best meteor shower pic contest


Well-Known Member
i just decided to throw a simple little contest. who ever takes the best picture of the meteor shower tonight will win. well have a poll when all the entries are put in.

winner will get....

....+rep from me and who ever else wants to give it to them. im broke ok....



Well-Known Member
Maybe 2 of the sky and one to prove the second was taken in the same place.....using some sort of landmark....tree or whatever


Well-Known Member
yeah that sounds good to me... maybe still write riu or your sn just to be extra careful.

well go with that then :-D

anyone going to do this?


Active Member
I will try it, but it is very cloudy right now and I may not get anything, plus I only have a 7.2 mp sony camera and can't increase exposure times so...


Well-Known Member
i only have mental pics but il try,.,.i already started my concentrate regimine for this event,.,.,.bless up.,.,this'l be the best b-day present ever,.,.a gift from outer space


Well-Known Member
well man its 11:14 now here cst. so which side is it spos to be on? meaning N S E W? maybe i havent missed it yet!


Active Member
Well, this sucks. Cloudy and rainy. I did get to see it last year though, and holy shit it was amazing. I saw about 30 HUGE meteors that were so big you could see them streak across the sky for like 4-5 seconds, and all left a very long white vapor streak behind them. They were all coming in from the same direction. They were lit up all different colors white, blue, red, yellow. I wish I could have saw it this year! It is now 4am here and I am still checking a few times an hour to see if the cloud cover has cleared, but no dice yet...


Well-Known Member
they move to0 fast to take a picture of,.,.,theyre flashes of lite moing fast across the sky then they disapear.,.,basicaly theyre sho0ting stars.,.,if i ever seen 1,.,lovely to se3 tho