Is it wrong for a Christian to Smoke Weed.

why is it all these people against religion spend so much time trying to dissect peoples beliefs and spend soo much time in christian threads. angry bout something??
but see, thats "the church" people can be very vicious, and cruel. and im not gunna say that the church didnt, or does try to manipulate ppl. but that has nothing to do with my beliefs, and my relationship with god.

I can agree with you except for one important point. All that you know of the Christian faith comes from the church and nowhere else. It is impossible to separate the Christian faith from the church, which is the true author of the Bible.

What you are left with is a faith without a, to be a Christian you must accept the Bible & the Church. They are one in the same.

Green Cross, I have spouted no hate. I have merely played the Devils advocate with a particular religion. The fact that it causes you consternation doesn't mean I'm a hater. It just means you are devoted to a faith which is not provable. As long as you insist that the Bible is the "word of G*D", you're gonna run into further difficulties. It's just not verifiable except to those who ALREADY believe. The only new converts come from those who do NOT examine the real history of what they are about to absorb. That's a shame, but the church is very good at keeping things very mixed up so the layman cannot figure out the "shell game" with the truth.
why is it all these people against religion spend so much time trying to dissect peoples beliefs and spend soo much time in christian threads. angry bout something??

Could it be that the religous right is not honoring the time honored tradition of seperation of church and state? Hmmm.
why is it all these people against religion spend so much time trying to dissect peoples beliefs and spend soo much time in christian threads. angry bout something??

I feel sorry for the haters, because in the end they are only hurting themselves. Hate ends up eating you up inside - those negative vibes can cause everything from mental illness to cancer, but it's hard to do the right thing.

It's obvious for all to see; these folks lack the power to do the right thing.

Religion isn't about, "do this don't do that, and if you try hard enough you'll be better than everyone else" or repeat these magic words, and you'll be saved" It's about control over sin and death. This thread and the folks who keep bumping it up, only proves most people believe they have little control over neither.

Haters, you can try to deny God all you want, but the creation is Gods witness. Evolutionist have already admitted that the universe isn't old enough to have happened by accident. Can you not see all the miracles in nature, when the evidence can be seen from the telescope to microscope, or is that the reason you need to try so hard to try to explain it all away?
why is it all these people against religion spend so much time trying to dissect peoples beliefs and spend soo much time in christian threads. angry bout something??

I think it is strange that people go completely out of their way to criticize a religion and the people who are members of any kind of church.

Why is it so hard for people to believe and accept another individual's religious choices?

Your right mastakoosh, people who come on to these threads sure seem angry! Maybe a little spirituality could very well help these individuals out whether it be christianity, buddism, judaism, or whatever.
I feel sorry for the haters, because in the end they are only hurting themselves. Hate ends up eating you up inside - those negative vibes can cause everything from mental illness to cancer, but it's hard to do the right thing.

It's obvious for all to see; these folks lack the power to do the right thing.

Religion isn't about, "do this don't do that, and if you try hard enough you'll be better than everyone else" or repeat these magic words, and you'll be saved" It's about control over sin and death. This thread and the folks who keep bumping it up, only proves most people believe they have little control over neither.

Haters, you can try to deny God all you want, but the creation is Gods witness. Evolutionist have already admitted that the universe isn't old enough to have happened by accident. Can you not see all the miracles in nature, when the evidence can be seen from the telescope to microscope, or is that the reason you need to try so hard to try to explain it all away?

We dont hate you as people we HATE what you believe cos its the cause of war, hate and death & what over? FUCK ALL.

Im sure "God" would have loved everyone to fight over what they believe happened.

Feel sorry for us? No MATE i feel sorry for all you maniacs that think everythings gonna be just fine once u die, cos thats BASICALLY what this is all being afraid of dying.

Spose you get off lightly tho cos when ur dead ur dead and u wont know n e different, or that u was completely wrong but when ur dead there is no conciousness to think about things...u just wont be there anymore. i dont know y this is so scary? u will not know n e thing about it!
why would anyone be a part of a crazy backwards hateful archaic religion that makes you have to ask yourself questions like 'is it a sin to smoke or ingest a plant' absurd stupid and ridiculous. what people really need to do is break free from religion in general and come to your own conclusions of what is right and wrong in your own life. the truth will set you free and i promise its not found in the constantly rewritten and misinterpreted bible sorry i give no quarter to religions as there what will cause man kinds imminent downfall. peace.
I think it is strange that people go completely out of their way to criticize a religion and the people who are members of any kind of church.

Why is it so hard for people to believe and accept another individual's religious choices?

Your right mastakoosh, people who come on to these threads sure seem angry! Maybe a little spirituality could very well help these individuals out whether it be christianity, buddism, judaism, or whatever.

Yup...because religion will solve everything. crack me up.

If you's not just the people who don't believe that are getting flustered.

I guess people that are religious don't ever get angry. Because the bible said...
why is it all these people against religion spend so much time trying to dissect peoples beliefs and spend soo much time in christian threads. angry bout something??

For the same reason that all you whacko's try to force your religion upon us. No, we're not angry. Are you? And this is a christian thread? Didn't know there was a christian part of the forum.

Go pray or something...
I'm as peaceful as the next guy. And I do not hate anyone, so don't impose that defect on me. I have not expressed any hate on this thread. I agree, life and all the impossible to understand features of the universe are truly wonders. We see these things and wonder how they possbily could be. But, I have never seen God; I have only witnessed PEOPLE tell me there is a God. Well, those people are no different then me and they haven't seen God either.

