ZigZagZane's 09 SoCal outdoor medical grow w/PICS

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
My plants look somewhat like those pictures you posted Greenhorn, except tiny fan leaves are sprouting out of the nodes...no sacs, and what looks like tiny pitils, but those "tiny pistils" im seeing could just be very tiny baby growth...
Everyone thats tried to help me out has been great though lol everyone has been here right with me the whole way trying to figure out what they are...thanks RIU! for now...heres the water cured bud from my tiny pre-mature purple widow that flowered to early....I got about a half oz of it lol

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
you should cut a clone for your next grow;)
Oh im definitely takin clones, specially from the afghanxmazar, the big bush I have has great genetics, no support and not a branch has broken off, it has those massive rings under the branches connecting to the main stalk...:mrgreen:, I just need some cloning gel...anyways yeah I always do a winter outdoor grow just to see what I can get...

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
hehehe you got some fall colors going on there, nice lol
Haha yeah bro im surprised its even smokable...like the buds look better in the pics then they truly are lol...the buds arent very developed, when its all done drying in a couple hours, it will look A LOT more airy...still though, when I roll a fatty of it, it gets me pretty high:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Haha yeah bro im surprised its even smokable...like the buds look better in the pics then they truly are lol...the buds arent very developed, when its all done drying in a couple hours, it will look A LOT more airy...still though, when I roll a fatty of it, it gets me pretty high:eyesmoke:
all that matters bongsmilie :-)
I like how you used the hanger to dry buds though. looks like itd work pretty good. but still no sex on the durb huh??

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
all that matters bongsmilie :-)
I like how you used the hanger to dry buds though. looks like itd work pretty good. but still no sex on the durb huh??
yeah the water cure took away all the smell and taste...but its better than schwag...so i'll keep tokin it just to hold me over...and yeah the hanger with tacs works great, and the durbans...no sacs, yet no pistils...:? even with the magnifying glass I cant even tell what they might be...but fuck it august is on its way...then i'll know for sure...:peace:


Well-Known Member
Oh im definitely takin clones, specially from the afghanxmazar, the big bush I have has great genetics, no support and not a branch has broken off, it has those massive rings under the branches connecting to the main stalk...:mrgreen:, I just need some cloning gel...anyways yeah I always do a winter outdoor grow just to see what I can get...
Great to hear your Afghan x Mazar is kicking ass so well for you, Zig!!<---yes, I would most definately say an outside plant, haha! I think the ones that I grew had the most stout stems/stocks of anything I've ever grown. I just didn't have that kind of space inside:?
Well, they are sure looking beautiful--- +rep4u!!

Keeping my fingers crossed on the Durbans for you too!! come on girls......


Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
So ive been using these free nutes from my local hydro shop, but they are chem, and only supposed to be for hydro and soiless mediums...but fuck it ive been using it every now and then, anyways I wanted to switch, and veg is almost over so I only needed flowering nutes, and the dude recommended the Organicare bloom granular bloom formula...and he told me id like it so I got it...the directions say for soil to mix into the soil but they are speaking about before you plant, but the guy at the hydro shop told me that you can just mix it in the topsoil or like 1-3 inches down and just water like normal, and apply every 2-3 weeks throughout flowering...and he reasurred me of that...anyways all I need to know is how much of it I need to mix into each plants topsoil...cuz it says "reapply every 2 weeks by turning 1/2 oz or 1 oz of Pure, per gallon of soil into the top 1-3 inches of soil"....so I just cant figure out how much I need to work into each plants soil...can anyone help? :peace: the "per gallon" part is throwing me off, all I know is my holes are massive...



is bat fert good for hydroponics,also what is the best fert out of tiger bloom,B-cuzz??? Also what ios a good plant sweetner and whn should 1 add???

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
These durban poisons are fucking odd! and now im getting frustrated! all the pre-flowers on them have a stem, and they have the "ball on a stick" look...except for the sacs, the balls, there arent any sacks on the end of these stems...they all begin to look like balls when they are small, but then they open up, and are like lil leaf sets...these are pics of all my durbans from several top nodes...they arent the best pics but im just trynna give everyone an idea of what ive been looking at and trying to figure out for months! are these just males with pre-flowers that look very different..once agin there are no hairs(why would it take this long for the hairs to pop out?)...but also no balls, and if they are indeed pollen sacks, then they are the wierdest mutant male pre flowers ive ever seen, does anyone know what these are?...I mean they could indeed be male pollen sacks but they ARENT sacks, there is no ball, they are open leaves, can a male be like this?I keep waiting to see something to happen at the nodes, but what if this is it?...can anyone pleaseeeeee help? I would appreciate it so much, these durbans are stressing me out sooo much!



Well-Known Member
These durban poisons are fucking odd! and now im getting frustrated! all the pre-flowers on them have a stem, and they have the "ball on a stick" look...except for the sacs, the balls, there arent any sacks on the end of these stems...they all begin to look like balls when they are small, but then they open up, and are like lil leaf sets...these are pics of all my durbans from several top nodes...they arent the best pics but im just trynna give everyone an idea of what ive been looking at and trying to figure out for months! are these just males with pre-flowers that look very different..once agin there are no hairs(why would it take this long for the hairs to pop out?)...but also no balls, and if they are indeed pollen sacks, then they are the wierdest mutant male pre flowers ive ever seen, does anyone know what these are?...I mean they could indeed be male pollen sacks but they ARENT sacks, there is no ball, they are open leaves, can a male be like this?I keep waiting to see something to happen at the nodes, but what if this is it?...can anyone pleaseeeeee help? I would appreciate it so much, these durbans are stressing me out sooo much!
Those are some mutant ass plants ZZZ. I have never seen anything like that.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
Those are some mutant ass plants ZZZ. I have never seen anything like that.
I know my boy...its very frustrating...
I dont wanna wait too long either because soon enough all my females will be in flower and they will be able to be pollinated...what if these are the pollen sacks? damn these durbans are mindfucks.


Well-Known Member
very odd. there are NO flowers there though. gonna be some crazy shit once it goes down. it must be a lAAAAAATE flowering sativa. gonna be a christmas harvest. :hump:

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
very odd. there are NO flowers there though. gonna be some crazy shit once it goes down. it must be a lAAAAAATE flowering sativa. gonna be a christmas harvest. :hump:
man I was hoping you'd stop by and drop some wisdom lol Thanks fdd, but do you think it could be male? males usually show soooo much sooner, and all my durban poisons are like this, not a sign of sex, must be the strain...but ur right though, must just be super late flower-ers lol