Miracle Grow, is it worth it?

I'm still just learning on my first grow, but i used MG soil to start all of mine out from seed. I figure 13/15 sprouting and doing well is a good number for someone who is just learning. Especially from bagseed. All i know for sure is you had an argument before you tried to say wiki was "FACT." At least post a source that is 100% legit.

As for the MG questions. I'm using the tomato formula now. 18-21-21 i believe. I started feeding last week and they are really taking off now. Take it for what its worth.
:joint: good to see you mygirls....ive been reading a little of your threads looking nice man....
thanks bro. its ok for MG 24-8-16..... i do like those fat ass buds of yours...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
thanks bro. its ok for MG 24-8-16..... i do like those fat ass buds of yours...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
thats all mother natures doing....hopefully the wheather evens out here in cali and i might get an outdoor this year...ive already had to rip about 8 due to premature flowering :evil:.....but i think im going to follow suit like you and build a greenhouse next year so i can control it a little better. :joint:
why did i get quoted for that.....:cry:

it was a mistake jeff i meant to quote on nick's thread that i loose again but i just noticed you had answered on the same post with the pics in it.
if you look back you will see my mistake.
To get back to the meaning of this thread... Miracle Grow is worth it if you have absolutely no choice, you just have to be vary careful with it.

As for the other conversation that developed:

IN MY OPINION: All those items previously posted that were in the soil are organic. If they are not organic, then i do not know what the hell is.

Also, THIS IS FACT: Wikipedia is NOT ALWAYS FACTUAL. It has been proven many times, what you read on wiki is often times not true and can not be regarded as fact. This is why you can not cite it in reports, college papers, or anything else for that matter. Although, I agree it is very helpful, but most definitely not the gospel truth.

So please, at least for the sake of my sanity, no one post links to wiki and claim them as fact anymore(I'm not trying to dis you Luda, this goes for everyone).

Peaceazy, MrJoshC
To get back to the meaning of this thread... Miracle Grow is worth it if you have absolutely no choice, you just have to be vary careful with it.

As for the other conversation that developed:

IN MY OPINION: All those items previously posted that were in the soil are organic. If they are not organic, then i do not know what the hell is.

Also, THIS IS FACT: Wikipedia is NOT ALWAYS FACTUAL. It has been proven many times, what you read on wiki is often times not true and can not be regarded as fact. This is why you can not cite it in reports, college papers, or anything else for that matter. Although, I agree it is very helpful, but most definitely not the gospel truth.

So please, at least for the sake of my sanity, no one post links to wiki and claim them as fact anymore(I'm not trying to dis you Luda, this goes for everyone).

Peaceazy, MrJoshC

i did not say "wikipedia" was fact its something i found looking for organic farming and i read it and posted it thats all.
how do i know winki is not fact ????? (i dont) and its not a tool i use to grow plants with as that can only come from my own growing experiences and what i have achieved and learned along the way.

Luda, I told you I wasn't trying to start shit with you. But you get all hostile on me when I try and say something tactful and in a respectful manner.

When I was saying wiki is not fact, it is because you yourself was telling people it is. That is all I wanted to clarify. I'm totally not trying to be a dick or come off as hostile, but jeez dude... Smoke another bowl :)

i meant out of the blue on this thread and i do respect the newbies and am glad to help where i can and i am no growing guru i dont know it all but what i know is through my own experiences and through fellow growers.
and who is looking for repp ???????.
and what makes you still believe that i dont know my head from my ass regarding growing weed(thats in you own mind)prove it.
you are just an angry man thats got a beef with yourself and taking it out on me.
and anything i may paste on the site is FACT so where is the missinformation(show me please).
so go and tell the newbies who are possible friends i talk shit and see where it gets you if you have nothing better to do.
i did think somebody as mature as you would not play pissing matches and dissing people you know nothing about but i was wrong again right ??? and you still think i know nothing about growing now thats just competelly crazy retarded and unfounded and as i said its only in your mind(weird).
and if i am in your mind as such a bad person then why do i have so many friends and contacts that i learn from and teach some :shock:

sea growing fish/crab meal/shrimp meal/bat guano and earthworm castings/peat moss and composted humus :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:.
fuck knows what planet you are on mate but have a read at this and then tell me you are growing organic with all that added shit.
as far as i can tell you dont even know what organic faming means so have a read at this and stop talking bull and come back and say i am wrong :dunce:.

just in case you miss the above post , here is another doozy