church and the bible are not one in the same. they are more like the left and right hand, one washes the other. the bible is like a written code, and the church is an organized group based on that set code. and there are times where the church can take things to another level. like say smoking weed for an example. the bible has no text saying not to smoke weed, but the church(especially roman catholic) detests bud and the ppl who smoke it. its the same thing with homosexuals, prostitutes, etc. but in the bible jesus says that we should love our fellow man. but the church sometimes turns a text in the bible into hate, which is wrong in my book no matter how they justify it. so u see, i read the bible daily, i believe there is a god, i believe in jesus as our savyour, but there are things that the church has done in the past that i do not agree with and i think they are wrong. if it ever came down to the point where the church was completely corrupted i wouldnt bother with the church at all and i'd start my own branch in christianity
I can tell you from the experience of being a christian that there's nothing about smoking pot being wrong. Think about it, if you believe in god you believe he made everything which means he made pot. Don't you think he knew what it did. Long story short, natural drugs are healthy and spirtual. Man made drugs are evil and unchristian
It goes against the foundation of Christianity.. So YES it is wrong for "Christians" to smoke weed imho.
I'm pretty sure everyone back then was into any drugs they could find....regardless of what a book says....just maybe that explains a few of the "unusual" events in that book...![]()
I'm pretty sure everyone back then was into any drugs they could find....regardless of what a book says....just maybe that explains a few of the "unusual" events in that book...![]()
I must disagree. The Bible COMES from the church, not the other way around.
It was the Roman Catholic Church which PRODUCED the Bible. Let's be clear about that. Under their TOTAL control. They are one in the same.
The Bible is the weapon of the word. The word of the CHURCH.
That'll be three fitty.... amen.
Not so. . . . .The Bible prior to being the Bible was a collection of historical documents from people like kings, scribes, peasants, disciples, and just people who transcribed the accounts of the past, like a historical record. Catholicism had nothing to do with the introduction of the bible other than through it's religion. . .
. . .The religion at the time based on the deity of God was Orthodoxy. Constantine was an emperor/king who followed this religion. On his way to fight the Romans he claims God came to him and told him to defeat the Romans in the name of God. At that time Christianity was just emerging throughout the world. Constantine defeated the Romans and then as acting ruler of the roman empire he decreed Christianity the new religion.
. . .from there we get the Bible. Constantine gathered all the orthodox priests and assembled the Bible from all the text that were relevant to Christianity.
. . .That is were we get the bible in it's first form. Remember, since the bible was written in hebrew and greek the (versions) of the bible are many. Words that are translated into english aren't as easy to transfer. So you have the NIV version, the New King James version, the King James version, the Way, and many mant other versions. All are created to help you understand the stories and principlies of Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit.
. . .if you are closed to religion then no words, stories, or principles can change your mind.
. . .i apologize to everyone on here who has turned from accepting Christ because of the thoughtlessness of those "christians". I was one of them. It is easier to live you own life than to live a life for someone else. God gives us hope for a life beyond our own.
So says the church...... they gave these crazy allegories the wisp of historical significance they do NOT deserve. The Church assembled, edited, and downright threw out stuff to end up with a book they could rule the ppl with. it's pretty simple and no serious scholar considers the Bible to be an historical document, except that it as a book has a history, albeit, only as a book of existence, not as a book of being correct.