Big Game Hunters, Show Your Stuff

Any wild game I have eaten has sure as hell had a much better life than any store bought meat. Whenever my relatives get a bear or caribou or moose they have meat for months.
... well, we all knew this thread would go this route eventually:cry:.

oh and if u dont hunt,hike, camp, and fire weapons off with a patriotic grin on ur face, bounce out of GWN's thread
^^^^^:hump: couldn't have put it better myself! Far as i'm concerned, it's up to the HUNTERS to protect what land is left that hasn't been built up into skyscrapers! Public hunting grounds are few and far between nowdays, and it's my opinion that PEOPLE are the problem, just too damn many! Now if u'll excuse me, i'm off to by me some turkey loads, and some more rounds for the .40cal. :peace:
hell yea sick thread......i love the mountians, hiking, fishing all that, just get me off the fuking couch i hate living in the city....... i have not gone hunting yet dam grandad and dad took my bro when i was 3, just never took me ..... he didnt like it so no one goes now ..... been trying to get my dad back into it but dont think its going to happen witch sucks...... i hate seeing a animal dead hurts me heart but hey its hunting...... like i read in another post i would track them and enjoy everything about the hunt but depending on what i found i might not shoot, only big bucks that i know if i dont take him someone easle will. Awww why couldnt i have been the first born...... my grampa tells me stories about him hunting sounds so fun besides the gutting part ............well keep the pics coming.
wow there are some nice kills there guys. shit i'v been hunting many years took many deer but this is the onlypic i have. got him last bow season 4 by 4 black tail. whos all going to hunt in oregon this year.:hump:


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that's a nice one too MG! Boy them blacktails got some small bodies on em don't they. I can't wait to get a bow and get up-close and personal:hump: bow huntins a whole other skill level than rifle imo. Out here in the midwest we get some massive dessert muleys, bug bodied, big antlered, just plain BIG, and slicker than hell too.
ya MG thats a dandy...heavy 4x4 for sure.

wow there are some nice kills there guys. shit i'v been hunting many years took many deer but this is the onlypic i have. got him last bow season 4 by 4 black tail. whos all going to hunt in oregon this year.:hump:
im from norcal..hulk..but i moved to MT. dude i hadnt flipped on a tramp, shot an AK47, or hunted till i came up here. im in love with the outdoors now, and never dreamed of doing some of the shit ive had the opportunity to do up here. But im sure ur tryn to find out where to hunt in cali. I dont know much about so cal...but I know people do hunt in Ukiah, russian river, medo.eurkera...
im from norcal..hulk..but i moved to MT. dude i hadnt flipped on a tramp, shot an AK47, or hunted till i came up here. im in love with the outdoors now, and never dreamed of doing some of the shit ive had the opportunity to do up here. But im sure ur tryn to find out where to hunt in cali. I dont know much about so cal...but I know people do hunt in Ukiah, russian river, medo.eurkera...

Well my grandad was a really big hunter crazy old man i love him.......he raised rabbits to eat when he didn't want to hunt..... hes just to old to go out hunting he wants to but i know he would be in pain the hole time even with some edibles......been telling my dad lets go over and over agian but nothing ........ i know one guy that goes, when i see him this year i will be asking him......he went out for a week hiking hunting took some crazy pics of the deer, elk nice ones but he didn't bring anything back only pics...... i want to just get some gear and go out by my self one hear since i have a nice cabin just try and get a tag of the area and then plan a trip....i want to do some bow and riffle hunting ......can you have a bow in riffle season ? i know you cant have a riffle in bow season right.
any one in cali that goes hunting ??
i just moved from redding cal 7 years ago, but hunted the castle cgaigs state park area, snow mountain, big bear once, lots of hunting down there thats for sure. i know when i moved away they were shuting down alotof public land, how is it right now as in public land left to hunt.
Well my grandad was a really big hunter crazy old man i love him.......he raised rabbits to eat when he didn't want to hunt..... hes just to old to go out hunting he wants to but i know he would be in pain the hole time even with some edibles......been telling my dad lets go over and over agian but nothing ........ i know one guy that goes, when i see him this year i will be asking him......he went out for a week hiking hunting took some crazy pics of the deer, elk nice ones but he didn't bring anything back only pics...... i want to just get some gear and go out by my self one hear since i have a nice cabin just try and get a tag of the area and then plan a trip....i want to do some bow and riffle hunting ......can you have a bow in riffle season ? i know you cant have a riffle in bow season right.
i no when imoved away they had a archery only hunt. this alowwed youto hunt with a bow even during rifle season and any zone also. don't no about now. next year i will be hunting cali again, stillhave my moms adress ha ha
i no when imoved away they had a archery only hunt. this alowwed youto hunt with a bow even during rifle season and any zone also. don't no about now. next year i will be hunting cali again, stillhave my moms adress ha ha

sick where abouts in cali do you go hunting ? Do you know where Bishop is ? I want to try and get a tag to hunt around there ..... but i am so new to all this i have to do some reading on permits and tags blabla the rules
sick where abouts in cali do you go hunting ? Do you know where Bishop is ? I want to try and get a tag to hunt around there ..... but i am so new to all this i have to do some reading on permits and tags blabla the rules
all my hunting pretty much was north of redding, and just below MT. SHASTA off I.5.its been 14 years sence i hunted down there.
Bump this up a bit - Hunting season is upon us now - Where's every body going?
I'm headed over to interior AK for Moose the 1st week of Sept.
Pic's to follow.
my hunting doesnt start until mid october. i dont start until after the growing season. around end of oct.
moose would be great.
im hunting white tail in my back yard. lol
From 97-2000 I hunted whitetail with a bow in IL. Killed 7 deer - last was a buck that had shed already. Good eating tho>


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From 97-2000 I hunted whitetail with a bow in IL. Killed 7 deer - last was a buck that had shed already. Good eating tho>
where are you going to hunt this year. i have been scouting the area im going to hunt put up my trail cam here some pics so far...20 more days for me and ill be deep in the bush..:hump: and up and over the mountains


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nice pics guys, i have been through my classes now and got my license just didn't get the tag for the area i wanted, so now i dont know what to do..... i want to look into another place but i thought the raffle was over aww i dont know how all this shit works still grrr i just want to grab my rifle and go, dam tags and paper work.

Any tips for a newbie :dunce: