PH phucked up or what?


Well-Known Member
so I actually did try to find a solution to my problem and from what I have gathered I am guessing my ph is messed up....but I would like anyones opinion before I do anything drastic.

I guess I should probably say this is an autoflower strain that is in some miracle grow seed starting soil. I have it under a 68 watt cfl and 2 26 watt cfl's. I started using fox farm nutrients after about 5 weeks (that's when I got the nutrients) and The plant didnt seem to like them so I started it back on straight water. I say it didnt like the nutrients because the first set of leaves started to die, then the second set started to die and that was when I switched back to water and no more leaves have died, but now I got these black spots on my leaves, even on some of the new leaves that have trichomes on them.



Well-Known Member
so I actually did try to find a solution to my problem and from what I have gathered I am guessing my ph is messed up....but I would like anyones opinion before I do anything drastic.

I guess I should probably say this is an autoflower strain that is in some miracle grow seed starting soil. I have it under a 68 watt cfl and 2 26 watt cfl's. I started using fox farm nutrients after about 5 weeks (that's when I got the nutrients) and The plant didnt seem to like them so I started it back on straight water. I say it didnt like the nutrients because the first set of leaves started to die, then the second set started to die and that was when I switched back to water and no more leaves have died, but now I got these black spots on my leaves, even on some of the new leaves that have trichomes on them.
plants mst eat. so you need to feed them. try starting at a lower dosage and working up...cant fail....or go after it and see them go.... be sure ph is good too.....looked short.....toxicitiy....lower food oasage but yea dude y gotta feed them.

no food on ocntainer untio you put in there ya know??


Well-Known Member
plants mst eat. so you need to feed them. try starting at a lower dosage and working up...cant fail....or go after it and see them go.... be sure ph is good too.....looked short.....toxicitiy....lower food oasage but yea dude y gotta feed them.

no food on ocntainer untio you put in there ya know??

you confused the hell out of me there....are you saying give it nutes or stop giving it nutes?


you confused the hell out of me there....are you saying give it nutes or stop giving it nutes?
Hah. I read that three times and from what I can gather...

plants mst eat. so you need to feed them. try starting at a lower dosage and working up...cant fail....or go after it and see them go.... be sure ph is good too.....looked short.....toxicitiy....lower food oasage but yea dude y gotta feed them.

Plants must eat; so you must feed them. Try watering with a lower dosage of fertilizer; after a few feedings up the dose a little bit. Check the pH and make sure it's appropriate for the strain. does look rather short though...crap....maybe toxicity? Maybe a lower food dose would be better. But you do need to feed them!!

No...still not really making sense...hrm...

(I'm posting so I can remember this thread :P)


Active Member
i would flush the plant and buy a TDS meter so you can check the nutrient levels in the soil, and a pH tester or pH drops


Well-Known Member
i would flush the plant and buy a TDS meter so you can check the nutrient levels in the soil, and a pH tester or pH drops
my bad fellas...meant to say to give nutes, but start with low doseage....and be sure the PH is good. thats all i meant.....had a few too many rips that day.....

peace all