Well-Known Member
So I have been thinking of making all my smokable in to hash from now on. I like the idea of being able to have a little nugget of something that I can mark for some event (like Thanksgiving 2012,ect...) and save it until then and break it out and have 10 days worth of killer smoke. I have made bubble hash plenty of times and also use a screen. I prefer the screen so I end up with a large pile of green-gold powder that must be diluted with a little weed to be smokeable. My question is this: what would be the most effective and tasty way to mix it with enough dry plant material that it would be smokeable as is and still press down well as hash. I am guessing some ratio of fine powdered high grade weed. Anyone have any experience they want to share? I guess I would get more replies if I took a photo of a giant pile of kief