WARNING: Exercise caution Elite Genetics may have been busted….7-22-09


Well-Known Member
i emailed elite 2 days ago. should i be concerned?
yes be very concerned. just get chanting " they're coming to take me away"

suck to hear about another victim of the "war on drugs".

at least the cops didn't shoot him while raiding his place.


Well-Known Member
Didn't elite do all his advertising in online forums? What are the odds that little thieving bastard whose mom got elite busted is a riu member?
that was the 1st thing to pop into my mind. I wish RIU had a more stringent/effective age verification system. it seems alot of kids are flooding the site with bullshit and mis-information these days.


Active Member
damn O_O *gets hit with reality* ...this guy and his girlfreinds lives are over, for whatt? seeds of a little herb? In 30 years they are gonna be teaching my kids about these stupid laws in their history classes. Just like they taught me about the stupid segregation laws, i remeber i used to think l, wow how could they be so mean to black people back then??????
liek that, hopefully my kids are gonna be thinking wow, how could they put people in jail for a little plant?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
"how could they put people in jail for a little plant?"

The three great evils: Ignorance. Zealotry. Entrepreneurial Law Enforcement.

The slippery slope and bodies in motion.




Active Member
Any more news regarding Elite?I am one lucky mofo... I happen to have some Ultimate Chem and ChemDawg D 91 seeds that I bought earlier this year from BC Bud Depot.* My first grow of UC (2 seeds popped) was accidentally pollinated by a plant from Outlaw Genetics that I was sexing in the same room... a "San Fernando Valley OG Kush x Double Purple Doja".* It also got to my Resovoir Seeds Sour Diesel.* So now I have lots of seeds but still have not sampled any smoke yet.Luckily, I always clone my plants before they enter flower, so I am trying again without having to sacrifice any more seeds...* I am at week 5 for my UC and week 3 for my SD.* I'll be sure and post a smoke report when it's all dried and cured.Sure wish I was able to sample some of his other stuff.* I had my eye on the Lemon Larry and The White.* I hope other breeders will learn from this, to be VERY careful! The Drug War is alive as ever (thanks Obama, you worthless fuck!).SMM


Well-Known Member
"Jesse Steven Groth is the Silent Observer Fugitive of the Month for April
2007. Groth is wanted for failing to appear for sentencing on the Delivery
and Manufacturing of 5 - 45 kilos of Marijuana, Wire Fraud, Mail Fraud, and
Child Neglect."

" Groth had been charged with bilking eBay buyers out of thousands of dollars, not sending them sports cards they had bought. He was sentenced in absentia to two years in prison on two of the counts and ordered to pay $20,788 in restitution, according to court documents.




Well-Known Member
from: http://www.journalgazette.net/articl...989/1002/LOCAL

by: Rebecca S. Green

" On July 14, federal, state and local law enforcement served a search warrant at the Hamilton Lake home – seizing computers, cash, fluorescent lights, envelopes, seeding heat mats and numerous seeds, according to court documents.

The Elite Genetics Web site was still active Wednesday, offering dozens of varieties of marijuana seeds.

A detention hearing has been set for next week for Wass and Groth.

If convicted, each could serve up to 40 years in prison and be required to pay hundreds of thousands in fines, according to court documents."


By the same reporter, Rebecca S. Green:

Chaplain in jail until kid-porn trial
Judge views images allegedly seized from Whitley computer

His wife and five local pastors spoke Thursday in support of the Whitley County Sheriff’s Department chaplain accused of possessing child pornography.

But in the end, it was the nature of the allegations against him – that he had thousands of graphic images of children – that will keep him behind bars until his trial.

Indicted in the local U.S. District Court on a single charge of possession of child pornography, Bernard Squires, 64, appeared in court Thursday afternoon to see whether he would be held in jail until his trial, which is set for October.

Squires was arrested last week as part of an FBI Cyber Crime Task Force push into northeast Indiana that netted three arrests in connection with the distribution of child pornography over the Internet through peer-to-peer file sharing programs. (continues)


Compare the penalties for child pornography with that of growing great smoke.


Consumption of child pornography can lead to a maximum penalty of five years in federal prison.

Distribution of child pornography has a maximum penalty of 15 years in federal prison.

Sexual Abuse of a Minor: up to 15 years in prison
Also subject to a $250,000 fine.




Well-Known Member
Business is called front for pot farm

2 from Michigan face federal, Steuben charges

Rebecca S. Green
The Journal Gazette

A 20-year-old Michigan woman appeared in federal court Wednesday, accused of being part of a large marijuana-growing operation that used the Internet to sell seeds around the world, all based from a Hamilton Lake home.

Laura Allece Wass was indicted this month by a federal grand jury in Fort Wayne, along with Jesse Groth, 29, also of Michigan. They face two counts each – possession of more than 100 marijuana plants and maintaining a common nuisance. Groth remains in the Newago County Jail in Michigan.

While the federal indictment sheds little light on the activities of the two, parallel state charges filed in Steuben County Superior Court against Wass detail some of the case, as does a recently unsealed federal search warrant.

Wass was arrested this month on two local charges, also possessing marijuana and maintaining a common nuisance.
According to court documents, the two were shipping a variety of marijuana seeds around the country and to other countries through their business "Elite Genetics." They lived in a home on Hamilton Lake.

