Gypsy's Picture Depot


Well-Known Member
You guys did see his avatar right...:lol:

You are right that pictures do lie and pics dont really do them much justice which is why I took some pics of me standing between the plants (im 6ft).

Heres a few size comparisons for ya and they still had about 4 weeks to go at this time from memory. The pics are all dated anyway so you can see.

And this was just one plant weighing about 9lbs wet ...



Well-Known Member
Four months is a long veg time, some strains might be able to pull off close to three pounds but you would have to do some topping. Three pounds is a really huge plant though.:weed:
NG.. I think that is 2 months veg and 2 month flower... = 4 months... = 3 grow is a year with 4 plants = 12 plants in a year...:eyesmoke:

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Heres a few of that plant for ya. She should yield a minimum of 3lbs. She is in her firs week of flower.


M Blaze

Well-Known Member
sorry for getting off-topic in ur thread gypsy... just one more question on this...

it sounded like this was an indoor grow. you said 4 month turn-over. 4 plants per crop... 3 lbs. per plant. is he running like (6) 1k bulbs then? i'd have a hard time imagining 3lbs. coming off one plant in 4 months if it were only a 1k bulb per plant. does he do some of the veg. in another room? is he using co2? hydro? i'm always ready for a paradigm shift :D i'm still pondering ways of running less than 99. i'm just having a hard time imagining an average of 3 lbs. per plant under -any- indoor setup. 3 lbs. per plant ... you would be lucky to get that after having a plant outdoors for 8 months under full sunlight.
Yeah thats indoor and under about 5400 watts coming from 600 watt lights. The plants start off in that room at about 1-2 foot tall. No co2 is used. Just 15gal pots with coco which is the same setup as I use.


Well-Known Member
Four months is a long veg time, some strains might be able to pull off close to three pounds but you would have to do some topping. Three pounds is a really huge plant though.:weed:
ya, i was thinking strain selection could be pretty important. aso wondering if he's scrogging or tying or what have you.


Well-Known Member
Yeah thats indoor and under about 5400 watts coming from 600 watt lights. The plants start off in that room at about 1-2 foot tall. No co2 is used. Just 15gal pots with coco which is the same setup as I use.
very nice, man. thanks for the info. i ain't trying to hate or such - i'm just trying to understand the possiblities. :D this guys setup sounds very legit. that breaks down to about 1350 watts per plant... which deffinitely makes it easier to see how he's pulling 3 lbs. per plant ... especially w/the extra lumens produced by 600's over 1000's.

and how about that monster of yours... do you have to use stakes or tie things up ever? do you have that one under a 1000w hps by itself? two 600's? what was the total veg. time after the 10-14 days of clone time on that girl? sorry to be a pest... i will get around to catching up on ur journal.

i'll have to spend some time daydreaming about a crop of giants...

(with gypsy's permision, of course :weed:)

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
WHat strain is that MBlaze? Thats one branching mofo. Nice grow too! :blsmoke:
That is an unknown strain which is the same as my last grow.


ya, i was thinking strain selection could be pretty important. aso wondering if he's scrogging or tying or what have you.
I learnt everything about my setup from him so mine was exactly the same minus a few lights. The plants get FIMmed, trimmed and tied down throughout veg and then tied up through budding.
With the room and lighting you have available im sure you could do big some big yielding trees.

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
very nice, man. thanks for the info. i ain't trying to hate or such - i'm just trying to understand the possiblities. :D this guys setup sounds very legit. that breaks down to about 1500watts per plant... which deffinitely makes it easier to see how he's pulling 3 lbs. per plant ... especially w/the extra lumens produced by 600's over 1000's.

and how about that monster of yours... do you have to use stake or tie things up ever? do you have that one under a 1000w hps by itself? two 600's? what was the total veg. time after the 10-14 days of clone time on that girl?

i'll have to spend some time daydreaming about a crop of giants...

(with gypsy's permision, of course :weed:)
That plant vegged under 2x600s and is flowering under 3x600s. Im not sure how long it has vegged for coz it was a clone from my last grow and it was just shoved in the corner of a friends grow room to keep it alive until I found a new home for it and spread it out. Im guessing its had 10-11 weeks but I will have to go back and check to be exact.

They need to be tied up during budding to support the weight but during veg here is some of the tying down it gets.



Well-Known Member
lovely work man.

no offense, bro... but now i'm remembering why i never really got into your journal (M Blaze) on the first page of ur journal you state that you have (2) 600's and are planning on getting a minimum of 4 lbs. which, frankly, isn't possible unless a person scrogged for a ridiculous amount of time under lighting on tracks...and, even then... so that's where i stopped reading. but, who know's what you had planned, i guess.

and i see now that you managed to pull about 6 lbs. from 2400 watts of light. that is deffinitely an acheivement worthy of greater examination. i shall have to give ur grow style some greater thought after further peeking the pages between the first and the last :D



Well-Known Member
What do you think fuck them clones.. get a plant from outdoors... scrog it...

and then flower it ?

give me feedback.. what should i do ? :D ????

man feel like having a tree of bud aswell now !!!!!!!!!!!!! And i just started sog.. :D

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
lovely work man.

no offense, bro... but now i'm remembering why i never really got into your journal (M Blaze) on the first page of ur journal you state that you have (2) 600's and are planning on getting a minimum of 4 lbs. which, frankly, isn't possible unless a person scrogged for a ridiculous amount of time under lighting on tracks...and, even then... so that's where i stopped reading. but, who know's what you had planned, i guess.

and i see now that you managed to pull about 6 lbs. from 2400 watts of light. that is deffinitely an acheivement worthy of greater examination. i shall have to give ur grow style some greater thought after further peeking the pages between the first and the last :D

Yeah I understand what you mean but you should have given me some time to prove my claims lol. The plants started off under 1 light then 2 and as they grew the 3rd was added and then the 4th for the last week or so of veg. I had a lot of people doubting my predicted yield which ended up exceeding my predictions. That thread is rather long now but everything is documented including the time frame as all pics are dated.

Ive been watching your grow and your room looks great. You have put a lot of work into setting that up, it just looks awesome.