Gypsy's Picture Depot


Well-Known Member
I cant watch all them vids to many :D !! :D :D

hahah, liked the first one.. the huge lillys.. and the mind reading thing.. funny thing is i allways stand with my thumbs in my pockets.. so that means im sexy :P :P IM SEXY IM SEXY :D



Well-Known Member
Those dudes are in their underwear :o :D

so i've been thinking about the 'old style' vs. the 'new style' g.y.p.s.y.b.u.s.h.g.r.o.w. ....

and i know you've said that the bean counter is requesting a return to the old style, but perhaps there is a 'happy medium'. Like just having 2-3 weeks of veg. time?


Well-Known Member
Those dudes are in their underwear :o :D

so i've been thinking about the 'old style' vs. the 'new style' g.y.p.s.y.b.u.s.h.g.r.o.w. ....

and i know you've said that the bean counter is requesting a return to the old style, but perhaps there is a 'happy medium'. Like just having 2-3 weeks of veg. time?

Well I'm thinking about it ...

but the zero veg SOG is soooo efficient...

I like the idea of having the HIDs in 12/12 ALL the time...

Any extra veg seems to me like extra cost...

How do you justify vegging? how do you work your numbers to make it come out on top?


Well-Known Member
I like it...:razz:

Someone that was a little kid once said:
Everything I need to know, I learned from Noah's Ark

ONE: Don't miss the boat.

TWO: Remember that we are all in the same boat!

THREE: Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark.

FOUR: Stay fit. When you're 60 years old, someone may ask you to do something really big.

FIVE: Don't listen to critics; just get on with the job that needs to be done.

SIX: Build your future on high ground.

SEVEN: For safety's sake, travel in pairs.

EIGHT: Speed isn't always an advantage. The snails were on board with the cheetahs.

NINE: When you're stressed, float awhile.

TEN: Remember, the Ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by professionals.

ELEVEN: No matter the storm, you are with friends.



Well-Known Member
wow just wow huge plants you got going there can't wait to see them in full flower. And remember the wait is worth the harvest bro. Again can't wait to see a baseball bat size cola on that bigen lol


M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Well I'm thinking about it ...

but the zero veg SOG is soooo efficient...

I like the idea of having the HIDs in 12/12 ALL the time...

Any extra veg seems to me like extra cost...

How do you justify vegging? how do you work your numbers to make it come out on top?
For me its a hobby so numbers dont bother me. My grows are just for personal use but the person that helped me start growing indoors grew purely for profit. He did 3 grows of 4 plants each year and was making in excess of 90k per year from a total of only 12 plants. Everything he grew got sold to one person. I dont care what anyone says because that is what I call efficient if your growing for profit.


Well-Known Member
damn ya 90k off of 12 plants a year is well worth the money spent. Depending on how much you accutally spent running the grow up aslong as your profits are atleast more than 50% of what you spent I say hell to the mothafuck ya lmao



Well-Known Member
Well I'm thinking about it ...

but the zero veg SOG is soooo efficient...

I like the idea of having the HIDs in 12/12 ALL the time...

Any extra veg seems to me like extra cost...

How do you justify vegging? how do you work your numbers to make it come out on top?
you justify doing some veg. time for the original reason that you wanted to try growing just a couple plants per light...

you do some veg. time so that you can run less plant numbers and still have a 'sea of green'. the more plants you have the faster you fill in the sea of green. but if you vegged for 2-3 weeks (after cloning for 10-14 days) it would allow you to run about 1/2 as many plants, i would guess. i know you were talking about cutting down on plant numbers for a while there... so that would be one way to do it.

it don't have to be Either Trees or Midgets :D


Well-Known Member
For me its a hobby so numbers dont bother me. My grows are just for personal use but the person that helped me start growing indoors grew purely for profit. He did 3 grows of 4 plants each year and was making in excess of 90k per year from a total of only 12 plants. Everything he grew got sold to one person. I dont care what anyone says because that is what I call efficient if your growing for profit.
please pardon the curiousity but i'm wondering how anyone makes 90k off of 12 plants. is he getting 3 lbs. a plant and selling each pound for 3200 or what?

if he's growing 36 lbs. a year ... no, that's nothing to be ashamed of.


New Member
yeah i'm a bit confused on that too...

maybe he lives in a place where weed is VERY expensive?

or maybe every plant is 20 feet tall?

or maybe he sold it all to a rich dumbfuck?

idk man, fill us in...

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
please pardon the curiousity but i'm wondering how anyone makes 90k off of 12 plants. is he getting 3 lbs. a plant and selling each pound for 3200 or what?

if he's growing 36 lbs. a year ... no, that's nothing to be ashamed of.
Yeah on average he is getting 12lbs per grow (3lbs per plant). He sells it all to one person for $2700 per lb so thats about 30k total from each harvest. Minus his power bill and the nutes etc he would probably be up 28k.


Well-Known Member
Yeah on average he is getting 12lbs per grow (3lbs per plant). He sells it all to one person for $2700 per lb so thats about 30k total from each harvest. Minus his power bill and the nutes etc he would probably be up 28k.
sorry for getting off-topic in ur thread gypsy... just one more question on this...

it sounded like this was an indoor grow. you said 4 month turn-over. 4 plants per crop... 3 lbs. per plant. is he running like (6) 1k bulbs then? i'd have a hard time imagining 3lbs. coming off one plant in 4 months if it were only a 1k bulb per plant. does he do some of the veg. in another room? is he using co2? hydro? i'm always ready for a paradigm shift :D i'm still pondering ways of running less than 99. i'm just having a hard time imagining an average of 3 lbs. per plant under -any- indoor setup. 3 lbs. per plant ... you would be lucky to get that after having a plant outdoors for 8 months under full sunlight.


Well-Known Member
DG and Blaze... feel free to discuss this to the end...:lol:

You both know this is an open space...

And we all know how I feel about MBlaze's grows.. THEY ROCK!!!!

Bro.. feel free to show us all your pics ... How is that 1 big one doing anyways?

SHARE AWAY...:lol:


Well-Known Member
sorry for getting off-topic in ur thread gypsy... just one more question on this...

it sounded like this was an indoor grow. you said 4 month turn-over. 4 plants per crop... 3 lbs. per plant. is he running like (6) 1k bulbs then? i'd have a hard time imagining 3lbs. coming off one plant in 4 months if it were only a 1k bulb per plant. does he do some of the veg. in another room? is he using co2? hydro? i'm always ready for a paradigm shift :D i'm still pondering ways of running less than 99. i'm just having a hard time imagining an average of 3 lbs. per plant under -any- indoor setup. 3 lbs. per plant ... you would be lucky to get that after having a plant outdoors for 8 months under full sunlight.
Four months is a long veg time, some strains might be able to pull off close to three pounds but you would have to do some topping. Three pounds is a really huge plant though.:weed: