Gypsy's Picture Depot


Well-Known Member
Right on Jesse...

So I decided to keep the moms... and just flower clones...

The Idea is to build a "small room within a room"... with some 2x2s and some cheap paneling I have around here... and that will be the veg room... it will be in my old flower room, soon to be re-claimed as my very own bedroom...:lol::hump::lol::clap::razz:

o= High= o

Well-Known Member
SORRY to Interupt or hijack but Hey Gypsy, I got 10 clones started the two was you helped me with yesterday,and today i found this By guest, so dont know who it is, does this sound like it would be worth trying? WATER CLONING

You will need:
Cups/Glasses/Vases/Pots/Whatever your clones and water will fit in.
Normal cloning lights (CF's/Fluros).
A plant to take cuts from (and cutting tools).
Pre Boiled-Water (fill the kettle, turn it on, pour it out and let the water cool).

1. Take your cuts as you would normally, don't need to be that accurate or sterile with water-cloning, don't bother sterilizing your blade, just use dirty scissors, anything will work (never had a failure yet, If you would like I can provide my hypothesis why sterility is irrelevant more or less with this technique).

2. To your now room-temprature water, add seasol to water at the ratio of 1:416 (or, 1ml of seasol to roughly 2 cups of water).

3. Fill your vessel/vessels with the seasol/water solution.

4. Put your plants in the vessel/vessels - try to keep them standing, but if they "slouch" on their stem it's ok, just try to keep the majority of the folage out of the water, anything up to actually submerging full lateral branches is ok.

5. Either ensure 2 or more leaves are under the water line or use a humi-crib, one or the other. (don't need humidity if the bottom 2 sets of fans on the clone can drink directly).

Change water every 24-48hrs, 24 is best, but 48 is ok if you're lazy, just don't let it get dry - remember they will root very quick, and you don't want them to develop too big a set of water roots before the transplant to prevent "stunting" them for a bit while they change root structures. Also note - you don't need to pre-boil or add seasol to you water after the initial 24hr period, that's plenty of time for them to recover and get over being cut.

Within 3 water changes you will be able to see tiny wispy 'water-roots' forming, at this stage, place the clone in your medium and cover or wrap (with cling-wrap) for humidity.


Well-Known Member
Sure.. it sounds like it would work...

cloning is really simple...

I have cloned in wet shoelaces before...

and I am not joking...

it was wick type cloner made from a pop bottle and some nasty shoe laces from sneakers on their way to the garbage can...

water, soil, RW, RR, air, will all give you roots if you manage to keep them alive long enough...

But I am getting confused...:lol: I am ALWAYS confused...

What is your goal with all this experimentation?

Are you trying to get some clones with some roots???

or are you just fiddling around with different methods for the heck of it?

o= High= o

Well-Known Member
Just Experimenting, I'll prolly end up like you with 50+ clones laying around (YEA RIGHT!!) only im out of room to keep any more than 4. But im sure I'll learn something on the way


Well-Known Member

clones don't need much light...

In some of my more dis-organized weeks, I literally have trayfuls of clones laying around the house...

I just potted some yesterday that were cut on 5/23... :shock:

They were a little bigger than the others... but obviously stunted... living off of straight un-pH'd tap water, in a 2" rw cube...:lol:

Still green as can be though...healthy roots popping out of every crevice in the cube..:lol:

I only want the healthiest clones... so I kinda not care for them really...

that way the weak ones die fast...;-)


Well-Known Member
Well.... I have reached level 80...

I wonder what the fuck that means...:roll::lol:

and what may happen when it reaches 100...?!?!?!

should I be concerned?????:shock::lol:

o= High= o

Well-Known Member
Our Water up here comes from the tap at 6.9 most of the time till the end of summer then it goes up a little, but it has fluoride in it and manganese i dont even wanna know what that is so i just boil and cool


Well-Known Member
Our Water up here comes from the tap at 6.9 most of the time till the end of summer then it goes up a little, but it has fluoride in it and manganese i dont even wanna know what that is so i just boil and cool
I hear you...

My tap water is pH 7.4 and about 250ppm...

seems to work good on the clones...:lol:

it says 6502 points needed (FOR WHAT?) on ur profile
Fuck if I know... :lol: but I got 317,448 points...:roll::lol:

I hope it doesn't blow up or something...:lol:


Well-Known Member



I'm dealing with a mess, if I ever made one....

I will tell you guys this... FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE..

a 256 gph pump in a 100 gallon res with a popped off hose will pump it all out in about 15 minutes...:shock:

and with only a 1 gallon wet vac... it takes A LONG FUCKING TIME TO GET RIF OF THE WATER....:spew:

fucking gypsies....:wall:



Well-Known Member
sounds like its going to be a long day gypsy..but good thing you got 24 hr sunlight hahahah...or is the sun finally starting to set for you up there??


Well-Known Member
it's starting to dip behind a hill...:lol: but not below the horizon yet...:lol:

Snow on the hills last night again... 4th time since solstice...

It's coming again... winter will not not fail...:lol: