Too early to fertilize seedling?


Hello everyone, my plant germinated from seed approx a week and a half ago. There is a picture of it below. I have it under a smaller 12" fleurocent kitchen light for now, I only used this light to get it to sprout. I used soil from my backyard that I sifted through, I added no fertilizer, pert, vercumilite, or sand. It leans because its leaning to the light. I am going to be buying a new set of fleurocent lights. Here is the link: I am also going to be buying some new potting soil. Here is the link:

And I am also going to be using Terracycle Herb Fertilizer. It is a liquified worm poop fertilizer. I like this fertilizer because its impossible to chemically burn your plant or over fertilize. It also has a nitrogen booster for the vegetative process. I will also install a circulating fan when the plant gets taller, and older. For now I think that opening the grow room door is sufficient for now. My question is I want to SPEED up seedling growth and vegatative growth as fast as possible to start the flowering phase. Is it too early to start fertilizing my seedling? Or should I wait another few weeks? Any help at all is greatly appreciated. Thanks! :blsmoke:


I would not use nutes this early.I would wait for the first 2 leaves that sprouted to yellow and fall off before adding anything.The plant has enuff nutes in it to survive for 3-4 weeks.


Active Member
Wait at least 3-4 weeks man and get those lights as close as you can
about 1"-2" above your plants and they will stop stretching and grow bushier!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I would not use nutes this early.I would wait for the first 2 leaves that sprouted to yellow and fall off before adding anything.The plant has enuff nutes in it to survive for 3-4 weeks.
i'm inot the 5th week and i still got those lower leaves on all 4 plants? you sure on that?


I hear the cotyledons(first rounded leaves) that sprout are nothing more than feeders for the plant itself, and that they will eventually curl and yellow and fall off. My second pair of leaves are coming in but ever so slowly it seems. I'm guessing beacuse I used soil from my backyard with no nutes. I was still wondering if the terracycle worm poop fertilizer would help speed up growing process?


Well-Known Member
basically the plants just growing real slow if its on the 5th week and still looks like a little 3day old sprout, as showed above. this doesnt mean u need to correct this by nute bombing your water. itll then probably die. its so small because of other environmental issues, like lighting , and fresh air, to wet of soil, something happened. either way if u show it love itll manage, but no nutes till it gets way bigger.

5th week ? wtf are u sure?


Well-Known Member
Ay man you need to put on a shirt lol
also to be on topic you deffinately should not be giving that plant nutes at 1 week. I don't know how good your backyard soil is but 90% of the time it has bugs/larvae in it atleast my backyard soil does. So you may need to transeplant into better soil when possible.


Im not trying to be mean, but what the hell are you doing to your plant? Using soil from outside in an inside grow? big mistake, your very early in the grow, i recommend start over, go buy some soil to start with, and also you dont need a light to get it to sprout you first need the light once it has sprouted, you need to fix a lot of things before you should need some help, first thig is to do everything 'cleanly' soil from outside is dirty, all just my 2 cents, good luck anyway
Hello everyone, my plant germinated from seed approx a week and a half ago. There is a picture of it below. I have it under a smaller 12" fleurocent kitchen light for now, I only used this light to get it to sprout. I used soil from my backyard that I sifted through, I added no fertilizer, pert, vercumilite, or sand. It leans because its leaning to the light. I am going to be buying a new set of fleurocent lights. Here is the link: I am also going to be buying some new potting soil. Here is the link:

And I am also going to be using Terracycle Herb Fertilizer. It is a liquified worm poop fertilizer. I like this fertilizer because its impossible to chemically burn your plant or over fertilize. It also has a nitrogen booster for the vegetative process. I will also install a circulating fan when the plant gets taller, and older. For now I think that opening the grow room door is sufficient for now. My question is I want to SPEED up seedling growth and vegatative growth as fast as possible to start the flowering phase. Is it too early to start fertilizing my seedling? Or should I wait another few weeks? Any help at all is greatly appreciated. Thanks! :blsmoke:


Its been about 2 weeks now, maye a little longer. I have not added any fertilizer. I've just been letting it grow. I water when neccessary. The tips on 2 of the first set of leaves are starting to yellow and curl. The stem has a slight purple color in it. The cotyledon leaves are still green and intact. The stem seems slightly weak and sways a bit towards the light.



Its been about 3 weeks now, maye a little longer. I have not added any fertilizer. I've just been letting it grow. I water when neccessary. The tips on 2 of the first set of true bladed leaves stopped yellowing and curling and straightned out. The stem has staightned out and is nice rich green and sturdy.The cotyledon leaves are still green and intact. I put the plant in the sun during the day from around 11am to 6pm. I put it under a small kitchen sized cfl at night. not sure of the wattage. when the plant reaches 16" I am going to construct another grow room with bigger cfl's for flowering. I water with distilled water. No nutes yet.



UPDATE ON PLANT. Considerable growth in even 1 day. especially middle leaves. The soil still has no nutrients what so ever. (remember its backyard soil I sifted thru, old gardening soil pile.) I have not used any fertilizer yet either. It goes in direct sunlight during the day,and at night under a cfl.



few hours from previous post. can you help me determine when to transplant? and how to determine whether its male or female?


Active Member
I would wait atleast 1 more week before transplanting. I would transplant it in to a 5 gallon bucket, which will be big enough to finish in. This reduces transplant shock. You should also try to find some real good soil to transplant into, fox farm soil and nutes will work wonders for your girl! drill or cut several holes in the bottom and lower sides of the bucket for drainage. just my opinion, keep on keepin


Active Member
Yeah, Don't fert untill your cotyledons start turning yellow... There is a thing about growing MJ; you must be ever so patient. If you are not, then you will lose what you care for and that my friend is death on the life you brought into this world. Listen to the old-time baby sitters in here and you will learn much young grasshopper :D