has anyone used detoxify brands for getting clean?


Well-Known Member
That shit works, I have used the XXclean about 6 times, with 2 days of cleanse pills (same as ur takin'). Granted I had prior knowledge that I would be tested so, I tried to not smoke for at least about 3 days. When you buy the drink it should come with instructions for timing it with your appointment and what you should being doing the morning before. FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS, make sure you understand everything etc. Everytime I go to buy my cleanout kit the dude @ the head shop says "when is your test, how heavy are you, and when u last smoked", based on that he gives me the right drink, I guess some drinks are more powerful than others. The place I get them only sells Detoxify drinks, and there's lots of us that get tested here on a regular basis.

im pretty sure its already outta my system. its been 5 days since ive smoked. i only weigh 120 and i drink a gallon of water a day. on top of takin those pills

im good!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
got an interview a few days ago for a new job. the manager asked me if i could pass a drug test and i said yea hahhaa so who knows if i even get the job or if i even have to take a piss test. just tryin to be prepared...
you tell them to cock off if it doesn't offend them too greatly.

for me, my persoanl life has nothing to do with my work life, so i will refuse any and every drug test. if they want to give me a drug test, i tell them that they can give me a drug test when they can prove my performance is dropping. i have also found that on the whole, any boss that asks me for a piss test, well on the whole they're a crap boss and i am working for a crap company at the time. if your boss can't just trust you from your interview and talks, then......

and highlighter :O ewwwww :P (uless it's like orange, in which case that's totally rad!)


Well-Known Member
you tell them to cock off if it doesn't offend them too greatly.

for me, my persoanl life has nothing to do with my work life, so i will refuse any and every drug test. if they want to give me a drug test, i tell them that they can give me a drug test when they can prove my performance is dropping. i have also found that on the whole, any boss that asks me for a piss test, well on the whole they're a crap boss and i am working for a crap company at the time. if your boss can't just trust you from your interview and talks, then......

and highlighter :O ewwwww :P (uless it's like orange, in which case that's totally rad!)

haahaha this makes my day love :peace:


Well-Known Member
Pills don't work.

Well, most of them don't.

I haven't tried any "detox". But they all tell you
the same thing. Drink plenty of water. Thats the
only thing helping you pass the test, not the product,

but the flushing of your system with plenty of water.
You're basically just diluting the sample you will

giving them so your thc metabolite levels are below
their cut off level.

If you really don't want to worry, buy QuickFix Snythetic

You will pass. I'm 200% positive.
Just make sure the temps are right.



Active Member
I have used the Detoxify drink without the pills. I stopped smoking 48 hours before the test, drank a crap load of water for 2 days, drank the detox 2 hours before test, went pee three times and was clear as water, went and took test. Pee came out very yellow and I PASSED! BTW this was for court and was very low test tolerances. As long as you stop 48 hours before and follow the directions you should be ok.

green fan

Active Member
I have passed 7 piss tests. I used flushing teas for 2.
All the rest I have passed with only water.

The last time I was up at 4:00 am Sunday morning ripping the bong and doing lines of blow. (I don't do that anymore)

I drink as much water as I can. You need to do about 5-6 clear pisses and you will be clean for that test.

I was not a skinny dude either.

I would take these precautions, then not worry about it.


Well-Known Member
o, well thats fuckin weird. i got a piss test this week, probly 2mrw if not later in the week. she'll probly have hers 2mrw... never had piss test on a sunday tho lol


Well-Known Member
ive taken so many piss tests its not even funny...

but peace i would like to hear the results. im always taking tests and i dont feel like quitting. so any info on detox stuff is valuable to me.


Well-Known Member
im still waiting on the call if i got the job!!
im freakin! i really need this job!

im goin to stop in monday and see whats up
ill tell yall the outcome

man ill be so angry if i dont get the job and i did all this! hahaha
wont that be a bitch


Well-Known Member
haha! ive quit for a month before cuz i thought id get a job. turns out i didnt :( talk about a waste of time.

even if you dont get it you should take an at home test to see if you are clean. that way youll know if you are capable of getting clean and about how long it would take.


Well-Known Member
haha! ive quit for a month before cuz i thought id get a job. turns out i didnt :( talk about a waste of time.

even if you dont get it you should take an at home test to see if you are clean. that way youll know if you are capable of getting clean and about how long it would take.

damn thats a bummer!
i probably will get a home drug test. but for now im not worried about it
im thin so its probably out of my system


Well-Known Member
damn! well i knew this shit would come back and bite me hard in the ass\!!!
alright, well me and my sister decide to get horriblely trashed last night. im talkin rediculous off that whiskey!! and i ended up smokin a bowl.
sheeeit and what do you know... i get a voicemail this morning that the mother fucker whats me to come in for an interview for the job i was tryin to get transfered too!!! hahahahaa im a fuckin idiot!
but i wasnt drug tested when i worked at this same gas station in SC... do you think they will drug test me here even if im transfering?
i gotta leave here in about an hour an a half....

this little piggy is majorly stupid and royally fucked hahah


Well-Known Member
hahaha oh man! why would you do that??!?!?

my personal opinion is youre safe if you didnt get drug tested by the same company somewhere else.