WARNING: Exercise caution Elite Genetics may have been busted….7-22-09


Well-Known Member
You make some good points SpruceZues ... lol, I gotta ask, is the name a play-on Mr Brun's plane The Spruce Goose?

"$85 however for 4 regular seeds is not a reasonable price."

I look to take a mother to keep the strain going for years, I paid about $65-85 for 6 Super Strawberry Diesel seeds, I have 6 plants flowering and 10 clones in veg. If it's a decent strain I don't mind coughing up $100 for whatever many seeds I need to get a decent female. It's a lot of money but it's better than paying $150 for 10 seeds and having half of them sit in your seed box for years.

"I would suggest moving the price point into the cons area."

What does everyone else think? I didn't think the prices were outrageous, what do you think?

"Comparing elite to Mandala seeds is easy. Mandala charges $30 bucks for 10 seeds. Elite charged $85 for 4.
On no fucking planet are marijuana seeds worth over $20 each!! As stated earlier, polinate one large plant and you can get 10000 seeds. Sell those @ $20 a piece and were talking some pretty serious money."

You could make like, almost a thousand dollars! ;)

That's some good figuring. I didn't realize a plant could yield 10,000 seeds, 2500 packs of 4 @ $85 USD = $212,500. Of inventory. They wouldn't have to breed new seeds too often.

"I wonder how much of the presumably hundreds of thousands of dollars elite made was donated to NORML or other pro-cannabis groups... My guess is none, but feel free to correct me."

Lol. No, I won't correct you.

"Perhaps if our friend elite had spent less time trolling forums making up lies about other seed vendors and more time (or any time) on security, we wouldnt be sitting here having this conversation. But alas, here we are, free men (or women) debating the points of some criminal's arrest. There is a fine line between having a profitable business and being a greedy fatcat. As we've found, it's not only bad for your soul, but your legal status as well."

I must disagree. I can't see this having more to do with greed than stupidity and slovenliness.




Well-Known Member
"No one helps anyone in this world without helping themselves"

There's an old fellow in our provincial news who grew ... hemp the paper said, but that's weird ... and extracted the resin, made a hemp oil concoction and was arrested for giving it away free (charged no one a dime ever) and claimed it cured cancer. Which of course it didnt' but that wouldn't stop someone dying of cancer from taking a free teaspoon of hemp oil.

The judge said it was the strangest case he'd presided over, someone: taking the risk to grow, process and distribute an illegal plant oil and charging no money.

There ya go, normal guy doing something for no monetary gain.




Well-Known Member
You make some good points SpruceZues ... lol, I gotta ask, is the name a play-on Mr Brun's plane The Spruce Goose?
I suppose you could say either that or Hughs flying boat the Spruce goose, also my dog's name is Zeus, AND my 'house strain' has become know as the spruce zeus.

I look to take a mother to keep the strain going for years, I paid about $65-85 for 6 Super Strawberry Diesel seeds, I have 6 plants flowering and 10 clones in veg. If it's a decent strain I don't mind coughing up $100 for whatever many seeds I need to get a decent female. It's a lot of money but it's better than paying $150 for 10 seeds and having half of them sit in your seed box for years.
I too believe that when you buy a pack of seeds, you're buying the genetics (which ties into the whole breeding other people's stuff thing as well) and the chance to find a good mother. And $100 isn't really that much to get yourself a good mother. However, with only 4 potential plants to choose from, you're not really getting a broad scope of what the strain is capable of.
I understand that Elite's whole deal is trying to duplicate legendary clone-only strains in seed form, but even the most back-crossed, stable plants are going to show genetic diversity, and with the ham fisted pollen chucking that elite seemed to be doing, I certainly wouldn't expect uniform plants.
My point is, any way you cut it, I like to grow out several seeds of any variety and $20+ per regular seed seems mighty expensive based in the cost of production.
I can grow out 10 satori seeds for $35 or 4 super-firexOGkushyxfirewhitesourdieslekush for $85. Unless this weed is going to massage my balls whilst it blows me, I'll stick with the cheap and reliable.

You could make like, almost a thousand dollars! ;)

That's some good figuring. I didn't realize a plant could yield 10,000 seeds, 2500 packs of 4 @ $85 USD = $212,500. Of inventory. They wouldn't have to breed new seeds too often.
I should mention, so it doesn't seem as though i'm being misleading.
10 000 seeds per plant isn't unheard of. However, most indoor breeders are probably going to have realisticaly 1000 per plant. On a plant, that if sensimillia would probably yield 3-4 Oz, worth $600-$800 around here, if you were to sell it.
What would you rather have, 800 bucks or twenty large.
No wonder he would risk his ass in the states. BIG MONEY!!!

Almost makes me want to force some pollen and start slanging some feminized SpruceZeus seeds.

And if I called it fucking OG spruce fire kush I could charge $200 for 10 seeds and get rich as fuck. Or I could sell them for $20 a pack and still make more profit than I do enemies.
Just PM me and I'll give you my home address, you can come pick them up, the front door is unlocked. :twisted:

"I wonder how much of the presumably hundreds of thousands of dollars elite made was donated to NORML or other pro-cannabis groups... My guess is none, but feel free to correct me."

