Dual Areoponic Cabinet, Ceramic Metal Halide

goddam, loving the clones and the plants are looking insane. may the roots be with you

Hey Goat,

Whats up man. Yea I just cut the first set of clones in this grow.
They are just getting light tonight.

I was just going to go crash and I thought I would check on them one more time. I am glad I did. It was freeking 91° in the rooter root zone and 89° in the area. I didnt think that one little t5 would put off that much heat. I got them cooled down now but this sucks.

I made so adjustments now I am just waiting. Humm. Looks like I am gonna stay up a bit with the kids and figure this out.

Time to enjoy the fruits of my labor and watch some tube.
I have some anti wilt stuff from vita grow.

HOLD IT!!!!! Please don't use the no wilt crap! I bought some, sprayed it on my clones and all of them died. It's like the leaves could not get air or something. I don't know how they can sell this shit. If you do decide to try it, don't do it to your whole set, maybe a couple or something.
HOLD IT!!!!! Please don't use the no wilt crap! I bought some, sprayed it on my clones and all of them died. It's like the leaves could not get air or something. I don't know how they can sell this shit. If you do decide to try it, don't do it to your whole set, maybe a couple or something.
Wow really, Man that sucks.

I read the label and thats what it said it does, seal in moisture like that but it also says it allows the plant to breathe.
Well thats what they say.

Having that compressor under that area (even with the fans) has warmed it up. I know that will be helpful in the winter
grows but not summer. Now I need to run the cooling fans in the clone area 24/7 That means air traveling past them all
the time. zero humidity. I cant use my humidifier cause it will suck it right out.
Thats why I thought I needed something like no wilt.

Hum I wonder if I can somehow humidify the intake. The air comes from in here, maybe I could put the humidifier in a plastic tub on low and channel air through it.

Thanks for the heads up.
Hey any techies out there?

I was making a new array for the veg area and I noticed about 10 LEDs would not light up.
I figured the first one in that line burnt out so I went to fix it and I think I touched the back of
the board to metal.

Now that whole section is out.

Do you think I blew out all the LEDs or just a capacitor and resistor.
They are divided in 4 sections of 68 5mm LED's I blew out section #2



Hers a shot of it. See on the right, some lights not working.


Then I made it worse.




I see the color bands on the resistor and got this online

Value [Ω] Shorthand Color bands (5% tolerance) Range (5%) [Ω]
62 62R Blue, red, black, gold 58.9Ω - 65.1Ω

I called radio shack and they said they have a 65 ohm not a 62. Will that work ya think?

But no info on the cap.
There are two prongs on the cap if that helps

Can someone tell me what size to get? should I replace both?



Temps 89 res 66°
PPMs 320
PH 5.3

Topped off with 900ppms of tiger bloom. brought the res to 520 and Ph to 5.8

Last night was there first 12 hour night so they were hungry for light today.
I am going to keep the light as close as I can now.

I went to train one and it just fell over. I mean the roots have nothing to hold on to.
Wonder if that is going to be a problem.

Got the temp in the clone area under control.
High 81 low 76 in the rooter cube.
76° bubbler

I opened it up in there. I don't need that other flower res in there now.
By adding the pan of water I was trying to cool it down a bit and add humidity.



ok dude i fuck up down here it tx but to tell you the truth i think the led light are not what you want to make it any way. as with me if we need the specturems of light led to me just dont do it.. and you know the resultes but what do i know the heat is a prob.... but there are other ways around that. dude never mind im going to fly something soon. 8ty os lol party on in txs
cxan't help with the electronics and lighting issues, hope that works out for ya, but the plants and garden as a whole looks damn good. Excellent work, and keep doing what ur doing! Thanks for the pics and update. Walk On!!~~
Cutman, I think you're a little late to be dissing the LED's. Both Cruzer and I have grown with them and, I for one, have found them to be unparalleled by anything else for vegging. When flowering I use HPS; LED doesn't do the job on that. Cruzer, what say you on vegging with the LED's - **from experience**?
ok dude i fuck up down here it tx but to tell you the truth i think the led light are not what you want to make it any way. as with me if we need the specturems of light led to me just dont do it.. and you know the resultes but what do i know the heat is a prob.... but there are other ways around that. dude never mind im going to fly something soon. 8ty os lol party on in txs

Yea, low output LEDs are tricky.
You need a lot of them and they need to be kept close to the plant.

Party on dude.
cxan't help with the electronics and lighting issues, hope that works out for ya, but the plants and garden as a whole looks damn good. Excellent work, and keep doing what ur doing! Thanks for the pics and update. Walk On!!~~

Sure man,
No problem. I enjoy sharing and getting input from other growers.

Thank you for joining us.
Cutman, I think you're a little late to be dissing the LED's. Both Cruzer and I have grown with them and, I for one, have found them to be unparalleled by anything else for vegging. When flowering I use HPS; LED doesn't do the job on that. Cruzer, what say you on vegging with the LED's - **from experience**?
Well, with all thats been posted about LEDs I can see why people feel that way.
Originally this cabinet was going to be high power LEDs But I came to the same conclusion.
LEDs are not powerful enough to flower unless you spend a grand or so on a light.

Even then you don't have high power lamps. You have a bunch of small lamps put together.
They may be more effective in covering the spectrum but they still are a bunch of small lights.
The plants need to be fairly close.

My experiences with LEDs have been rather limited. I am not going to shell out a thousand bucks
for a high power LED so all I can share with you is what I found with low power lights.

Small plants, say under eight inches, thrive under LED lighting.
I compared vegging with T5 lighting and in my opinion the plants grown under LED had larger leaf,
better color, shorter nodes and grew faster.

But after they got taller they stretched out. I have to think they need more light at that size.
So without going into high power LEDS (I am talking 200 or 300 watts) your plants will not produce
like when they were small.

What I want to do is use them when they are the most effective.
That would be early in life. weeks 2, 3, and 4.
Then move them to HID, veg for another week to get them used to the power of the light then flower.

One thing I don't think I mentioned was I gave myself a Light wattage and water budget when I started this.
600 watts and 15 gallons a week.

The two flower rooms main lights combined are 480 watts. clone is 20 watts and this veg array is 80 watts.
Thats 600 not counting the CFL's so when the veg goes up the CFL's come down.
So far the water is in line 7 gal, 4 gallon, flower with 7 gal to top off. 1 gallon in the clone bubbler only leaves
me a gallon for the veg so I am going to go over on water.

I am learning right along with you guys. This may work or may not.
Only way to find out is to try.
buddy i wasnt dissing leds, just that they cant produce like stronger high power light thats all. and i read every thing cruzer has posted in all of his post, taking what iv learned from cruzer the great, lol, they just seem worth the time. but hey we all have opinions, some good some not. but one things for sure. we all want the same thing, to smoke some of cruzer alsome green. lol YEA! CAN I GET A SECOND lol
i all ways party on lifes to short not to bud. almost done with my trimming. half to go to the store and get more jars. soon it will be ready. lol my hands are sticky yea bud.
buddy i wasnt dissing leds, just that they cant produce like stronger high power light thats all. and i read every thing cruzer has posted in all of his post, taking what iv learned from cruzer the great, lol, they just seem worth the time. but hey we all have opinions, some good some not. but one things for sure. we all want the same thing, to smoke some of cruzer alsome green. lol YEA! CAN I GET A SECOND lol
i all ways party on lifes to short not to bud. almost done with my trimming. half to go to the store and get more jars. soon it will be ready. lol my hands are sticky yea bud.
Poor baby.

Doesn't everyone feel sorry for him. He has worked his fingers to the bone.
All those dam colas, the trichomes sticking to scissors and fingers. Its a bitch to light a bic with sticky fingers isn't it.

But after a couple days rest and a few weeks hanging and curing you are going to be set my friend.
You really did a hell of a job for your first grow.

Yes sir we all have opinions thats what makes us individuals with minds.
I share my grows to find out what your opinion is.

To tell you the truth If I had as much free electrify as I wanted every bulb I have would be 1000w. Thats just not the case.

"Cruzer the great" LOL
So check this out,

I was getting ready to mix flower nutes and I realised I am a bit low on FF Big Bloom.
So I go online and check prices, then go to craigslist. I find this guy who has nutrients and call him.
He didnt have what I wanted but this guy has the hookup.

I just got back from meeting him in a Target parking lot. This is what I got.


Dutch masters Grow, Flower and Zone. I priced them out at about $50 for all three of the 1 liter bottles on line.
Then I got DM liquid light, penetrator and replicator. I had read about Bloombastic and got him to throw the three small bottles in.

All for $60
We will try these nutes in cab 2
The liquid light will be good for the floro grow.

I think I did good. Problem is, I still need the dam Big Bloom.
darn ... don't ya just friggin hate that .... get a great deal ... and still don''t have what you need or what u were really looking for .... looks like a great deal ... But I still haven't found what I'm looking for (U2).... hope u find what ur looking for
