High dreams

grow space

Well-Known Member
A little off topic but has anyone ever died in their dream? If so, what happend, did you wake up? I noticed a few times I would have dreams where I was falling from something and it felt exciting without being scary.

I had a dream once where I was racing cars up the street, except I was in a peddel bike. I remember going up this him but at the top I just kept going through the air and fell back on the ground. As soon as I hit the ground I woke up.
maaan-so so many times-i just like the feeling when im falling down really high and then i already know in the dream that soon im going to twitch and feel this bizzard feeling-and then i wake up.


Active Member
since i went on probation and had to quit I have dreams where im smokin in my dream and it feels real as hell n then i wake up scared as fuck cause i think imma fail my piss test...... that shit sucks


Well-Known Member
since i went on probation and had to quit I have dreams where im smokin in my dream and it feels real as hell n then i wake up scared as fuck cause i think imma fail my piss test...... that shit sucks
that exact same shit happened to me when I was on probation as a juvenile.

I would dream I was smoking then taking the test then getting locked up.....wake up scared as fuck that shit's actually happening.....


Well-Known Member
Nice! I thought it was just me lol
The constant worry about that shit had me so stressed out my blood pressure was through the roof and I ended up getting migraines as a result.....of course I was doing my best to cheap the system and get away with every thing I possibly could.......that shit will wear on ya


Active Member
oh man for real its psycological damaging...and now 2 years of that shit and i can start smoking next week im a little nervous


Well-Known Member
oh man for real its psycological damaging...and now 2 years of that shit and i can start smoking next week im a little nervous
I remember getting off probation when I turned 19....after 5 years of fucking around and getting locked up in juvi and shit since I was 14 It was like a huge sigh of relief for me to be done with it all......that was a few years ago now though my memory isn't so great I don't remember if I was nervous smoking again after I finally gave into probation and just quit doing stupid shit.....