why do you get high, please share, get it off your chest man youll feel better

1st time for me was when I was in 6th grade. I had a friend who's older brother was in a band so he snagged some and then it happened. I stayed with it here and there through school, sports would mostly keep me away. Now that life has carried on with work and wife I use my smoke to relax. Some have their beer, I have my bud! Keep the smoke going and enjoy, if you dont I know I will!
1st time for me was when I was in 6th grade. I had a friend who's older brother was in a band so he snagged some and then it happened. I stayed with it here and there through school, sports would mostly keep me away. Now that life has carried on with work and wife I use my smoke to relax. Some have their beer, I have my bud! Keep the smoke going and enjoy, if you dont I know I will!

great share dude
Honestly... i started smoking about 6 months ago, 20 years old. was at a party at a friends, walked into a side room to chill out, friend pulled out bong, it was being passed around and was handed to me,
(everyone ive known my entire life has always pictured me as a "smoker" although i had never even been offered it up to this point.)
i smilled real big and said "ive never smoked and have no idea wtf to do with this thing" the girl next to me smile, laughed a little, leaned over, lit it, told me to smoke... i smoked
about a month later i was smoking out back with an old friend when my dad walked out, we hid the bong, made small talk for about half an hour, till my dad looks me in the eyes and said "if your holding out... ima be pissed"
ive been smoking almost every other day since, and i continue to smoke because its a way for me to calm down everything inside me and my brain and shuts me up... lowers my anxiety... and i think its helping with my acne, honestly... lol

I swear mj cured my acne.

* and I get high because I like to relax. (n i hate acne)
I struggle with alcoholism, depression, boredom...etc. The green makes me happy and I enjoy everything so much more in life. Definitely doesn't make me Superman or Albert Einstein, but it does make dealing with life much easier. Some people use nature legal means such as religion/exercise/family...etc, not me this is my safe escape. I would love to be on hallucinogenic drugs (not including marijuana if that is still considered one) but I have slight bit more ambition in life then sitting around defecating myself all day... for now.

Oh yeah started in my early 20s now i'm 31.
I smoke mainly 'cause of my bad temper. It's the only thing that mellows me out, other than that, I like to smoke on a sunny sunday morning :)