Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
since I'm having fun with this youtube shit, this is what turned me from a skeptic to a believer...

and this aint kissing ass either,,, it's called straight respecting. If you can grow trees like this, feel free to talk all the shit you want to me,, I don't mind, I'd take is as a compliment;)
enjoy gang :peace:


Well-Known Member
Fuck this!!! I need my own place!!!

FDD on the stock. I ingrave My initials and last 4 numbers of my social on all my truck parts motor block, heads, frame everything!

Doc let's see your fat stock.... Come on whip um out!! Lol


Well-Known Member
hey man, you surf? goin up in sept for a surf trip, big island. a local surfer and some smoke would be righteous.


Well-Known Member
I watch this video everymorning when I get up... honest!! listen to the message gang :joint:
he who feels it knows it..
Morning :hug: MJ is an herb. I don't consider it a "drug"......only in the sense that it helps so many--"if" that's a drug, so be it...but I don't ever refer to it as a drug.
I believe it's God's gift to man. I also believe that God frowns down upon the vast majority of pharmaceuticals--perhaps even all of them.
Every day I hear of a new strain that I know nothing about...e.g. the hijack....so many numerous strains out there---each serving their purpose.
It has proven it to be tremendously beneficial to every pain, ailment, disease....the books have already been written. Scientists know it's good, those who smoke know it's good. In fact, the government KNOWS that it is good---but bad for "them." What do you suppose would happen to the pharmaceutical industry making trillions if people were to resort to a natural treatment vs. a chemical man-made one?
I live for the day when this entire country defies the gov't...wakes up and just finally decides that they are just not going to live in fear to what "they" deem unfit. SO many people toke up......and yet SO many also live in fear. They must hide...be secretive. OF WHAT?
Look at Montel Williams. He gets up on national TV and JUST SAYS IT........"I go home every night and smoke up." He also says it well with "Who in the hell does the government think they are to say that a handful of people can be put into "their" program to legally use?"....and all others are criminals? WTH??? Time for all of us to get up and just say......we're mad as hell and we're not going to take it!!!
It's our duty to stand up for what is RIGHT.
He said it......Herb is A PLANT. Should we arrest people for all other natural ingredients?--drinking chamomile tea?.....aloe vera, echinacea, ETC? For that matter, should "the man" arrest someone because they like to go home and drain a fifth of alcohol? Hell no....because it's THEIR RIGHT (so long as they don't get in a car and kill someone, so long as they don't physically abuse others due to its affect on them) It's your RIGHT to kill yourselves with cigarettes. LOL, the government doesn't argue that one.....they just tax the SHIT out of it instead. I'm seriously waiting for the day when people start growing tobacco in their homes to defy that BS. You know what the gov't would do too, right? It would be suddenly deemed ILLEGAL. Get it? Stand up, don't cower. Change doesn't come from remaining quiet.
I had this argument with my mother just recently. She's older...and naturally she's caught up with rolling with what the media tells her. At the same time she is an advocate for my using it--"but it's illegal" she says...and she calls it the "gateway DRUG." Damn, that pissed me off. WRONG, alcohol, tobacco/nicotine, caffeine--those are your gateway drugs. In fact, take all the additives out of a cigarette...nicotine itself isn't so bad....it's the additives that are bad for the body.---Just as it's the additives to the poppy that make it "bad." LOL, I told her that she was a heroin addict because she eats everything bagels every morning.
Some people will just never get it....let's face it. But because they won't get it...whether it is because they are incapable due to being stubborn as hell or they are just robotic in society---they're "not getting it" does NOT entitle them to criminalize innocent people!!! People who use this herb are not hurting any one....they are not even hurting themselves.
I'm with you WHOLEHEARTEDLY Bob...we've got to stand up for OUR RIGHTS.
So, why the hell don't we? That's the real question to be answered.


Well-Known Member
since I'm having fun with this youtube shit, this is what turned me from a skeptic to a believer...

and this aint kissing ass either,,, it's called straight respecting. If you can grow trees like this, feel free to talk all the shit you want to me,, I don't mind, I'd take is as a compliment;)
enjoy gang :peace:
Not trying to sound overly confident here, but I KNOW I could grow trees like that. I've got the compost pile I've been working on for years...don't have the plot. I bring plants that are pronounced dead and make them show plants. :::cough::: I won't claim that with my current coco grow though--scary stuff, let's just say I didn't do my HW.
Wow, I just realized that was FDD's.......I have a newfound respect for him. ;-)


