Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

why did you re-open this thread just to go around and close other peoples threads?

Makes no sense?

The thread "do you think guns should be banned" wasnt getting crazy with insults or hatred. It was a simple debate among fellow potheads. I feel this is biased censorship and needs to be stopped.


lock threads with spam, personal attacks yes.
lock threads with freedom of speach, no.
I understand that some threads serve no purpose, and should be locked, t]like these

but the one about guns being banned? wtf
it wasnt getting crazy out of control, it was a simple debate among fellow potheads, nothing more/
I know we've already lost our freedom of speech in America, but on a marijuana growing site too? Come on man
made no sense chiceh is a very strict admin id love to speak my mind about what i think of her actions but can't since shes got everyone on a very short leash
I understand that some threads serve no purpose, and should be locked, t]like these

but the one about guns being banned? wtf
it wasnt getting crazy out of control, it was a simple debate among fellow potheads, nothing more/
I know we've already lost our freedom of speech in America, but on a marijuana growing site too? Come on man

those are all closed as well.

stfu with the freedom of speech. you don't even know what it means. :roll:
you are free from BEING PROSECUTED for the words you speak. i think the term you seek is "censorship".