you think you got women probs.. my kids just almost got took from me..


Well-Known Member
i was chillin online here at riu...

the kids was watchin t.v.......

next thing i know they start hollerin out..

the police are here and a white car....

i look out the window and my stomach sunk..

i ran to the to my room and snacth up my plants out my closet

and start flushin them down the tolit..

( hell i dont kno why their here )

so i go to my door with my nerves shot all to hell...

its a damn social worker with a cop with her..

said she is here to remove the kids from the home because of domestic violence..

i get mad as like aint takein my kids...what is going on??

she had gottin a report of me and my wife fighting

( who left a mounth ago and is no longer here )

that i hit her and picked up my liveing room table

and threw it in front of the kids.....BULLSHIT..

turns out my wife is the one that called social services and said this shit..

i had to prove to them that i havent touched her

and that she was the one that was hittin on me

and that i never threw my table...w.t.f

i had to give her a copy of the ex parta

showin that she caint come around..

and that it was good for a year...

she took my kids and talked to them in private..

and thats what got them to stay..

after wards she told me what the kids said

that i never hit her...that they seen me one time try to get the ring back..

they told her all the times that she had punched me in my face..

but their glad shes gone because their is no more fussing

so since she is gone the kids can stay...

the social worker said that it looked like

she was being vindictive and she was just trying to get at me..

and that she was sorry that she had to come out like this with the police..

i said so any woman can say something and yall will just go attack the man...

she said no but they do have to investigate..

but she was their to take my kids thats way she had the cops with her..

but after hearing the whole thing

and hearing what what the kids said..

its all good now....

but im stiil pissed...

it is wrong for any woman to to that to someone....

fuck it we split up...get over it

she left me....

turns out she is stayin in a shelter right now

untill she can find a place to live...

and she is just pissed...

women can be so evil when they want to be...

but maybe she gots some phyconess going on..i.k.n.

but my kids are still here......

if you think you got women problems

dont let them get worse get the hell out of their...

unless its simple shit.........:peace:


Well-Known Member
jesus.... sorry to hear bout that bullshit dude

thats good you still have your children.
what about your plants??

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
Damn man. I don't understand why people would do that, just keep trying to screw with someone after they leave. Its not like it accomplishes anything. I'm gonna hit my bowl for you.:peace:(it doesn't accomplish anything either, except getting me high:hump:)

grow space

Well-Known Member
Yo man, that sucks dammit!!!
I know the deal with your wife and shit and i can say-She is a evil motherfucking stupid ass bitch(sorry)!!!!Why i ask, why should a normal person do that, but at least U can have your kids and that evil woman cant take them away 4 U.
Sorry about the loss of the White Widow, that suck too, really hard, but i would have done the same(eaten some buds too, hehehe)

Stay cool my friend...


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Hey, guys do it, too.I have no criminal record whatsoever, yet my ex has called dhs on me twice with bullshit claims.The first time, the lady came and talked to me and said,"I can see there's nothing wrong here."and never came back.The second time, my daughter was "acting up" in school,and they decided to hound me.But once again, they found I've done nothing wrong.Did you know, social workers cannot come into your home without a warrant, just like any other government types?Your fourth amendment rights protect you.But they will not inform you of these rights and attempt to trick you into letting them in, thereby waiving your rights.I'd say, lay low a while,till this is all sorted out,because I'm sure your ex will try a lot more to use those grow lights for roses,or pack them away somewhere safe.
I left my ex ten years ago, and he continues to fuck with me.His daughter no longer wants to see him because of HIS OWN actions, but like a vindictive child, he continues to try to lash out at me.He's got a record a mile long.He's beaten every girlfriend he ever had.He's a piece of shit with no redeeming qualities.He continually tries to use the system to harass and bully me. Sounds like you got one kinda like that, too.Good luck.
i was chillin online here at riu...

the kids was watchin t.v.......

next thing i know they start hollerin out..

the police are here and a white car....

i look out the window and my stomach sunk..

i ran to the to my room and snacth up my plants out my closet

and start flushin them down the tolit..

( hell i dont kno why their here )

so i go to my door with my nerves shot all to hell...

its a damn social worker with a cop with her..

said she is here to remove the kids from the home because of domestic violence..

i get mad as like aint takein my kids...what is going on??

she had gottin a report of me and my wife fighting

( who left a mounth ago and is no longer here )

that i hit her and picked up my liveing room table

and threw it in front of the kids.....BULLSHIT..

turns out my wife is the one that called social services and said this shit..

i had to prove to them that i havent touched her

and that she was the one that was hittin on me

and that i never threw my table...w.t.f

i had to give her a copy of the ex parta

showin that she caint come around..

and that it was good for a year...

she took my kids and talked to them in private..

and thats what got them to stay..

after wards she told me what the kids said

that i never hit her...that they seen me one time try to get the ring back..

they told her all the times that she had punched me in my face..

but their glad shes gone because their is no more fussing

so since she is gone the kids can stay...

the social worker said that it looked like

she was being vindictive and she was just trying to get at me..

and that she was sorry that she had to come out like this with the police..

i said so any woman can say something and yall will just go attack the man...

she said no but they do have to investigate..

but she was their to take my kids thats way she had the cops with her..

but after hearing the whole thing

and hearing what what the kids said..

its all good now....

but im stiil pissed...

it is wrong for any woman to to that to someone....

fuck it we split up...get over it

she left me....

turns out she is stayin in a shelter right now

untill she can find a place to live...

and she is just pissed...

women can be so evil when they want to be...

but maybe she gots some phyconess going on..i.k.n.

but my kids are still here......

if you think you got women problems

dont let them get worse get the hell out of their...

unless its simple shit.........:peace:


Well-Known Member
Hey, guys do it, too.I have no criminal record whatsoever, yet my ex has called dhs on me twice with bullshit claims.The first time, the lady came and talked to me and said,"I can see there's nothing wrong here."and never came back.The secind time, my daughter was "acting up" in school,and they decided to hound me.But once again, they found I've done nothing wrong.Did you know, social workers cannot come into your home without a warrant, just like any other government types?Your fourth amendment rights protect you.But they will not inform you of these rights and attempt to trick you into letting them in, thereby waiving your rights.I'd say, lay low a while,till this is all sorted out,because I'm sure your ex will try a lot more to use those grow lights for roses,or pack them away somewhere safe.
I left my ex ten years ago, and he continues to fuck with me.His daughter no longer wants to see him because of HIS OWN actions, but like a vindictive child, he continues to try to lash out at me.He's got a record a mile long.He's beaten every girlfriend he ever had.He's a piece of shit with no redeeming qualities.He continually tries to use the system to harass and bully me. Sounds like you got one kinda like that, too.Good luck.
he best not have EVER put a hand on you!


Sorry to say but that lady is a drain on society. Ex or not, fuck her. That's low.

I would of been fumed if I were in your shoes. Thankfully you got everything worked out.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
Hey, guys do it, too.I have no criminal record whatsoever, yet my ex has called dhs on me twice with bullshit claims.The first time, the lady came and talked to me and said,"I can see there's nothing wrong here."and never came back.The second time, my daughter was "acting up" in school,and they decided to hound me.But once again, they found I've done nothing wrong.Did you know, social workers cannot come into your home without a warrant, just like any other government types?Your fourth amendment rights protect you.But they will not inform you of these rights and attempt to trick you into letting them in, thereby waiving your rights.I'd say, lay low a while,till this is all sorted out,because I'm sure your ex will try a lot more to use those grow lights for roses,or pack them away somewhere safe.
I left my ex ten years ago, and he continues to fuck with me.His daughter no longer wants to see him because of HIS OWN actions, but like a vindictive child, he continues to try to lash out at me.He's got a record a mile long.He's beaten every girlfriend he ever had.He's a piece of shit with no redeeming qualities.He continually tries to use the system to harass and bully me. Sounds like you got one kinda like that, too.Good luck.
I just can't imagine hitting a woman. I definitely don't understand why someone would harass someone 10 years after the relationship is over. You'd have to be one seriously pathetic human being. Well call them human my be a bit of a stretch.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that, Goten. People can be pretty evil in separations, etc... I say people because I have seen it both ways. The worst part is that children are involved and people who pull this kind of bullshit are very selfish. She'll eventually get hers. Hang in there


Well-Known Member
sux to hear your woman is still tryin to F with your life. but im happy to hear you still have your kids but....

oh no dude! you flushed your plants down the drain?
damn,that sucks man. i guess she isnt having a good time living in the shelter and wanted to make your life hell just like hers. im from n.c. too, come over ill smoke you up,lol.


Well-Known Member
There must be something missing to the story though, fake ass bitches who just make shit up don't usually go stay at some shelter. Her just being in a shelter at all instead of with you while she gets on her own says volumes, to me it seems that way anyway. Maybe she was the abusive one but the cops etc will look at things like that and assume you are a complete dirtbag for making someone you supposedly once loved live in a shelter rather than with you until she can get on her own. It screams that there's more to the story.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
i was chillin online here at riu...

the kids was watchin t.v.......

next thing i know they start hollerin out..

the police are here and a white car....

i look out the window and my stomach sunk..

i ran to the to my room and snacth up my plants out my closet

and start flushin them down the tolit..

( hell i dont kno why their here )

so i go to my door with my nerves shot all to hell...

its a damn social worker with a cop with her..

said she is here to remove the kids from the home because of domestic violence..

i get mad as like aint takein my kids...what is going on??

she had gottin a report of me and my wife fighting

( who left a mounth ago and is no longer here )

that i hit her and picked up my liveing room table

and threw it in front of the kids.....BULLSHIT..

turns out my wife is the one that called social services and said this shit..

i had to prove to them that i havent touched her

That's right Thanks to the feminazis lobbying congress; you are no longer presumed innocent, but you are now supposed to prove your innocence! You can even be arrested for implied violence - "verbal assault" - if the woman is scared by what you said.

and that she was the one that was hittin on me

and that i never threw my table...w.t.f

i had to give her a copy of the ex parta

showin that she caint come around..

and that it was good for a year...

she took my kids and talked to them in private..

and thats what got them to stay..

after wards she told me what the kids said

that i never hit her...that they seen me one time try to get the ring back..

they told her all the times that she had punched me in my face..

but their glad shes gone because their is no more fussing

so since she is gone the kids can stay...

the social worker said that it looked like

she was being vindictive and she was just trying to get at me..

Social Services are run by Man hating Feminazis; whatchagonnado

and that she was sorry that she had to come out like this with the police..

i said so any woman can say something and yall will just go attack the man...

she said no but they do have to investigate..

but she was their to take my kids thats way she had the cops with her..

but after hearing the whole thing

and hearing what what the kids said..

its all good now....

but im stiil pissed...

it is wrong for any woman to to that to someone....

fuck it we split up...get over it

she left me....

turns out she is stayin in a shelter right now

untill she can find a place to live...

and she is just pissed...

women can be so evil when they want to be...

but maybe she gots some phyconess going on..i.k.n.

but my kids are still here......

if you think you got women problems

dont let them get worse get the hell out of their...

Good advice

unless its simple shit.........:peace:
Be glad you didn't go to jail, and have to go to classes, because 95% of the time, once the police are called that's what happens to the man - regardless of the circumstances.

Chose your women carefully

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
There must be something missing to the story though, fake ass bitches who just make shit up don't usually go stay at some shelter. Her just being in a shelter at all instead of with you while she gets on her own says volumes, to me it seems that way anyway. Maybe she was the abusive one but the cops etc will look at things like that and assume you are a complete dirtbag for making someone you supposedly once loved live in a shelter rather than with you until she can get on her own. It screams that there's more to the story.
If the cops are called they are trained to blame the man for the situation. Would you let an abusive crazy person live in your home, because you feel sorry for them?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I poke my head in sometimes,lol.
long time no see stoney, I thouhgt you left.
glad to have ya here
He did, peace, but I got out before it got to where he would have taken it.I was young and dumb...I was 18 when I got with him, think I was 20 when I left.But I'm older now, and I'm not afraid of him. If he ever tried that shit again, I'd grab the nearest object and beat him to death.:twisted:
he best not have EVER put a hand on you!
Thanks, sgt. I was just trying to point out that men do this shit, too. Some people are just so miserable, they aren't happy unless they make other people feel the same way.They're small people with no real power, frantically trying to gain some control over someone so they can feel strong.
I just can't imagine hitting a woman. I definitely don't understand why someone would harass someone 10 years after the relationship is over. You'd have to be one seriously pathetic human being. Well call them human my be a bit of a stretch.:peace:


Well-Known Member
There must be something missing to the story though, fake ass bitches who just make shit up don't usually go stay at some shelter. Her just being in a shelter at all instead of with you while she gets on her own says volumes, to me it seems that way anyway. Maybe she was the abusive one but the cops etc will look at things like that and assume you are a complete dirtbag for making someone you supposedly once loved live in a shelter rather than with you until she can get on her own. It screams that there's more to the story.
sorry for the late or long reply om runnin on dail for a while...

their dont always have to be more to it then what it is..

she is gone because she left me..

i did not leave her.. ( her choice )

when i first hooked up with her she was living no where..

so no change their..

this is my moms property..

so when she left she said do not come back

the police has been here befor

because of HER HITTIN ON ME...

but i never took out charges....

she is just being spitfull...

grow space--pace--fuckdapolice--

yes my plants are gone :cry:

but i had no clue why they where here

and i wasnt takein that chance

but i got plenty more seeds hehe..

the kids are outside playin with their cousins right now

i had to take a few bong rips to calm my nerves..

i called my sister and toled to go whip her ass

if she can find her..

who ever it was that asked if she was still my wife

unfurtently yes

they leagal system here says i have to be seperated from her for a year

befor i get a devorice.......