Their activities came to light in early June when a woman from another state e-mailed the Ashley Police Department saying her teenage son had stolen several hundred dollars from her and admitted he had sent the money to a marijuana-seed operation in Indiana.

The woman searched her son’s computer and found evidence of e-mail communications with Elite Genetics that directed her son to mail payments to Laura Wass on Hamilton Lake, according to court documents. Undercover investigators established an e-mail address and began communicating with Elite Genetics about buying marijuana seeds.

Around the same time, in a separate investigation, U.S. Postal Service inspectors contacted the Hamilton Police Department regarding Groth. He was a fugitive, having skipped out on a 2006 sentencing on federal wire fraud charges.

Groth had been charged with bilking eBay buyers out of thousands of dollars, not sending them sports cards they had bought. He was sentenced in absentia to two years in prison on two of the counts and ordered to pay $20,788 in restitution, according to court documents.

Postal inspectors believed Groth was in the Hamilton area, and the address they gave local police was the same one under investigation in the marijuana-seed case, according to court documents.
On July 14, federal, state and local law enforcement served a search warrant at the Hamilton Lake home – seizing computers, cash, fluorescent lights, envelopes, seeding heat mats and numerous seeds, according to court documents.

The Elite Genetics Web site was still active Wednesday, offering dozens of varieties of marijuana seeds.
A detention hearing has been set for next week for Wass and Groth.

If convicted, each could serve up to 40 years in prison and be required to pay hundreds of thousands in fines, according to court documents.



tea tree

Well-Known Member
dudes, I am growing some chemdawg 91 from reserva privada but if I here one more word about og kush or a cross or orange killer tahoe white blah blah blah I am going to kill myself! Lol, my head hurts about the drama that has gotten packed around these fucking cuts. OMFG, I read it all and then just got te origanal and moved on. No offesne but I am not the first that has typed, "my head is going to explode".


Well-Known Member
I'm amazed that he built such an honest reputation online as a breeder/seedbank.

Maybe he had a compulsion to break the law and selling illegal seeds was enough to keep him from robbing us blind. $80 for 4 seeds ... I didn't mind it cause I got a free seed with each strain.




Well-Known Member
While some nice things were said about this guy he sure put himself out there as if he was a licensed Cali med approved seed and mj grower. Appears not to be the case at all? From the reports he had a background the police were looking for and made very stupid choices. Was only a matter of time before his operation would be taken down. Selling pot seeds over the internet with a web site as an everyday non med approved seed grower/producer. ROLLING OF THE EYES.......


Well-Known Member
Dude was a fake. How did he get all those cali crosses if he's from michigan and lives in indiana... Unless people were mailing clones to his ass. But why would someone take so much risk for a loser. I think half of those strains were fucking fake. He got you guys for your money. I hate people who steal on eBay. A con man that steals 20,000 can easily setup a rep as a reputable breeder. Money talks that's why. He'll probably get the maximum 40 years since he has priors not to mention he's a fugitive. I hope he gets butt fucked in jail. He'll be 70 when he gets out, so the dreams of Ferrari, and lake view pools and all that other luxury shit he tried to get by ripping people who bought his expensive fake seeds off are gone. Case closed


Well-Known Member
Below is a cut/paste from his Aviator on this website......I guess another almost true? Very broad statement of LEGAL. I am sure he is telling a judge the same thing. Will be interesting to watch and see how this plays out. I am sure we won't here from him about it. As a fugative i see now how really unavailable info. was about him and how long he had been doing this stuff....



Well-Known Member
Regardless his stupidity, a few forum members have been growing his gear and getting fantastic smoke. Unless all the reviews are planted shills we might see some good smoke.

Years ago when I first started growing I bought from a guy who had reviews everywhere about how great his beans were, all over his forum too. I couldn't get the fucking things to grow anything but hermies and stretchies and neverripies. Finally one guy on the forum pm's me and says that a lot of people are have the same problem, because the guy was farming out his breeding to people with no experience while he grew his online business.

I didn't think I'd be surprised by anything in the seed business but Elite surprised me. I can't possibly conceive that anyone could be this stupid and still be able to plug in a ballast. We put ourselves at risk by buying from a US based seed bank and Elite put us all at risk by being an absolute twit.


Anyone know anything about the child neglect charges?




Well-Known Member
what charges have been brought against him, and what has he been charged with so far?

What an idiot though, he sure is hell gonna be regreting this for ever now, however he woke up to late.


Well-Known Member
I'm just wondering how long before a new 'Elite' shows up and starts selling 'golden blood african kush'
the money draw seems to be too sweet for this not to reoccur


Well-Known Member
I'm just wondering how long before a new 'Elite' shows up and starts selling 'golden blood african kush'
the money draw seems to be too sweet for this not to reoccur
80.00 for 4 beans , and lives in the U.S.i aint got no pity for him.


Well-Known Member
I'm just wondering how long before a new 'Elite' shows up and starts selling 'golden blood african kush'
the money draw seems to be too sweet for this not to reoccur
When 1 goes down 2 more pop up. Lets just hope its done right(in all aspects) this time!