If Aliens Created Man, Who Created The Aliens?


Active Member
i dont think anyone created anything. i think everything is a by product of universal values that govern, mass ,speed, etc


Well-Known Member
To think that we are the only intelligent beings in the universe is absurd. Human beings are so narrow minded - we think that earth is the center of the universe and that the universe started with us - so therefore we must be more technologiclly advanced because we've been around longer. The universe is constantly growing - it has no end - there are millions of galaxys just like ours with suns just like ours - that sustain life just like us. There are species in other galaxies that are far more advanced than us and capable of traveling out of their own galaxy. Possibly to visit backward earth. Not more than a mere 500 years ago we thought the earth was flat. We've got a long way to go.


New Member
I've been thinking about making a custom hat with Pop Tarts. If I leave the Tarts in the foil pack, I might be able to ward off two birds with one stone.


Well-Known Member
aliens or ets that came here and made us in their image, are way older and a much higher step in the human evolution, and conciousness.
earth has a sort of energy field around it that i guess keeps our souls from leaving the planet and reincarnating somewhere else. we were sort of an experiment. but unlike other planets where your memory is brought with you to the next life, on earth our memories erase. keeping us down really.
the human form or conciousness i think is a manifested result, of entering physical realities and dimensions


New Member
One of the theories is that some type of extra-terrestrials came to this planet and mixed their DNA with primates because that was the closest thing on this planet to them. This would explain why we share some characteristics with primates yet we are much more intelligent than them and anything else on this planet and we do not bare that much resemblance to them.

Personally I find that theory much more likely than the god theory where we just appeared out of nowhere, because theres definite proof that we evolved now. I saw an interview with one man where he said he was allowed to see the beginning of us in a vision from the aliens and hundreds of thousands years ago the aliens kept some primates separated from the others and the aliens worked with them and ever since then we have been evolving as a combination of both primates and the aliens. He also mentioned something like this planet was not that habitable to the aliens so they had to mix their DNA with an animal that could survive here (primates).

So really I guess earth is only part of our home. I also believe in the souls as well because Ive heard much about that. The aliens were created naturally, not by god I dont believe. I believe in a god but god to me is just everything, its not a single entity its in all of us. Maybe we will get to see where we came from someday, hopefully sooner than later.

pot scott

Well-Known Member
One of the theories is that some type of extra-terrestrials came to this planet and mixed their DNA with primates because that was the closest thing on this planet to them. This would explain why we share some characteristics with primates yet we are much more intelligent than them and anything else on this planet and we do not bare that much resemblance to them.

Personally I find that theory much more likely than the god theory where we just appeared out of nowhere, because theres definite proof that we evolved now. I saw an interview with one man where he said he was allowed to see the beginning of us in a vision from the aliens and hundreds of thousands years ago the aliens kept some primates separated from the others and the aliens worked with them and ever since then we have been evolving as a combination of both primates and the aliens. He also mentioned something like this planet was not that habitable to the aliens so they had to mix their DNA with an animal that could survive here (primates).

So really I guess earth is only part of our home. I also believe in the souls as well because Ive heard much about that. The aliens were created naturally, not by god I dont believe. I believe in a god but god to me is just everything, its not a single entity its in all of us. Maybe we will get to see where we came from someday, hopefully sooner than later.
interesting! i'd really like to know where u heard that so i could see it first hand


Well-Known Member
One of the theories is that some type of extra-terrestrials came to this planet and mixed their DNA with primates because that was the closest thing on this planet to them. This would explain why we share some characteristics with primates yet we are much more intelligent than them and anything else on this planet and we do not bare that much resemblance to them.

Personally I find that theory much more likely than the god theory where we just appeared out of nowhere, because theres definite proof that we evolved now. I saw an interview with one man where he said he was allowed to see the beginning of us in a vision from the aliens and hundreds of thousands years ago the aliens kept some primates separated from the others and the aliens worked with them and ever since then we have been evolving as a combination of both primates and the aliens. He also mentioned something like this planet was not that habitable to the aliens so they had to mix their DNA with an animal that could survive here (primates).

So really I guess earth is only part of our home. I also believe in the souls as well because Ive heard much about that. The aliens were created naturally, not by god I dont believe. I believe in a god but god to me is just everything, its not a single entity its in all of us. Maybe we will get to see where we came from someday, hopefully sooner than later.
ive heard somthing similar to that, but i heard that primates came after humans, that the first human was a genetic experiment , "test tube baby" sort of thing but we were made in their image i think people are hesitant on beliving that the aliens are humans on other planets. but yea we were made here to adapt to all climates and be part of the cycle here on earth, they also made us in their image, to experience life on earth and reincarnate into bodies similar to their own, there are so many stories, i just read one on how the annunaki started the earth human race.but other sources are saying that that it was way before the annunaki came here, that there were other beings that created the annunaki even, and the cycle continues. but really check out billy meiers pliedian version of the story, check out zacheria sitchen, check out stories of atlantis. i can post links if you like i have links to the atlantis story for sure id have to search the others down. actually here ill post the first part of the atlantis story and how higher evolved beings created humans and earth humans, to assist in concious evolution, raising awarness which in turn would spread out and effect the universe even.