Well-Known Member
The part were his initails are carved shows just how big they are.
He grows friggin trees man.
He has my respect.
Even if he is a little kurt.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Not trying to sound overly confident here, but I KNOW I could grow trees like that. I've got the compost pile I've been working on for years...don't have the plot. I bring plants that are pronounced dead and make them show plants. :::cough::: I won't claim that with my current coco grow though--scary stuff, let's just say I didn't do my HW.
Wow, I just realized that was FDD's.......I have a newfound respect for him. ;-)
you can grow trees like this??? I call BS!!! lol just playing babs, I have faith in you:neutral: and yes, when I seen the video, I had newfound respects too :peace:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Morning :hug: MJ is an herb. I don't consider it a "drug"......only in the sense that it helps so many--"if" that's a drug, so be it...but I don't ever refer to it as a drug.
I believe it's God's gift to man. I also believe that God frowns down upon the vast majority of pharmaceuticals--perhaps even all of them.
Every day I hear of a new strain that I know nothing about...e.g. the hijack....so many numerous strains out there---each serving their purpose.
It has proven it to be tremendously beneficial to every pain, ailment, disease....the books have already been written. Scientists know it's good, those who smoke know it's good. In fact, the government KNOWS that it is good---but bad for "them." What do you suppose would happen to the pharmaceutical industry making trillions if people were to resort to a natural treatment vs. a chemical man-made one?
I live for the day when this entire country defies the gov't...wakes up and just finally decides that they are just not going to live in fear to what "they" deem unfit. SO many people toke up......and yet SO many also live in fear. They must hide...be secretive. OF WHAT?
Look at Montel Williams. He gets up on national TV and JUST SAYS IT........"I go home every night and smoke up." He also says it well with "Who in the hell does the government think they are to say that a handful of people can be put into "their" program to legally use?"....and all others are criminals? WTH??? Time for all of us to get up and just say......we're mad as hell and we're not going to take it!!!
It's our duty to stand up for what is RIGHT.
He said it......Herb is A PLANT. Should we arrest people for all other natural ingredients?--drinking chamomile tea?.....aloe vera, echinacea, ETC? For that matter, should "the man" arrest someone because they like to go home and drain a fifth of alcohol? Hell no....because it's THEIR RIGHT (so long as they don't get in a car and kill someone, so long as they don't physically abuse others due to its affect on them) It's your RIGHT to kill yourselves with cigarettes. LOL, the government doesn't argue that one.....they just tax the SHIT out of it instead. I'm seriously waiting for the day when people start growing tobacco in their homes to defy that BS. You know what the gov't would do too, right? It would be suddenly deemed ILLEGAL. Get it? Stand up, don't cower. Change doesn't come from remaining quiet.
I had this argument with my mother just recently. She's older...and naturally she's caught up with rolling with what the media tells her. At the same time she is an advocate for my using it--"but it's illegal" she says...and she calls it the "gateway DRUG." Damn, that pissed me off. WRONG, alcohol, tobacco/nicotine, caffeine--those are your gateway drugs. In fact, take all the additives out of a cigarette...nicotine itself isn't so bad....it's the additives that are bad for the body.---Just as it's the additives to the poppy that make it "bad." LOL, I told her that she was a heroin addict because she eats everything bagels every morning.
Some people will just never get it....let's face it. But because they won't get it...whether it is because they are incapable due to being stubborn as hell or they are just robotic in society---they're "not getting it" does NOT entitle them to criminalize innocent people!!! People who use this herb are not hurting any one....they are not even hurting themselves.
I'm with you WHOLEHEARTEDLY Bob...we've got to stand up for OUR RIGHTS.
So, why the hell don't we? That's the real question to be answered.
appreciate your opinions and views bab! thx for looking at the video! it's my morning routine:)gets me in the right state of mind,,,,Jah Know!


Well-Known Member
Waked n gonna be baked. An old friend just gave me about 20 seeds from his family on Molokai , he never said the name of the strain. He did say his family been growing this strain for years. Can't wait to see what they will grow into.


Well-Known Member
and a wish upon a star .... the infinitum hope of the tree of goodness .... family heirloom seeds ... special from the start. Walk On!!~~ :peace:
Waked n gonna be baked. An old friend just gave me about 20 seeds from his family on Molokai , he never said the name of the strain. He did say his family been growing this strain for years. Can't wait to see what they will grow into.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Waked n gonna be baked. An old friend just gave me about 20 seeds from his family on Molokai , he never said the name of the strain. He did say his family been growing this strain for years. Can't wait to see what they will grow into.
you lucky dog!!wonder if its molokai frost???ya never know? I like see them be grown out to... keep me updated brah!

morning tahoe!


Well-Known Member
Good morning Doc!! Hows paradise today?:roll: haha

Great videos!! Bob was trying to cahnge the world for the better. Why do we loose all the great ones so early?:?

I heard this song this morning (afternoon now) and thought I would share.:peace:
