If Aliens Created Man, Who Created The Aliens?


u think nature created the seeds which produced the flowers? or nature produced the flowers which made the seeds.


New Member
The egg did not come first it was the chicken, organisms would evolve into the actuall animalls not their eggs.
The universe is light, dark matter, and more matter (such has the basic compunds which build us) Everything evolves and everything will continue to evolve until the universe ends, even stars plants evolve over time, such as global warming which is Inevitable. If you think about our solar system we are the 3rd plant from the sun, in our galaxy there is probably thousands of terrestrial planets which are this distance from the sun. water, sun and consumption of other organisms make us evolve. So every living thing will evolve. If anyone knows 'M' Theory it says that at the point of our universes creation mass amounts of light, gravity, dark matter and matter, collided in massive waves, creating our universe. This means life exists probably everywhere throughout the universe probably more advanced then our brains can fathom, and only through the process of evolution can we un-lock our mind, un-lock truths. I believe smoking weed enhances these thoughts because imagination is everything.
No, you have it backwards....:lol: The egg comes first....always.

pot scott

Well-Known Member
Alright, this is the real truth to christianity and many other major religions around the world, The virgin mary was abducted by aliens and impregnated by the extra terrestrials, so she gave birth to jesus, an alien -human hybrid, this explains his supernatural powers, he spoke of our creator from the sky, and the extra terrestrials come from far in the sky, The bible today has been altered so badly over time that the truth has been altered to fit the churchs agenda. An example is the creation of hell by the church. In reality hell is when ur spirit is earth bound(ghosts). Heaven is when u pass through to the spiritual world on the other side and then u are reincarnated into another life until u achieve the ultimate spiritual enlightenment, then once that happens, u stay in heaven for ever. The aliens simply planted the seeds for evolution on our planet, and we evolved from the seeds they planted, and i believe that the second coming of christwill be extra terrestrial intervention that saves us from the end of our life on earth. There are too many places in the bible that aliens fill, its no coincidence, ppl jus need to stop being scared and being in denial, its the truth, jus embrace it and accept it.:peace:


Pot Scott, This is a insightful idea, but there is no evidence that we even have souls or spirits. Does every living thing have a spirit? ( Plants, insects fish.) The only thing that seperates us from everything else is our advanced brain which allows us to think about something as indepth as spirit. The more we advance the less we realize we actually know.


The egg always comes first now, but in the begining there wasnt a egg, there was a evolving bird creature which had sex with another evolving bird creature and one of them laid an egg, the egg was the first chicken.

pot scott

Well-Known Member
Pot Scott, This is a insightful idea, but there is no evidence that we even have souls or spirits. Does every living thing have a spirit? ( Plants, insects fish.) The only thing that seperates us from everything else is our advanced brain which allows us to think about something as indepth as spirit. The more we advance the less we realize we actually know.

Every living organism has a spirit, and there is no scientific proof for anything, but who can prove scientific proof. when it comes down to it, all u can do is have faith in what u believebongsmilie


New Member
The egg always comes first now, but in the begining there wasnt a egg, there was a evolving bird creature which had sex with another evolving bird creature and one of them laid an egg, the egg was the first chicken.

Well, you defeated your own logic there! :lol: :hump:


Dreaming is just as real as being awake because both are created by wat our brain percieves it to be. now think about that one for awhile.:peace:
Dreams are the result of what U achieve* during the wake. They represent your contraddictions... fears... whises etc..
Infact dear "dreamer", if you stop using your brain for a while, stop thinking... reality.


New Member
You may analyze your dreams, but the meanings of them are simply made up. There is no true way to analyze dreams or their meaning. They may have a meaning for you when you wake, but that doesn't mean that interpretation is either true or accurate....

Psychology is BARELY a science....barely.


You may analyze your dreams, but the meanings of them are simply made up. There is no true way to analyze dreams or their meaning. They may have a meaning for you when you wake, but that doesn't mean that interpretation is either true or accurate....

Psychology is BARELY a science....barely.
Yes infact.. you and only you know the meaning of your dreams.. except for very simple dreams... example one day you see a very nice girl... same night you will dream that you..... talk to her :)


Yes infact.. you and only you know the meaning of your dreams.. except for very simple dreams... example one day you see a very nice girl... same night you will dream that you..... talk to her :)
lol talk to her :p why is it that u dont dream while high? this happens to me too