Lol. No, I won't correct you
Not that this makes elite a bad person, I only brought it up because the cannabis community seems to be up in arms over the arrest of someone who I don't peticularily consider a friend of the cause.

I must disagree. I can't see this having more to do with greed than stupidity and slovenliness.
I'm gonna say it's a (un)healthy mix of the two.

Maybe if the seeds had been cheaper this stupid kid wouldnt have had to rob his mama to pay for them.

or maybe if elite didn't give away their HOME ADDRESS the investigation wouldn't have lead anywhere.

Either way, there are enough honest, reasonably priced breeders to get great genetics from that I would never have ordered from elite.

Not trying to be snide (I realise after my ranting it may seem that way), I'm geniunely curious. Hows that SSD treating you? Have you had a harvest yet?
Got any pics?


Well-Known Member
If crossing another breeders strains was a condemable offence, then every breeder alive would be guilty. There is in essence, nothing wrong with that.

$85 however for 4 regular seeds is not a reasonable price. I could even understand if there were more overhead involved. Like yknow, a PO box, or a dummy residence. But this is a case of greed getting the best of someone.

I would suggest moving the price point into the cons area.

Comparing elite to Mandala seeds is easy. Mandala charges $30 bucks for 10 seeds. Elite charged $85 for 4.
On no fucking planet are marijuana seeds worth over $20 each!! As stated earlier, polinate one large plant and you can get 10000 seeds. Sell those @ $20 a piece and were talking some pretty serious money.

90% of seed vendors are getting fat and happy off of our criminal asses, it is the select few (KC brains, Nirvana, Mandala) who actually charge a fair price (in the cannabis world) for their seeds.

I wonder how much of the presumably hundreds of thousands of dollars elite made was donated to NORML or other pro-cannabis groups... My guess is none, but feel free to correct me.

Perhaps if our friend elite had spent less time trolling forums making up lies about other seed vendors and more time (or any time) on security, we wouldnt be sitting here having this conversation. But alas, here we are, free men (or women) debating the points of some criminal's arrest.

There is a fine line between having a profitable business and being a greedy fatcat. As we've found, it's not only bad for your soul, but your legal status as well.

Excellent post Spruce. You said all I wanted to say without all the anger :shock::hug:

BTW your Fucking uncle Harry is a Nazi!:twisted:;-)
OMG u bastid! :twisted:

"No one helps anyone in this world without helping themselves"

There's an old fellow in our provincial news who grew ... hemp the paper said, but that's weird ... and extracted the resin, made a hemp oil concoction and was arrested for giving it away free (charged no one a dime ever) and claimed it cured cancer. Which of course it didnt' but that wouldn't stop someone dying of cancer from taking a free teaspoon of hemp oil.

The judge said it was the strangest case he'd presided over, someone: taking the risk to grow, process and distribute an illegal plant oil and charging no money.

There ya go, normal guy doing something for no monetary gain.


Wow dude you came up with one person out of 7 billion people on this planet. I'm wondering if I should be impressed? :confused::neutral:


Well-Known Member
Noone obsesses over the details of a refined operation like that, breeding and cross breeding without real true love for the craft, regardless of the compensation.
Its painstaking and involves alot of time effort. He may have been doing it for the love, and his girl could have been the greedy one spending all the dough and setting the prices. Women are good for that. Who knows.

purple blues

Active Member
spreading genetics doesn't help the "scene"? i mean yeah they were pricey but let's say you know nobody and that's the only way your getting beans. if you spread it all over and the more common it becomes the closer to not having to be locked up over the shit becomes a reality. so anybody putting good genetics out there is helping the "scene". if you know what your doing $80 for 4 beans and either pick a strong female an start cloning or get yourself a male an female and breed to get 1000's of seeds. so is it's not that bad if you know whats up. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Wow, what a shame. Dude looked liked he had some nice genetics going on, albeit a tad expensive. If you use your home address as your place of business you're going to get your fingers burned though. Oh well, he can repent at leisure now.


New Member
Didn't elite do all his advertising in online forums? What are the odds that little thieving bastard whose mom got elite busted is a riu member?


Well-Known Member
There is some on Elite's site that said he has e-mailed Elite to purchase seeds. The post is only a day old so I don't think he knows Elite is busted. The post is in the new seeds forum if someone would like to inform him.

I see Elite as an example of how much you can get away with. I always figured he was in a medical state even if he didn't follow the medical parameters for growing weed. But to hear that he did this in Indiana all in the same house he lived in honestly makes me feel good about having my own grow. He pretty much advertised his illegal grow operation for a pretty good while and odds are he would still be doint it for some time if not for that kid. So many people on here (myself included) are concerned about heats sigs, electrical costs, etc. from normal sized setups and this guy said he put in an additional 2k watts just for his new strains which is more lighting than most of us use at all.

On a side note I do want to say I don't agree with the marijuana laws but it's hard for me to sympathise with someone who used no discretion. We all make mistakes but when you're playing a game where the prize is keeping your freedom there is no room for error regardless of the reasons. I would love for there to be some techicality regarding the warrant or something and him/his girl to walk away free of charge but chances of that happening are slim.