pic of that and i will try and get a pic of my alternating nodes up for ya to see


Well-Known Member
ok open this picture up and zoom in near the bend...see how the left side is offset from the right side?


your talking about how 1 is higher then the other? thats how mine are and my foiage lookslike its weeping so i just disrupted the light cycle and turned it back on


Well-Known Member
your talking about how 1 is higher then the other? thats how mine are and my foiage lookslike its weeping so i just disrupted the light cycle and turned it back on
yeah...if you look at lower branches they are almost dead even...when its "mature" its offset....i think your problem is either week genetics, or the timer is confusing the plant some how



Well-Known Member
yeah...if you look at lower branches they are almost dead even...when its "mature" its offset....i think your problem is either week genetics, or the timer is confusing the plant some how

yea my lower ones well the foliage was yellow and i pulled those off and now my tops and others are wilting


Well-Known Member
yeah, not that one...no room yet have to harvest first then i can move this one in....


im upset man i transplanted my plant and now the whole top is wilting like its dying bro kuz i think i needed a bigger pot for it because it rooted the whole other pot when i checked but the say water it first then change pots then rewater it and i did that and now it looks like its dying when i checked up on it


Well-Known Member
im upset man i transplanted my plant and now the whole top is wilting like its dying bro kuz i think i needed a bigger pot for it because it rooted the whole other pot when i checked but the say water it first then change pots then rewater it and i did that and now it looks like its dying when i checked up on it
what?? so you thought it was rootbound....repotted it and now its wilting? i have never had that happen...i took to healthy females that grew up in one pot...i took a knife and sliced the root mass right down the middle....did not even skip a beat...

i wait until they are really dry...i pull them out...bottom of roots i cut them open......put in new dry soil....water and thats it



Well-Known Member
what?? so you thought it was rootbound....repotted it and now its wilting? i have never had that happen...i took to healthy females that grew up in one pot...i took a knife and sliced the root mass right down the middle....did not even skip a beat...

i wait until they are really dry...i pull them out...bottom of roots i cut them open......put in new dry soil....water and thats it

yea i did this hours ago and i went to check on it and the whole top ig hanging down like its dying . so do you know what that is? because they say to water the medium and then transplant with dry soil at the bottom and then re water it till it drains out the bottom and i did so and now it looks like shit and im pissed im having bad luck all the way around man . i almost want to give up because this is annoying the fuck out of me man . so what do you think i should do ? leave the light on and see whats going to happen with it or what ?


Well-Known Member
yea i did this hours ago and i went to check on it and the whole top ig hanging down like its dying . so do you know what that is? because they say to water the medium and then transplant with dry soil at the bottom and then re water it till it drains out the bottom and i did so and now it looks like shit and im pissed im having bad luck all the way around man . i almost want to give up because this is annoying the fuck out of me man . so what do you think i should do ? leave the light on and see whats going to happen with it or what ?

look at the plant and heres some alternate nodes as well


Well-Known Member
how is your plant today bro? idk really...maybe its shock from over watering....like i said never had that happen...droopy means under or over watering....so you probably over watered...IMO i would do nothing for a few days and see what happens.



Well-Known Member
how is your plant today bro? idk really...maybe its shock from over watering....like i said never had that happen...droopy means under or over watering....so you probably over watered...IMO i would do nothing for a few days and see what happens.

it recovered today the foliage is right back up so im glad about that but the damn drive i have to take is a pest just to check on it but its ok since its on my way to work and etc


Well-Known Member
it recovered today the foliage is right back up so im glad about that but the damn drive i have to take is a pest just to check on it but its ok since its on my way to work and etc
oh thats good news! yeah prolly signs of over watering....now we just need to wait on the flowers :hump::mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
oh thats good news! yeah prolly signs of over watering....now we just need to wait on the flowers :hump::mrgreen:

yea i guess but some of it is still wilted bro and im waiting on that and i kept the dark period longer and thats what helped it i guess and bout those flowers i wish they would hurry up


Well-Known Member
yea i guess but some of it is still wilted bro and im waiting on that and i kept the dark period longer and thats what helped it i guess and bout those flowers i wish they would hurry up

Patience my friend!! Good things come to those who wait. :mrgreen: