mixing kief with something? to get hash


Well-Known Member
So I have been thinking of making all my smokable in to hash from now on. I like the idea of being able to have a little nugget of something that I can mark for some event (like Thanksgiving 2012,ect...) and save it until then and break it out and have 10 days worth of killer smoke. I have made bubble hash plenty of times and also use a screen. I prefer the screen so I end up with a large pile of green-gold powder that must be diluted with a little weed to be smokeable. My question is this: what would be the most effective and tasty way to mix it with enough dry plant material that it would be smokeable as is and still press down well as hash. I am guessing some ratio of fine powdered high grade weed. Anyone have any experience they want to share? I guess I would get more replies if I took a photo of a giant pile of kief:hump:


Active Member
you mix it with oil....

get a pipe or bong for maximum flavour and controlled hits

dont know about what ur saying,,,,, try useing 3 sivings of leaf or some thing if you want to bulk it up


Well-Known Member
oil? I do not understand, do you mean hash oil made with solvents?

Yes I am trying to bulk it up. But weed goes bad, hash does not.

pot scott

Well-Known Member
don't even make hash, roll ur dank nugs in honey oil, and while there still sticky, then roll them in kief, then let dry out a lil longer and enjoy!!!!!!!:hump::hump::hump::joint::peace:


Active Member
don't even make hash, roll ur dank nugs in honey oil, and while there still sticky, then roll them in kief, then let dry out a lil longer and enjoy!!!!!!!:hump::hump::hump::joint::peace:
wow that sounds goooooood yummmmy lol super bud.....

yeah I was talking of mixing hash oil and kiff.... best mix so I heard,,,,, loads of people bragging about budder too.....


Well-Known Member
george bro i think i may have a solution, i love hash as well and part of my ahrvest time ritual is making oil from shake+popcorn nugs. When you have a nice pile of kief like that, try rolling it into a zag, light it so it gets warm but doesnt burn, you want the zag to blemish but not burn. do that for around 5 mins and youll get a nice black snake u can brake off a little piece, push it into a disc and just smoke that from your bong/pipe with maybe a little weed or a leaf under it. watch this video explains it better. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBO92DjRN78 sorry i dont know how you could dilute it other then adding abit of tip, i think this is the ebst way to smoke kief


Well-Known Member
Hashish is hash/kief blended together with weed, ground up weed. Very popular in the Middle East.
So that is what I am after, kief + weed pressed together. I can make hash easy enough from my kief. But it is so strong a lot is wasted, I can not pack a bong with out 1/2 of the hit melting on the the edge of the bowl, or melting and running down the pipe so I loose all that nice TCH. So the solution is clear mix some weed in. But weed goes bad, I mean 3 year old weed is shit, 3 year old hash can be quite good. So I want to dilute the hash while not loosing its shelf life.

LOL so because someone's an Arab and has different opinions he's a terrorist?

It's douchebags like you that make the rest of the world despise your nation.
Somehow most of the terrorists are white dudes these days. Whch is a bummer, because if all the terrorists would stick to a spacific look it would be easier to spot them. Hey I just had am idea, maybe its like being scared of gay people, it takes someone who is deep down gay to be a real homophobe. Maybe its the dudes that talk about arab terrorists who are the real terrorists.


Well-Known Member
LOL so because someone's an Arab and has different opinions he's a terrorist?

It's douchebags like you that make the rest of the world despise your nation.
True......but if other nations actually listen to douche bags and take what they say/think to heart, what does that say?