Well-Known Member
ive heard somthing similar to that, but i heard that primates came after humans, that the first human was a genetic experiment , "test tube baby" sort of thing but we were made in their image i think people are hesitant on beliving that the aliens are humans on other planets. but yea we were made here to adapt to all climates and be part of the cycle here on earth, they also made us in their image, to experience life on earth and reincarnate into bodies similar to their own, there are so many stories, i just read one on how the annunaki started the earth human race.but other sources are saying that that it was way before the annunaki came here, that there were other beings that created the annunaki even, and the cycle continues. but really check out billy meiers pliedian version of the story, check out zacheria sitchen, check out stories of atlantis. i can post links if you like i have links to the atlantis story for sure id have to search the others down. actually here ill post the first part of the atlantis story and how higher evolved beings created humans and earth humans, to assist in concious evolution, raising awarness which in turn would spread out and effect the universe even.
I'm unsure of the whole alien bit. Not that I don't believe in em. But the atlantis story is interesting along with alot of new archeologcal finds that that are starting to push alot of civilization back to 10,000+ years ago.
there are some really good documentaries on this site about everything including ancient history. sprword.com


Well-Known Member
I'm unsure of the whole alien bit. Not that I don't believe in em. But the atlantis story is interesting along with alot of new archeologcal finds that that are starting to push alot of civilization back to 10,000+ years ago.
there are some really good documentaries on this site about everything including ancient history. sprword.com
i really like that site! there is this guy named llyod pye, i forget what he does but he shows how humans are in no way linked to primates in the evolution process, and how he thinks the yedis and bigfoots of today are remnants of some of the earlier "experiments", and how rare it is to actually form a fossil.

check this site out too www.thedutchpersepective.blogspot.com


New Member
ive heard somthing similar to that, but i heard that primates came after humans, that the first human was a genetic experiment , "test tube baby" sort of thing but we were made in their image i think people are hesitant on beliving that the aliens are humans on other planets. but yea we were made here to adapt to all climates and be part of the cycle here on earth, they also made us in their image, to experience life on earth and reincarnate into bodies similar to their own, there are so many stories, i just read one on how the annunaki started the earth human race.but other sources are saying that that it was way before the annunaki came here, that there were other beings that created the annunaki even, and the cycle continues. but really check out billy meiers pliedian version of the story, check out zacheria sitchen, check out stories of atlantis. i can post links if you like i have links to the atlantis story for sure id have to search the others down. actually here ill post the first part of the atlantis story and how higher evolved beings created humans and earth humans, to assist in concious evolution, raising awarness which in turn would spread out and effect the universe even.
Ive heard the Billy Meier story and found it really interesting. Personally I didnt believe all of it but most of it sounded like it could be true.

Ive heard about the Annunaki to but Ill have to do more research on that, I dont know much about them. havent heard about zacheria sitchen, ill look that up too. Ive heard part of the Atlantis story which I found very interesting, Ill try to watch the link you gave me.

I think if a lot of the nonbelievers would see some of this stuff and how much of it adds up and makes sense than maybe they would believe in it as well. Surprisingly you can find a lot of good stuff even on the internet, you have just to stay somewhat skeptical because there are a lot of hoaxes and fake stuff out there, you have to pick out the real.


Well-Known Member
Here's all you have to know...we are all dust in the wind. ;)

Seriously...Look at this 3D illustration of our Milky Way galaxy and remember...the center of our galaxy is some 28,000 light years away. And that's just to the center. ;)
You can zoom into the picture and look at the text , esp the WE ARE HERE part... then zoom back out.

Now the UNIVERSE is made up of billions upon billions of galaxies. The very thought of mankind being the only living things in ALL of this space is kind of a big waste of space, don't ya think? So it's not important who made man, or even aliens..but who made the Universe? A much bigger question...

*The distance of 28,000 light years has recently (1997) been confirmed by the data of ESA's astrometric satellite Hipparcos. Other investigations published consequently have disputed this value and propose a smaller value of some 25,000 light years, based on stellar dynamics; a recent investigation (McNamara et.al 2000, based on RR Lyrae variables) yields roughly 26,000 light years. These data, if of significance, wouldn't immediately effect values for distances of particular objects in the Milky Way or beyond.