A Pro Obama thread


New Member
You sure throw the stupidity term around loosely, and about personal responsibility, it boils down to this: It's hard to remember that you only came here to drain the swamps when you are surrounded by alligators. Try and take a minute or two and put yourself in someone elses shoes, I know, I Know, that is extremely hard for someone like you to do, But if you want to know answers to things you do not obviously understand, you have to start somewhere. Cliches and prejudices are hard to overcome, but if you are as intelligent as you purport to be, take a few minutes and just imagine the difficulties of some of the less endowed on this planet. Then you may imagine there has to be some leveling of the playing field, JMHO.
All in favor of draining Med-'O-Mao's bank account FIRST in order to pay for his beloved welfare schemes, say aye!



Well-Known Member
Athens was a democracy centered around the idea of a polis, which is much different than anything resembling socialism.

Rome was never socialist in any manifestation of the word. Kings, Republic, then Empire.

And there are socialist governments that have succeeded (depending on your definition of the word). Denmark, Switzerland, Iceland, France, etc.....
Rome instituted Socialist Policies, Bread and Circuses JRH, Bread and Circuses.


Well-Known Member
You sure throw the stupidity term around loosely, and about personal responsibility, it boils down to this: It's hard to remember that you only came here to drain the swamps when you are surrounded by alligators. Try and take a minute or two and put yourself in someone elses shoes, I know, I Know, that is extremely hard for someone like you to do, But if you want to know answers to things you do not obviously understand, you have to start somewhere. Cliches and prejudices are hard to overcome, but if you are as intelligent as you purport to be, take a few minutes and just imagine the difficulties of some of the less endowed on this planet. Then you may imagine there has to be some leveling of the playing field, JMHO.
I have put my self in other people's shoes, and still the conclusion I draw is that Social Security destroys the ability of people working at McDonald's to get ahead and climb out of poverty.

You've probable seen how much slower we are producing engineers and scientists compared to the 60s. Pretty much the same time that Social Security Taxes started their upward climb. The US production of Engineers and Scientists has continued to decline relative to the population, and the demand has continued to grow.

Now, it might not all be contributed to Social Security/Pay Roll Taxes, but when a family loses 15% of their income to the thieves in D.C. it kind of makes it hard for them to afford college for their children so their children can climb higher than they did.


Well-Known Member
Still a different model. Our modern economic terms simply cannot apply. That's all I'm saying - there's really no argument here; merely semantics.
Actually, I would say that describing the institutions that the Romans put in place as Socialist would be an apt comparison, and a much better one than trying to compare it to National Socialist Germany, and the USSR. Unfortunately there is not nearly as much material as there is on the Roman Empire.

More importantly is the fact that it was the bread and circuses that lead to the rise of Julius and Augustus Caesar. The Bread and Circuses also lead to high tax rates, and the coinage was artifically inflated by the Emperors to pay for their social programs. Ultimately those same Social Programs would lead to the people welcoming the German Hordes into their territories and secession from the Empire.