Well-Known Member
goddam, loving the clones and the plants are looking insane. may the roots be with you
goddam, loving the clones and the plants are looking insane. may the roots be with you
I have some anti wilt stuff from vita grow.
HOLD IT!!!!! Please don't use the no wilt crap! I bought some, sprayed it on my clones and all of them died. It's like the leaves could not get air or something. I don't know how they can sell this shit. If you do decide to try it, don't do it to your whole set, maybe a couple or something.
that sucks about the leds. hang in there, things are looking good!
ok dude i fuck up down here it tx but to tell you the truth i think the led light are not what you want to make it any way. as with me if we need the specturems of light led to me just dont do it.. and you know the resultes but what do i know the heat is a prob.... but there are other ways around that. dude never mind im going to fly something soon. 8ty os lol party on in txs
cxan't help with the electronics and lighting issues, hope that works out for ya, but the plants and garden as a whole looks damn good. Excellent work, and keep doing what ur doing! Thanks for the pics and update. Walk On!!~~
Cutman, I think you're a little late to be dissing the LED's. Both Cruzer and I have grown with them and, I for one, have found them to be unparalleled by anything else for vegging. When flowering I use HPS; LED doesn't do the job on that. Cruzer, what say you on vegging with the LED's - **from experience**?
wow those plants look real good i cant wait to see what those leds do +rep
buddy i wasnt dissing leds, just that they cant produce like stronger high power light thats all. and i read every thing cruzer has posted in all of his post, taking what iv learned from cruzer the great, lol, they just seem worth the time. but hey we all have opinions, some good some not. but one things for sure. we all want the same thing, to smoke some of cruzer alsome green. lol YEA! CAN I GET A SECOND lol
i all ways party on lifes to short not to bud. almost done with my trimming. half to go to the store and get more jars. soon it will be ready. lol my hands are sticky yea bud.