1.5 months old approx


Active Member
cause i had holagen 200 and 200 grow bulbs but they aint worth 2 cents i guess from here ill try to get some 6700 but ol lady is on me about this projec im laid off as of last week unemployment in a few weeks get payed anywhays got me am io wasting money on electric with 2700 veg or what will the grew bigger

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
thay are just red cfls idk wat lumen level they are all i know is that theyre greaat for flowering low heat and little light


Active Member
ive been on 24/7 but with no nudes ive got some blue mg ive read anit worth the shit which nudes and where or am i to late


Active Member
that seems back ass word to me 12/12 is for flow and i dont know any help ive been told 18/6 and 24/ for veg is that what u meant or do u know something speacail i need to hear.


Active Member
miss understanding lets start over im on light 24 hours a day all day. what should i do keep it or chang 18/6 18 being ligh 6 bieng dark.


Active Member
what does flush mean heard that before dont understand it water the hell out of it. it organtic soil by the way if that has any thind 2 do with it. where is foxfarm wher do i get it at.


Active Member
6/18 6 hous light and 18 dark will that put my girls i hope in shock.not 12/12 should i make a clone fiist befor i do will it turn out better than what i got or the same or worse.


Active Member
i dont think my soil is made my mg but i know is organic soil. and black man or somthing like that from big lots.


Active Member
24 hours of 2700k of light i know its suppose 2 be 6700k but i got tje wrong lights will it do veg anyways 24 hours a day im on pure light or do i need th chang 6 light 18 dark im confused fred


Active Member
thats 2 much light i thoug to have short plants its good but 18/6 is better ill try it they will grow bigger that is true