Smoke Weed With Tobacco???

Back in the early 70's in Germany, it was almost impossible to get weed but hash was everywhere. Everyone mixed hash and tobacco together so they could roll joints. I believe that trend has faded now due to the availability of good weed but I have read quite recently that smoking tobacco and weed is far more harmful than tobacco alone. The theory was that weed smokers tended to inhale deeper and hold it longer. Without a doubt your cutting your weed with lower class shit so why not leave the tobacco alone and smoke what we all know wont kill ya.
lets bring it back!
well today were had a few cones in a tobaco pipe and only lite it once and it kept burning i was like shazzammmoooo!!
dude anything you inhale into your lungs aint good for ya:joint: doesnt matter what it is cannabis has nasty chemicals in it aswell, but who cares ya wanna live for ever straight or ya wanna enjoy yourself????????
dude anything you inhale into your lungs aint good for ya:joint: doesnt matter what it is cannabis has nasty chemicals in it aswell, but who cares ya wanna live for ever straight or ya wanna enjoy yourself????????
exactly, it's all preference
im not reading all these posts so sorry if its been said, but yes, people do indeed mix tobacco with weed and it is a retarded option imo. The blunt just doesnt taste right, and the tobacco just mellows out the taste of the herb.
im not reading all these posts so sorry if its been said, but yes, people do indeed mix tobacco with weed and it is a retarded option imo. The blunt just doesnt taste right, and the tobacco just mellows out the taste of the herb.
and that is why is use lower grade bud for splifs and mini-blunts
dude anything you inhale into your lungs aint good for ya:joint: doesnt matter what it is cannabis has nasty chemicals in it aswell, but who cares ya wanna live for ever straight or ya wanna enjoy yourself????????

I definately wouldn't go as far as to say that the chemicals are nasty. thc is not a nasty chemical by any means, and no harm comes from smoking, eating, or vaporizing cannabis, it's been scientifically proven, there has never been a single case of lung cancer in a cannabis only smoker. Yes, it is true that it has like 4 times as much tar as tobacco, but the tar from tobacco is cancerous, the tar from cannabis however is not. And it doesn't even kill brain cells, if this was true, then how come ppl that smoke cannabis have a higher iq than most non cannbis users?
It is also scientifically proven that cannabis enhances psychic abilities.:peace:
I only want to taste the weed. A occasional paper taste is ok but i refuse to smoke blunts cant stand the taste even if its the best weed in it.
Tobacco is "worse for your lungs" because cigarette smokers smoke like a pack (20 cigs) a day.

No one in their right mind smokes 20 joints a day, and if they do, they are in desperate need of a new hobby. (and probably a new pair of lungs)
Very true, any and all herbs have to be moderated to keep their power or they become poison to us.
Tobacco is "worse for your lungs" because cigarette smokers smoke like a pack (20 cigs) a day.

No one in their right mind smokes 20 joints a day, and if they do, they are in desperate need of a new hobby. (and probably a new pair of lungs)

wow, u couldn't be more wrong, if i got enough bud, i smoke atleast every hour, and i breath fine, and smoking is a great hobby that i enjoy very much
in england we mix it pretty much the whole time. i ve heard that you smoke it pure,we call it a blunt, not sure about u. weed is expensive over here compared to there so smoking it pure wouldnt last u that long.
in england we mix it pretty much the whole time. i ve heard that you smoke it pure,we call it a blunt, not sure about u. weed is expensive over here compared to there so smoking it pure wouldnt last u that long.

What he said. If I smoked 1 or more blunts a day (blunt being pure weed) I would probably be spending near enough £100 a week.

£5200 for a blunt a day? Give or take of course.

My girlfriend unfortunately refuses to smoke pure weed joints. She doesent want it to make her cough... girls eh

And if you had some sprayed stuff, you certainly would not want to smoke that in a blunt!! I promise you
Very true, any and all herbs have to be moderated to keep their power or they become poison to us.

the components in marijuana are harmless, how do u figure it's poisinous when no one has ever even died or even bacame ill from using cannabis:mrgreen:bongsmilie:eyesmoke:
bongsmilie:lol:There is never too much cannabis:lol:bongsmilie
true for most of us, but i personaly know someone whos father became allergic to it from smoking it for to many years.
I know it does ALWAYS happen just saying for informational purposes.