New to growing and to this forum

sorry it took so long but here are the new pics, erthang lookin great. Except
my white widow monster baby who looks like she might be bout to die. Her leafs look light green almost yellow with light brown spots, i took off the round label that covers the grow pot for the AG and was able to untangle the steam that was wrapped inn there but now is fallin to the side... i hope that she'll some bak to life now that i did that?
well u guys leave commenst or somethang n tell me what u think...:?
yea im sorry guys but the site is not lettin me post the pics off my phone. it says they are to big or somethang but the pics are pretty small and im takin em the same way as i did before....
hey friend, upload the pics on and they have an instant resizer for websites like this, either a large or medium frame will do, try it! :peace::joint:
thanks pnuggle!! thats solved my problem witch ease...
uploaded pics to them saved them bak ot my cp from there and that way the forum accepts the pics. smart man...
now enjoy! :hump:

jig u got a sneak peak lol


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thanks pnuggle!! thats solved my problem witch ease...
uploaded pics to them saved them bak ot my cp from there and that way the forum accepts the pics. smart man...
now enjoy! :hump:

jig u got a sneak peak lol

you're welcome man! but, I think you may have resized them too small. The size they are when I open your pics is the same size as the picture i click on. But I see big green leaves so it looks alright from here :joint:
yea man i juss went to tiny and uploaded them on there juss by clickin browse select the pic and uploadin. i noticed 2 that the pics wherent fillin out the whole frame once i uploaded them here. how do i resize them before i load them on to rollitup?
Hard to tell what's going on from those pics, but I think the plants look pretty good too. The one looks a little droopy, you might be overwatering a bit. But overall they seem to be growing and have lots of leaves... that's good.

Sorry i can't help more about the different color leaves.
i know man im sorry for the sucky resolution. But anyways, last nite before i went to bed i took out the dieing WW baby because her leafs where mostly brown she was juss layin flat on top of the AG and i didnt think she was gonna make it and didnt wanna let my other 2 plants in the AG suffer from it or have any problems cuz of her. But i also noticed that the 2 plants i have in my AG now, the tips of the bigger the leafs seem to be dryin out. im thinkin this me be cause do to dry air since i been leavin the closet door open to bring down the temp more there for bringin inn the dry air. Sound like it makes sense? ima try leavin the door closed like i used to for longer and put a big jug of water by the plants so the light will evaporate it there for causin humidity. any body got any other ideas or reasons why this may be happenin?
Dry leaves sounds like high temps and not enough humidity.

If the jug of water doesn't work you could get a humidifier pretty cheap and run that.

Spraying the plants is good too... just make sure to leave tap water out you use to spray or humidify with.
yea i know i can get one of those fro fairly cheap. but can it be juss like that, a plain humidifier? can anybody recommend one? also, i been buyin bottled watered lately, purified spring water. ive hurd of using distilled water fro germinatin, is that good to use with ur plants period? the temps in my room have stayed under 85 degrees and as low as 79 durin the day and maybe 75 at night so i think its prolly the air just being to dry...
yea i know i can get one of those fro fairly cheap. but can it be juss like that, a plain humidifier? can anybody recommend one? also, i been buyin bottled watered lately, purified spring water. ive hurd of using distilled water fro germinatin, is that good to use with ur plants period? the temps in my room have stayed under 85 degrees and as low as 79 durin the day and maybe 75 at night so i think its prolly the air just being to dry...

Just any old humidifier will work. Filtered water is better for plants and humans than tap water, how much is debatable. I use RO water (reverse osmosis) which has nothing in it but water. When you use filtered water, you will need a Cal-Mag suppliment as plants need those two minerals that are in tap water, but not filtered water.

85 is pretty hot for young plants... I know it's not easy to bring down, those are the temps I'm dealing with too, but my plants are mature... little plants would have a harder time. It would be best to have them around 76-78 during the day and like 65 at night. But like I said... that's not easy to do at all.

If you do get a humidifier, maybe use really cold water in it to try and bring down the temps a bit.... probably won't do anything though.
85 is just the hottest i seen the temp at at some point but i know it stays cooler than that inn there specially since i been leavin the door open and the ceiling fan on blowin cooler air from my room but at the same time drying it out.
i havent been usin tap water, i been usin bottled spring water from walmart that comes in gallon jugs and adjusting the ph to between 5-6. i have one of those water containers with a filter on it and thats what i used to use but bottled watered juss seamed more convinient. what can i use for cal-mag supplement for the filtered water? how good is distilled water? ive hurd of people using that. or how is a RO performed?
If you are using distilled or bottled water that is good. Those filter jug things are better than strait tap, but not the best.

Distilled water and RO water are about the same as far as quality. RO filters are big old things you intall under the sink and cost like 150 bucks. LINK

I have a big tank so I can't be hauling 30 gallons a week from walmart.

If you are using just 'filtered water' from the front of the grocery store... I'm pretty sure that, as well as pur filters, they leave the calcium and magnesium in the water... so you wouldn't need to supplement them.

If you are using distilled or RO you will need some Cal Mag LINK You can get it from a million places online or your local hydroponics store... if you have one.
ok so should i juss keep using the filtered bottles of water that im of course adjusting the ph on? i think tha sounds like the best rout. im gonna try to go by walmart today and get a humidifier, the small plants inn the AG are definitely suffering from dryness even tho they are growin, the bigger plants dont really seem to be suffering from it even tho im sure it will still help them.
ok so should i juss keep using the filtered bottles of water that im of course adjusting the ph on? i think tha sounds like the best rout. im gonna try to go by walmart today and get a humidifier, the small plants inn the AG are definitely suffering from dryness even tho they are growin, the bigger plants dont really seem to be suffering from it even tho im sure it will still help them.

sounds good... can't wait to see how they like it.
My AG babys are startin to look worst. I put a humidifier on them last nite and got the humidity to abut 50% but i dont think that was the poblem because it was already around 40%. i read on here that the plants could be eatin themselfs from under nute? is not really that they are turnin brown but more like they dryin out startin from the tip of the leafs but the new growth is nice and green like if it was eatin the bottom leafs to push out the new growth, does this make sense at all? should i try adding some Fox Farm grow big n how much? please someone...
So yesterday i changed my cfl's to 6 150= 2700k and left 2 100= 6500k and set my timer to 12/12. On at 8am, off at 8pm. My AG babys have finally taken off and my White widow is lookin great after i let them sit in strait water for a few days then i added a half a tea spoon of Fox farm grow big. ill probably have to raise the hood of it today wen i get home.
Ok so i also juss got a 400w MH from my boy. He didnt know the brand and had told me it was an HPS but wen i got it i saw it said MH on the bulb and i was wondering weather it be better to flower my plants under the 2700k cfls i have or under that 400w mh? also how much more that 400w MH would increse my electric bill by compared to lets see... 4 42w=150w, 2 26w=100W and 1 i belive 85w=300w cfl's witch add up to 305 actual watts that my cfls use? i guess id also like to know what would give me better budds...
any help appreciated, my plants veged great under the cfls but i jus want the best buds possible and the least expensive and safest way possible...