The religous right has interjected itself in politics, both here in the US and abroad. Based on religous beliefs, the religous right is attempting to shape American policy. I prefer a policies based on fact, not fiction. I don't hate religous people but I disdain religous politics. So go impose your hate somewhere else; I don't hate.
i think all the anti religious people are angry angry at all the laws murder and other forced controls put on anyone not inline with the dominant religion of the geographical area where they live. stupidity and lack of incite by the masses is one of the greatest problems facing humans. religion rallies non critical thinkers together in a very dangerous manner that causes conflict and murder between religious groups. its getting old wake up people.
i think all the anti religious people are angry angry at all the laws murder and other forced controls put on anyone not inline with the dominant religion of the geographical area where they live. stupidity and lack of incite by the masses is one of the greatest problems facing humans. religion rallies non critical thinkers together in a very dangerous manner that causes conflict and murder between religious groups. its getting old wake up people.

Bang on.

So many wasted brains, we could be so much further advanced if we all dropped this absurd nonsense and pulled together to find out the real truth. :clap:
What kind of Christian are you, who thinks Christianity is just another belief? For me Christianity is a reality, and without it I'm nothing. I'll tolerate other religious and points of view, but they are in no way equal to me.

if you were to say zionism is to blame for all that's wrong in the world, most people will label you an anti semite.

What is a good label for folks who like to blame Christian for the worlds problems? Left wing fanatics?

I'm well aware that Christianity stands in the way of the liberal agenda, because God's word (the Bible) condemns immorality, so Christians must be pushed under the bus.

I'm surprised an entire generation has been brainwashed so easily, but I digress.

Christianity IS just another way of believing. Widen your scope, it's a way of life for you, but not for Joe Shmoe down the road. Believe what you want and accept others no matter what they believe. Life would be so much more simple.
For the same reason that all you whacko's try to force your religion upon us. No, we're not angry. Are you? And this is a christian thread? Didn't know there was a christian part of the forum.

Go pray or something...

I'm a Christian and I don't force my religion on anyone. I'm a little offended at your blanketed statement of "all you wackos;" I'm cool with whatever gods/goddesses anyone chooses to believe or even if you believe in nothing at all. A small portion of Christians ruin your perception of the rest of us. You will never see my thumping my Bible at anyone. It's not my way, nor do I believe it's the right way. Lead by example or don't bother leading at all. That's the only right way, in my opinion.
I'm a Christian and I don't force my religion on anyone. I'm a little offended at your blanketed statement of "all you wackos;" I'm cool with whatever gods/goddesses anyone chooses to believe or even if you believe in nothing at all. A small portion of Christians ruin your perception of the rest of us. You will never see my thumping my Bible at anyone. It's not my way, nor do I believe it's the right way. Lead by example or don't bother leading at all. That's the only right way, in my opinion.

Sorry to offend you.
It's my life, my whole family is christian. Like...hardcore bible thumpers. Always trying to force it on me, telling me stories...especially my grandmother. They kind of ruined it for me. I wasn't in any way referring to just you...just the people that are ignorant and can't be wrong.
Sorry to offend you.
It's my life, my whole family is christian. Like...hardcore bible thumpers. Always trying to force it on me, telling me stories...especially my grandmother. They kind of ruined it for me. I wasn't in any way referring to just you...just the people that are ignorant and can't be wrong.

It's hard to be in a family that's intense about a religion and are closed minded. My fiancé is pagan and my mom tried to get him to go to her church but refused to go to one of his gatherings. To her, that was against her religion. I really hate when people force something on someone else. Life's too short.
I feel sorry for the haters, because in the end they are only hurting themselves. Hate ends up eating you up inside - those negative vibes can cause everything from mental illness to cancer, but it's hard to do the right thing.

It's obvious for all to see; these folks lack the power to do the right thing.

Religion isn't about, "do this don't do that, and if you try hard enough you'll be better than everyone else" or repeat these magic words, and you'll be saved" It's about control over sin and death. This thread and the folks who keep bumping it up, only proves most people believe they have little control over neither.

Haters, you can try to deny God all you want, but the creation is Gods witness. Evolutionist have already admitted that the universe isn't old enough to have happened by accident. Can you not see all the miracles in nature, when the evidence can be seen from the telescope to microscope, or is that the reason you need to try so hard to try to explain it all away?

Hahaha.... back onto the circular logic bicycle??? I see why you are comfortable with Christianity. :lol: Lawdy!!
I can agree with you except for one important point. All that you know of the Christian faith comes from the church and nowhere else. It is impossible to separate the Christian faith from the church, which is the true author of the Bible.

What you are left with is a faith without a, to be a Christian you must accept the Bible & the Church. They are one in the same.

Green Cross, I have spouted no hate. I have merely played the Devils advocate with a particular religion. The fact that it causes you consternation doesn't mean I'm a hater. It just means you are devoted to a faith which is not provable. As long as you insist that the Bible is the "word of G*D", you're gonna run into further difficulties. It's just not verifiable except to those who ALREADY believe. The only new converts come from those who do NOT examine the real history of what they are about to absorb. That's a shame, but the church is very good at keeping things very mixed up so the layman cannot figure out the "shell game" with the truth.

church and the bible are not one in the same. they are more like the left and right hand, one washes the other. the bible is like a written code, and the church is an organized group based on that set code. and there are times where the church can take things to another level. like say smoking weed for an example. the bible has no text saying not to smoke weed, but the church(especially roman catholic) detests bud and the ppl who smoke it. its the same thing with homosexuals, prostitutes, etc. but in the bible jesus says that we should love our fellow man. but the church sometimes turns a text in the bible into hate, which is wrong in my book no matter how they justify it. so u see, i read the bible daily, i believe there is a god, i believe in jesus as our savyour, but there are things that the church has done in the past that i do not agree with and i think they are wrong. if it ever came down to the point where the church was completely corrupted i wouldnt bother with the church at all and i'd start my own branch in christianity